Well i've done plenty of research pertaining to extracting the archives of this game, and I've gotten things to the very base form. I have here the mesh files for Sauron, as well as the textures needed. Only problem is both are a proprietary format. I was hoping someone would take a look and see if we can extract them properly into something more common and useful.
Guardians of Middle-Earth
- Posts: 706
- Joined: Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:06 am
Re: Guardians of Middle-Earth

This is the first submesh of champ_enchanter_sauron.mesh, the next one will have a FVF of 68. The face count in the image is just random to see if i could get anything to show up, you'll have to inspect the file further to get an accurate count. I had to flip and scale up the UVs to fit the texture but everything eventually lines up.
The .tex files are just .dds with an extra 12 bytes in the header. Open them in a hex editor and delete the first 12 bytes then rename the extension to dds.

- Posts: 376
- Joined: Sun May 31, 2015 2:23 am
Re: Guardians of Middle-Earth
Man, I'm bad at this...I can never seem to make these work properly now matter what I do. I can get extractors to work just fine, but hex2obj seems to hate me. If anyone can make a script for this it would be much appreciated.
- Posts: 706
- Joined: Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:06 am
Re: Guardians of Middle-Earth
yeah but if you want it bad enough you can't wait around for a plugin or tool that might never happen and you gotta learn this stuff

its a nice model and if you want it let me know. I never even heard of this game until you posted this thread, but i'm glad you did because there is some nice models in it.

its a nice model and if you want it let me know. I never even heard of this game until you posted this thread, but i'm glad you did because there is some nice models in it.

- Posts: 376
- Joined: Sun May 31, 2015 2:23 am
Re: Guardians of Middle-Earth
Yes, I would very much like the models...the base models. If you'd like to make a little project out of this I can supply the model files and you can extract them, and we can work together to package them up.
- Posts: 706
- Joined: Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:06 am
Re: Guardians of Middle-Earth
You could try Zaramont's Shadow of Mordor script for 3ds Max
the .mesh files from each game look very similar but i can't test it because i don't have 3ds max.
i wish people would just write Noesis plugins so all could use it
the .mesh files from each game look very similar but i can't test it because i don't have 3ds max.
i wish people would just write Noesis plugins so all could use it

- Posts: 376
- Joined: Sun May 31, 2015 2:23 am
Re: Guardians of Middle-Earth
Sadly it will not...since it requires a .skel file as well, and these do not have them.
- Posts: 706
- Joined: Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:06 am
Re: Guardians of Middle-Earth
did you try both scripts? one is for static objects and other for characters, maybe the static script will work.
- Posts: 376
- Joined: Sun May 31, 2015 2:23 am
Re: Guardians of Middle-Earth
Unfortunately that script also errors. I appreciate your help though, maybe one day we'll get it figured out.