Using Offzip.exe -a I was able to decompress the main file.

After examining some of the larger files I did notice this one was the bodyshell.

I then found the next .dat file which looked like faces and joined it with this .dat

But when I try to find a stride or padding for the faces it has issues. Even when with no padding it fails to load faces.
I think it might be due to this FF FF part. Not sure what it is but i think it has something to do with Tri-strips.

Tried to cut the FF FF out for a test

But I did notice after cutting the FF FF part out the data looks very clean. With no spaces or issues with the face data. 00 is seen in the same column until the end of the file.

I did research UV's and these seem to be correct in the vertex data as well. I didn't have a texture to test.