***Make sure you have the "ultra" files installed from the game settings in steam***
1st thing. Download the V3 on page 17
https://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php? ... &start=240
Once you got that you should have a "Projects" folder with a FileNames.list in it. Size around 30-31MB.
Now place the "Projects" folder and the tool into your .tiger directory.
Drop each 001.tiger onto the correct .bat file.
Once finished onto the unpack part. For that download the tools on page 7
https://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php? ... 6&start=90
Run the tool as mentioned for the unpacker and it will unpack all the files. About an hour or two.
Once unpacked you should have a folder called pcx64w inside of the default folder with all the files.
Sort files by size. Now open CMD drop in MA.DRM (NOT MAB.DRM) drop in the drm, then drop in your export folder, THEN!! drop in your decrypted .tiger folder. I called mine D. And unpacked folder U.
Once you got that you will see the meshes process.
Noesis script found here on page 8
https://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php? ... &start=105
Place the script into your "scripts" folder in Noesis. I used fmt_MarvelsAvengers2020_31
Now you can click on your mesh and all is good.
For bones paste in the correct folder to DTPData path in the skeleton.py. Be sure to put it as C://User// with the double / or it will fail.
Once you go that load the bones. Load the mesh. Export as .FBX
Travel to the "Textures" for that you will need this on page 8
https://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php? ... &start=105
Place the script into your "scripts" folder in Noesis. Turn the MAPCD into .dds or .png.