This game is available for PC and mobile devices and the models seem to be stored inside .lzs and .lza files, the lzs can be extracted with the script below and the resulting .bum files seem to be a similar format used in Senran Kagura/ToLoveRu games but slightly different which can't be loaded/converted with current tools for those games (as far as I know):
Code: Select all
#Quickbms Script
#by chrrox
comtype LZSS0
get zsize asize
get size long
math zsize -= 4
if SIZE & 0x80000000
log MEMORY_FILE 4 zsize
clog MEMORY_FILE 4 zsize size
get files short MEMORY_FILE
for i = 0 < files
get null short MEMORY_FILE
get type short MEMORY_FILE
get offset long MEMORY_FILE
get size long MEMORY_FILE
get id long MEMORY_FILE
get name basename
getdstring name2 0x30 MEMORY_FILE
string name + \
string name + name2
log name offset size MEMORY_FILE
next i