Hi, i'm trying to extract the files from this obb file but none of the current bms scripts are capable. The closest one was This War of Mine bms script viewtopic.php?p=6606#p6606
When i used that script it went into an endless loop and many extracted files were 0 bytes or were overlapping others or cut short.
here is a sample made from the filecutter script
if you need a larger sample i will generate another.
Yeah the the starting cut must be bigger, let's say 10 Mb at least. In the part you provide there is a table with references to unicode names followed by codepages, but no offsets.
get SKIP long get FILES long math NAME_OFF = 0x299bc520 for i = 0 < FILES get SKIP long get OFFSET longlong savepos TMP math OFFSET + 0x53228 goto OFFSET get SIZE longlong savepos OFFSET goto NAME_OFF getct NAME string 0x0a savepos NAME_OFF log NAME OFFSET SIZE goto TMP next i