When we look at bottom of file we can see tfc names and headers for them, after header there comes length of string:

When we go up to startpoint of tfcs we can see count of them here in case 56:

I found out "PC_Imani_Skin00B.Textures.t_pc_imani_id1_skin00b_diff" is at offset 7148 and looked through it. Red for mip levels, Green for size:

I checked if additional info from upk files needed with ue explorer and only thing it needs is texture names. For example i changed 00a to 01a:

Honestly i'm stuck here, any help would be appreciated.
Here's megalink for bin file, tfc, decompressed upk, deamon's and ayman's paladins tfc extractors(you decompile them and look at the source):https://mega.nz/folder/jp8SibYI#f81XTRGIfOgB4JK3n6NWvQ