In my opinion there is an index file other than build.dat. Anyway I used a work-around to get the files but it seems they are compressed using an unknown compression. I leave the work-in-progress script but I think it's not useful:
getdstring DUMMY 10 get DUMMY long get XSIZE long get XSIZE long get SIZE long savepos OFFSET log "" OFFSET SIZE # unknown compression math OFFSET += SIZE math OFFSET x= 0x800 goto OFFSET next
aluigi wrote:In my opinion there is an index file other than build.dat. Anyway I used a work-around to get the files but it seems they are compressed using an unknown compression. I leave the work-in-progress script but I think it's not useful:
getdstring DUMMY 10 get DUMMY long get XSIZE long get XSIZE long get SIZE long savepos OFFSET log "" OFFSET SIZE # unknown compression math OFFSET += SIZE math OFFSET x= 0x800 goto OFFSET next
Thank you very much for your input,
Yes there is a BUILD.TOC that I forgot to provide, Link very shortly being hosted! Stay tuned
DOUBLE EDIT: Made the same mistake on Xentax forum when I first posted (goddammit), way to go Sorry for wasting your time.
I have to also add there are a variety of games in this series, one in particular that might use a different compression is TXR Zero which uses a CDDATA.000 and a .LOC index instead of .TOC.
With the TOC file the work is simpler, but remains the problem of the compression. The second file in the archive is a TIM2, so I launched my scanner but all the results don't match the file format. This is the script:
open FDDE "TOC" get FILES long get DUMMY long get DUMMY long get DAT_SIZE long for i = 0 < FILES get OFFSET long get ZSIZE long get SIZE long get ZERO long math OFFSET *= 0x800 putarray 0 i OFFSET putarray 1 i ZSIZE putarray 2 i SIZE next i
endian big open FDDE "DAT" for i = 0 < FILES getarray OFFSET 0 i getarray ZSIZE 1 i getarray SIZE 2 i if SIZE == 0 log "" OFFSET ZSIZE else goto OFFSET getdstring SIGN 10 get DUMMY long get XSIZE long get SIZE long get ZSIZE long get DUMMY long savepos OFFSET
# unknown compression #clog "" OFFSET ZSIZE SIZE
log "unknown_compression/*" OFFSET ZSIZE # ??? endif next i
aluigi wrote:With the TOC file the work is simpler, but remains the problem of the compression. The second file in the archive is a TIM2, so I launched my scanner but all the results don't match the file format. This is the script:
open FDDE "TOC" get FILES long get DUMMY long get DUMMY long get DAT_SIZE long for i = 0 < FILES get OFFSET long get ZSIZE long get SIZE long get ZERO long math OFFSET *= 0x800 putarray 0 i OFFSET putarray 1 i ZSIZE putarray 2 i SIZE next i
endian big open FDDE "DAT" for i = 0 < FILES getarray OFFSET 0 i getarray ZSIZE 1 i getarray SIZE 2 i if SIZE == 0 log "" OFFSET ZSIZE else goto OFFSET getdstring SIGN 10 get DUMMY long get XSIZE long get SIZE long get ZSIZE long get DUMMY long savepos OFFSET
# unknown compression #clog "" OFFSET ZSIZE SIZE
log "unknown_compression/*" OFFSET ZSIZE # ??? endif next i
Honestly don't know whether my obvious lack of <10 brain cells is causing this issue, but after Selecting the script in a Notepad file (C&P's exactly) both identically named files (first the TOC then the DAT as per the script's process) and the folder, I get the Error no such file or directory. Ah well, I think the unknown compression issue pretty much kills 99.9% of the chance of getting stuff from this game without an offical SDK from Genki. Heck, I might try and contact them sometime. Ah well, onwards and upwards onto other games of which there are numerous opportunities.
Thanks again for your efforts, they are greatly appreciated.
Well, out of the entire extraction the only unknown compression files were all under 500kbs, and most of the obtain files are .DATs- two of which are 1GB a piece. Now I can take alittle inference to work out that either of these might contain 1) The maps 2)All the cars.
This will be the last thing I request on this specific game as I think no more could really be done to seperate the .DATs, so the sample files are listed below. I'd probably understand if nothing could really be grabbed from this (due to compression).
EDIT: After some thought I've gone back to the original assumption of the 1GB files containing the car models+ extras and have given samples for that instead.
aluigi wrote:In my opinion that one is audio, like a headerless VAG. There was a tool to play raw PS audio data but honestly I no longer remember the name.
That is one to consider actually- in my opinion, I saw the 4x156MB files as all the textures/minor models for each courses, but there are a pair of 208MB .DATs that also start with the .eUCLy header aswell, as does many of the .DAT files from this 208MB one down to the 1MB ones. Definite pattern here, this'll be the last sample as the pattern means the potential script (if anything) would not be just a single purpose job.. last one. Promise. (Have to be away for a few hours soon anyway)
Note that the x360 files can't be extracted with the current version of quickbms because they use a modified version of uclpack.c where the ucl_decompress_8 is replaced with the ucl_decompress_32. I will add automatic support for it in the next version of quickbms.
Note that the x360 files can't be extracted with the current version of quickbms because they use a modified version of uclpack.c where the ucl_decompress_8 is replaced with the ucl_decompress_32. I will add automatic support for it in the next version of quickbms.
This is awesome work that I'm coming back to check on as I revisit 3DS Max work, however I've come across this issue with all games I've tested in the series (Drift 2 / Drift 1 / 3) which stops them from ever progressing past a few tiny files:
I hope I'm doing this right- selecting the BUILD.DAT/TOC to be used- but otherwise I'm a tad clueless on what's up. Also curious on whether it could work for TXR 3- have my eyes on the Corvette C4 WEST prize
Well, the script is right because those 8 bytes are not a magic or a value or anything. Anyway I have noticed that the uclpack decompressor changes the endianess and doesn't reset it so, I don't know if it may be a problem, but I preferred to fix the script with version 0.2c so can you try it?
If it doesn't work then I need the whole file to analyze.
aluigi wrote:Well, the script is right because those 8 bytes are not a magic or a value or anything. Anyway I have noticed that the uclpack decompressor changes the endianess and doesn't reset it so, I don't know if it may be a problem, but I preferred to fix the script with version 0.2c so can you try it?
If it doesn't work then I need the whole file to analyze.
Yes, this is seemingly working- in that a long list of DATs, TM2s, CL5 etc formats are being produced.
The main ones which I'm interested in will probably be the top few- one 1GB dat, and the other three around 200-100 MB. I can only assume that as the courses, cars, textures or music.
EDIT: Doesn't work for TXR 3. I'll upload the whole BUILD DAT/TOC ASAP.
aluigi wrote:00000bd3.dat is raw vag audio data. 00000bfb.dat is a set of files compressed with uclpack, for example at offset 0, 0x2000, 0x3800 and so on.
Fair does to that as something can be done with your UCLpack script I assume, but here's a link to the full TXR 3 BUILD DAT/TOC you requested.
Just curious, why the format of your files is different than the one provided in the first post of this topic? I mean, do exist various versions of the same game or localizations or what?