Because I didn't decompile the method, I want to test whether the regular method can be decrypted

this Key:"250d7a1a2a9c7c09"
Code: Select all
using IFix;
public class AES
private static string sKey = "250d7a1a2a9c7c09";
public static byte[] Encrypt(byte[] sSrc)
//Discarded unreachable code: IL_0022, IL_0025, IL_002c, IL_0046, IL_0054, IL_0057, IL_005d, IL_0064, IL_007f, IL_0085, IL_008b, IL_0091, IL_0097
//IL_0002: Expected I8, but got I4
//IL_0015: Expected I8, but got I4
//IL_0021: Expected O, but got I8
//IL_003b: Expected I8, but got I4
//IL_0057: Expected I8, but got I4
//IL_0067: Expected I8, but got I4
long num = 1L;
bool flag = WrappersManagerImpl.IsPatched(6360);
int id = 6360;
long num2 = 0L;
return WrappersManagerImpl.GetPatch(id).__Gen_Wrap_192(num2);
public static byte[] Decrypt(byte[] encrypted)
//Discarded unreachable code: IL_0022, IL_0025, IL_002c, IL_0046, IL_0054, IL_0057, IL_005e, IL_0072, IL_008d, IL_0093, IL_0099, IL_009f, IL_00a5, IL_00ac, IL_00b5
//IL_0002: Expected I8, but got I4
//IL_0015: Expected I8, but got I4
//IL_0021: Expected O, but got I8
//IL_003b: Expected I8, but got I4
//IL_0057: Expected I8, but got I4
//IL_006b: Expected I8, but got I4
//IL_0075: Expected I8, but got I4
//IL_00af: Expected I8, but got I4
long num = 1L;
bool flag = WrappersManagerImpl.IsPatched(-1342177280);
int id = 6338;
long num2 = 0L;
return WrappersManagerImpl.GetPatch(id).__Gen_Wrap_192(num2);
Code: Select all
using Cpp2IlInjected;
using IFix;
using UnityEngine;
public class teset : MonoBehaviour
public static string byteStream = "10, 30, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 64, 21, 0, 0, -128, 64";
public static byte[] ParseBytes()
throw new Cpp2IlInjected.AnalysisFailedException("CPP2IL failed to recover any usable IL for this method.");
public static string Byte2Str(byte[] bytes)
//Discarded unreachable code: IL_0020, IL_004a
//IL_0013: Expected I8, but got I4
//IL_001f: Expected O, but got I8
//IL_0029: Expected I8, but got I4
//IL_002c: Expected I8, but got I4
//IL_0034: Expected I4, but got I8
bool flag = WrappersManagerImpl.IsPatched(9640);
int id = 9640;
long num = 0L;
return WrappersManagerImpl.GetPatch(id).__Gen_Wrap_114(num);
private void Start()
//Discarded unreachable code: IL_001c, IL_0023
bool flag = WrappersManagerImpl.IsPatched(9641);
private void AES_Encrypt()
//Discarded unreachable code: IL_001e, IL_0021, IL_003a, IL_0047, IL_0066, IL_0131
//IL_0002: Expected I8, but got I4
//IL_004a: Expected I8, but got I4
//IL_012b: Expected O, but got I4
long num = 1L;
bool flag = WrappersManagerImpl.IsPatched(9642);