Yes, in perhaps the world's most gratuitous format comes this game, a Tokyo Xtreme Racer MMO slated for release that never came to be. Thankfully, there was a beta test which someone managed to find the installer for and game is accessible.. well, without a server, only the login screen boots so no Ninja Ripper possibilities there.
Here's the dead website (hehe): http://www.4gamer.net/patch/demo/syutokou.html
Because the files are pretty small, I'll list textures aswell.
.MMDL= Main Model format. Used for car bodys, parts of the map, tyre models, etc. To my knowledge all start with the string header 'LDMM'
.MMDLUSER= Don't have a clue, bunch of duplicate files alongside Tyre Models, Wheel disk Models (Everything in the FOT folder that's highly abbreviated). Under 10kb and most have odd patterns, really don't know what they are and what data they actually have.
.MIA= Main Texture format. Used for everything from cars to tyres.
.PRTS= all 1KB files, perhaps dummys for future use in defining Car Aero parts/etc. Can't really denote them as anything else.
.DLS= Assumed sound files, the three that exist are 'AllEngines' 'RaceSE' and 'SystemSE'. Makes sense really.
.DPP= Found in the root of the COURSE folder (track data), to my knowledge has no other file like it in the game folder.
CDDATA.NAM= Just an oddly named file type which references all the models plus some missing folders which shows .TM2 textures and some bins:
Code: Select all
There's a bunch of odd .CMP and .CLA 6MB a piece files that just look like lazy file types, kindof like how .MMDLUSER is used.
It'd really help if you just downloaded the 70MB installer here to look at the files, no viruses/etc, this game was abandoned so it's legal I assume. Hard to explain every folder without multiple screenshots, so it's help alot.
Link is here:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/tunmj ... Online.exe
If .MMDLs can be viewed, then the cars and more importantly parts of the map can be viewed which are all split off into different folders but I'd piece them together to finally create a Wagan line from the Tokyo Xtreme Racer series that I can use in different games.