Thanks for everyone who provided me with material for interesting research, riddles and puzzles

Bitsquid / Stingray engine extractor for achives(bundles)/audio banks/subtitles
(Warhammer, Magicka 2, Wizard Wars, Showdown Effect, Gauntlet, Helldivers, Warhammer: End Times )
Evolution engine sound convertor/decoder
(Dark Sector, Darkness II, Star Trek, Warframe )
FMOD FSB files extractor (through their API)
Very simple program decoding banks into WAV files, that works with CELT/OGG sounds which cannot be extracted other way.
Need For Speed sound banks extractor/decoder/encoder (GIN, ABK)
These are audio banks containing engine acceleration/deceleration, other sounds/sfx like sirens, traffic, menu, etc.
SimCity audiobanks decoder (AB files)
Dead Space 3 list of hashed file names (1100+ names were unknown before)
Dead Space 1/2/3 sound banks extraction/decoding
Batman audio banks/voices/music extractor with proper names
(Batman: "Knight", "Origins" & "City" games supported)
Koei Tecmo newest sound bank extractor
(games like Dynasty Warriors 7, Dragon Quest Heroes)
Zench's Ealayer3 tool corrected by me to support new formats
Metal Gear Solid 4 - MTA2 audio format research
(unique unknown before XA ADPCM variant only seen in this game)
Lots of Frostbite 2/3 python scripts & tools to dump archives / decode audio with proper names
Based on what's left of Frankelstner's work, corrected and restored, partly rewritten, they are in a mess now, because every game usually require its own combination of archive format/compression, but I was able to make it work for all games I was asked to, including:
- Army of Two The Devils Cartel
- Battlefield 3
- Battlefield 4
- C&C Generals
- Dragon Age Inquisition
- STAR WARS Battlefront