I did check uv's and they are here but they are all merged into 1 layer.

Most of the buildings crash too. Pretty much have to go through every model and pray it dont crash.
Vehicles are tricky too. There seems to be 1 very large file and one called "destruct"

The large one seems to be LOD0 but looks like a proxy model

This one is called "destruct" but needs tires and interior.

Maybe we just need a newer umodel. I seen one was uploaded today over on Gildor but that dont support UE5
Textures are bugged too. No matter what i cant get anything to load some issue with mipmaps.

I tried to dump the raw .uasset but could not dial in the texture with rawtex. Even with PS5 swizzle nothing seemed to work here.

I've attatched the .uasset files here if anyone could maybe help in getting these meshes/textures outside of umodel.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uDWYtp ... sp=sharing