I am trying to export the .PAK for the new FNAF Game, Security Breach, specifically to find certain audio files within the game (Servomotor sounds that the animatronics emit as they move). However, while trying to extract the files, I consistently seem to run into memory allocation errors when it's trying to extract xalloc.c.

Code: Select all
- error in src\extra\xalloc.c line 618: xdbg_malloc()
Error: memory allocation problem
Not enough memory resources are available to process this command.
Initially, I assumed my PC just ran out of RAM because I had the game running, experimenting with the engine, but even after freeing up as much RAM as I could on my computer, I still ran into the issue - so I have eliminated the possibility of the program running out of RAM, as it never came close to going over 70% the second time I ran the program
I have confirmed that I am using the latest version of QuickBMS, as well as unreal_engine_4.bms to perform the extraction