I got the game files for the Apple Arcade's video game LEGO STAR WARS CASTAWAYS (Gameloft game). I extracted the files and I woud like to get 3D models or textures out of the files. But I only see .tx and .bdae files that I can't open in 3D software. Someone noticed that these files had BCBF and managed to convert bdae files and tx files to dat. But now I am stuck again with dat files, I tried several scripts with quickbms but no success so far. You can find below both bdae and dat version of the same file.
Here you can find another topic I opened for this game (viewtopic.php?f=9&t=16278)
Sorry I'm not very good at ripping files for now, can someone help me out??? I don't know what to do with dat files...
I read about Neomis or QuickBMS or Hex2obj but I can't figure out what to do
