Salt and Sanctuary language files
- Posts: 69
- Joined: Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:31 pm
Salt and Sanctuary language files
Hey there!
A new Souls-like game has just been released on PC, which is called Salt and Sanctuary.
The strings are located in various extension using files, such as zlx, zsx, ztx, zdx and so on. I assume the z and x stays the same, and the middle letter is based on what type of file it is (s is for skills, l is for loot, d is for dialogue and t is a strings.ztx file, maybe it relates to text?)
Anyways I don't see much difference between the files, and because I'm at work I can't test them if I can modify them or not.
If possible I need an export/import program for this, so that it can be easily edited.
I've attached the strings.ztx as a sample file, as it was the smallest one (these files range from 143 kbyte to 2 Mb).
I've arrived from work and started experimenting with the game's files. If I write a string longer or shorter than it initially is, then the game refuses to start. Unicode characters are working fine (the ones that I need anyways).
A new Souls-like game has just been released on PC, which is called Salt and Sanctuary.
The strings are located in various extension using files, such as zlx, zsx, ztx, zdx and so on. I assume the z and x stays the same, and the middle letter is based on what type of file it is (s is for skills, l is for loot, d is for dialogue and t is a strings.ztx file, maybe it relates to text?)
Anyways I don't see much difference between the files, and because I'm at work I can't test them if I can modify them or not.
If possible I need an export/import program for this, so that it can be easily edited.
I've attached the strings.ztx as a sample file, as it was the smallest one (these files range from 143 kbyte to 2 Mb).
I've arrived from work and started experimenting with the game's files. If I write a string longer or shorter than it initially is, then the game refuses to start. Unicode characters are working fine (the ones that I need anyways).
- Posts: 20
- Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:53 am
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
it's a best game
and i wish to translate it to chinese too
can anyone export *.ztx *.zdx textfile
and i have done a little text too, if i have all done i'll give it to SKA
my english bad but my chinese GOOD! (not a little good it's a BIG GOOD at chinese)
Origins 出身
Tristin 崔斯庭
Kadania 卡丹尼亚
Kar'hi 卡尔希
Kulka'as 库尔加斯
Coastrock 岸岩地
Jonas' Landing 约拿登陆地
Askaria 阿斯卡里亚
Citadel 大堡塞
Liven 利维恩
Dor Isle 多里岛
Taenibir 丹尼博
Markdor 玛柯铎
Jinderen 金德伦
Gulchmire 古赫大沼
Places and Locations 区域和地点
Shivering Shore 颤栗海岸
The Festering Banquet 溃烂宴厅
Bandit's Pass 匪徒隘口
Village of Smiles 微笑村寨
The Watching Woods 守望森林
Sunken Keep 沉陷要塞
Castle of Storms 风暴堡垒
Mal's Floating Castle 马尔浮堡
Red Hall of Cages 牢笼红馆
Cran's Pass 克兰驿道
Hager's Cavern 哈格洞穴
Mire of Stench 恶臭沼泽
The Far Beach 遥望海滩
Dome of the Forgotten 遗忘拱堂
Ziggurat of Dust 尘砂灵塔
The Ruined Temple 废弃神庙
Pitchwoods 矗立树林
Siam Lake 暹罗大湖
The Blackest Vault 深闇藏所
Salt Alkymancery 盐之圣域
Crypt of Dead Gods 亡主地窟
The Still Palace 静滞宫殿
Creeds 教派
The Three 三权分位
Devara's Light 铎拉圣光
The Iron Ones 钢铁之源
The Stone Roots 磐石之根
Keepers of Fire and Sky 火空护卫
The House of Splendor 金辉之家
Order of the Betrayer 反叛秩序
Black Sands Sorcerer 黑沙巫师
Boatman 船夫
Catmerch 猫商贩
Despondent Thief 沮丧盗贼
Luna Sage 月光圣职者
Fern 弗恩
Princess 公主
Princess' Maid 公主女仆
Ship Captain 船长
The Candlelit Lady 烛光夫人
Old Man 老头
Alde Griggs 阿尔德·格里格斯
Peasant 农夫
Minty Skell 明蒂·史凯尔
Mad Jester 疯癫小丑
Masterless Knight 无主骑士
