I don't know how open.
If there is no QQSpeed VFS Extractor,May tell me how to VFS.
This is gamemodel.
I need extract it.
My English bad,May express is not so good.
I download Python code.but don't extract.
The following was taken from here:
This is the VFS file format:
long 0x0 = fileheader = "LP2C"
long 0x4 = total folders in Archive (probably

long 0x8 = files in current folder
byte 0xC = length of filename
string 0xC + lof = filename
long 0xC + lof = filesize
long 0xC + lof + 4 = offset of file in archive
long 0xC + lof + 4 + 12 = next file
import sys
import os.path
def readInChunk(fileHandle, chunkSize):
data = fileHandle.read(chunkSize)
data = data[::-1] # reverse it because we're dealing with hex
data = long(data.encode("hex"), 16) #convert it
return data
def recurse(fileHandle, extractSpot):
if os.path.exists(extractSpot) == False:
totalFolders = readInChunk(file,4)
print "Total folders in archive:", totalFolders
totalCurrentFiles = readInChunk(file,4)
print "Total files in current folder:", totalCurrentFiles
# Loop through all files in current folder
for i in range(totalCurrentFiles):
print "\nFile (" + str(i+1) + "/" + str(totalCurrentFiles) + ")"
filenameLength = readInChunk(file,1)
print "Filename length:", filenameLength
filename = file.read(filenameLength)
print "File name is: " + filename
filesize = readInChunk(file,4)
print "File size in bytes:", filesize
junkData = file.read(4)
fileAddress = file.read(4)
print "File address in VFS file: 0x"+fileAddress.encode("hex")
# For some reason there is a chunk of zeroes.
zeroes = file.seek(4, 1) # I forget the enum for it. I know its 1 for current offset.
timestamp = readInChunk(file,8)
print "Timestamp is:", timestamp
print "Dumping " + filename + "..."
preSeekSpot = file.tell()
print "Preseek:",file.tell()
# Go to where the file is
address = fileAddress[::-1]
file.seek(long(address.encode("hex"), 16))
print "Postseek:",file.tell()
extractedFile = open(extractSpot + "/" + filename, "w+")
data = file.read(filesize)
# Go back to where we were
for i in range(totalFolders):
foldernamelength = readInChunk(file,1)
print "Foldername length:", foldernamelength
foldername = file.read(foldernamelength)
print "Folder name is: " + foldername
recurse(file, extractSpot + "/" + foldername)
if __name__ == "__main__":
EXTRACT_SPOT = "extract/"
# Test to see if the file is there and not a directory
if os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]) == False or os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]) == False:
print "Given file does not exist or is not a file."
# Open the file
print "Opening " + sys.argv[1] + "..."
file = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
# Read off the file header:
fileHeader = file.read(4)
print "File header is " + fileHeader
if fileHeader != "LP2C":
print "File is not a VFS file. Exiting."
print "File is a VFS file."
recurse(file, EXTRACT_SPOT)