Hello! anyone has encounter this kind of .pak (jpak)? I were trying some scripts to unpack it but them didn't work! Hope anyone have encounter this kind of archive and can help me out! thanks! https://www.mediafire.com/file/6hfpic95 ... Y.zip/file
I have had a quick look it. So, data is encrypted and compressed. Encryption is CRC32 + XOR (enc table (4096)), compression is Snappy. Maybe that will be useful for someone
Last edited by Ekey on Sat May 22, 2021 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ekey wrote:I have had a quick look it. So, data is encrypted and compressed. Encryption is CRC32 + XOR (enc table (4096)), compression is LZMA. Maybe that will be useful for someone
Hii Ekey! I wasn't know it was encrypted :'(. Yep useful information to be more near to get the data. Thank you-