Is the directory structure the original one? I mean, are Toc and PcPacks the real original folders or you created them? I ask it because if we have to read the toc file then we need to know the exact location of the pcpack archives to open (same folder? different folders?).
Considering that there is nothing in common in these 3 games (except the pcpack extension) I guess it's better to open 3 different topics just to avoid confusion.
*edit* Just found something on Internet and: - that directory structure is not the original one - the toc files are useless because they have only references to the packs and not to their archives files
Thanks so much aluigi,the script works perfectly! But,after i extract some .pcpack files i got additional folders and .dat/.pcm files. Do you know how to open them? samples here:!2kQSHawQ!pb226MS1iJev ... 9J4lMhE5AU
Diffucult to work with custom types of files and not my field, basically: folder 8: text folder 6: dds folder 21: maybe some audio codec from offset 0x1000? folder 24: "COLL" magic