Nomad 游牧人
The Mirekeeper 大沼守卫
Beastiary 怪物图鉴
Alkymancery Knight 圣域骑士
Angsty Bones 焦躁骷髅
Armor Guardian 重装守护者
Armor Mite 装甲螨怪
Bedspider 熔床蜘蛛
Blade Wraith 利刃怨灵
Bloated Monstrosity 浮肿怪
Bola Eye 束缚眼怪
Bound Arrox 迅猛兽
Bronze Axe Knight 青铜斧骑士
Bronze Knight 青铜剑骑士
Caged Man 牢笼人
Carsejaw the Cruel 残暴者卡瑟鸠
Cave Keeper 洞穴守卫
Chained Man 锁链人
Clay Hybrid 粘土杂合怪
Clay Phantom 粘土幻影
Court Sorcerer 仲裁巫师
Crypt Keeper 地窟守卫
Disemboweled Husk 破膛躯壳者
Dread Horseman 恐惧骑兵
Dread Horseman (Mounted) 恐惧骑兵(骑马)
Dropspider 丢砸蜘蛛
Drowned Archer 溺亡弓箭手
Drowned Bandit 溺亡匪徒
Drowned Berzerker 溺亡狂战士
Drowned Marauder 溺亡劫掠者
Drowned Peasant 溺亡农夫
Drowned Porcelain 溺亡瓷面娃
Drowned Raider 溺亡突袭者
Drowned Soldier 溺亡士兵
Emberskull 余烬头骨
Feral Beast 凶猛兽
Fetal Brat 胚胎小怪
Flying Spider 飞翅蜘蛛
Gaoler 看守狱卒
Gravewalker 墓行者
Guardian Mage 守护者法师
Guardian of Devara 铎拉守护者
Guardian of the Three 三权守护者
Hanged Man 吊死者
Heartseeker 觅心眼怪
Hornet Steel 马蜂钢刺
Hunting Bones 狩猎骷髅
Impaled Knight 刺刑骑士
Kraekan Cyclops 克拉肯独眼巨怪
Kraekan Dragon Skourzh 克拉肯巨龙斯考兹
Kraekan Wyrm 克拉肯亚龙
Lepris 麻风信徒
Lietch 妖师
Mage of Devara 铎拉法师
Marauder 劫掠者
Mimku 伪装怪
Mother Merle 母体笼怪
Murdiella Mal 暗杀者马尔
Pale Witch 苍白巫女
Poison Cytoplasm 毒胞浆
Primitive Bones 野蛮骷髅
Red Lord 腥红领主
Retchfeeder 呕噬者
Ronin Cran 浪行者克兰
Rotten Crossbowman 腐烂强弩手
Rotten Raider 腐烂突袭者
Rotten Walker 腐烂行走者
Saltbat 盐蝠
Saltfin Creature 盐鳍兽
Saltless 无盐者
Sanctuary Guard 教所守护者
Skullbat 头骨蝠
Spear Imp 长矛小鬼
Spindlebeast 草泥马兽
Split Swordsman 裂击剑士
Stenchpod 恶臭齿夹
That Stench Most Foul 污秽恶臭兽
The Architect 建物者
The Bloodless Prince 无血王子
The Coveted 贪婪之斧
The Coveting 贪婪之灵
The Dried King 干涸之王
The False Jester 虚妄小丑
The Forgotten Judge 遗忘法官
The Forgotten King 遗忘君王
The Forgotten Knight 遗忘骑士
The Mad Alchemist 癫狂术师
The Nameless God 无名之主
The Queen Of Smiles 微笑女王
The Sodden Knight 沉浸骑士
The Third Lamb 第三羔羊
The Tree of Men 树人尸怪
The Unskinned 活体无皮者
The Unspeakable Deep 晦名深邃
The Untouched Inquisitor 勿触判罚者
The Witch of the Lake 大湖巫女
Thing of Arms 肢体怪
Torturer 刑拷者
Vacant Blades 利刃虚灵
Vexing Brat 恼怒小怪
Vile Guard 狡诈守护者
Vilehawk 狡诈鹰击者
Whisperlady 呢喃女士
Whisperman 呢喃男士
White Knight 惨白骑士
Wrathful Dead 怨愤亡者
Classes 职业
Knight 骑士
Mage 法师
Paladin 圣骑
Thief 盗贼
Chef 厨子
Cleric 牧师
Pauper 贫民
Hunter 猎人
Main Stats 基础属性
Strength 力量 提升力量武器的伤害加成 Strength improves attack of strength-scaled weapons.
Endurance 体质 决定着装备重量上限 Endurance determines your maximum equipment load.
Dexterity 技巧 提升技巧武器的伤害加成 Dexterity improves attack of dexterity-scaled weapons.
Willpower 持久 决定着精气值的上限 Willpower determines your maximum Stamina.
Magic 魔力 提升魔力武器的伤害加成\n提高法术咒语的技能效果 Magic improves effectiveness of magical spells and incantations, as well as magic-scaled weapons.
Wisdom 智慧 提升智慧武器的伤害加成\n提高神圣祷言的技能效果 Wisdom improves effectiveness of prayers, as well as wisdom-scaled weapons.
Combat Stats 战斗属性
Health 生命 角色的生命值降为0将死亡 The amount of life the player has. The player will die when it reaches zero.
Focus 法能 施放魔法(法术、咒语、祷言)要消耗魔法能量(不能自动回复) Works as a magic bar, depletes when you use spells and incantations.
Stamina 精气 武器攻击、施放魔法、行动翻滚、盾牌格挡要消耗体力精气(可以自动回复) This determines the amount of attacking, spell casting, rolling and blocking the player can do before letting it recharge.
Attack 攻击力 装备武器的攻击数值 The amount of damage the player will do with the equipped weapon.
Drop Rate 掉落率 击杀怪物后的道具掉落几率(数值越大掉落率越高) The rate at which items are likely to drop from enemies. Increasing this stat increases the probability of item drops.
Equip 装备重量 角色所能的装备负重量(数值越大装备可以越重) This stat represents how much the player can carry before he is overburdened. Increasing Endurance will increase this value.
Defensive Stats 防御属性
StrikeDef 打击防御 对打击(钝器)系攻击的防御数值 The amount of defense you have against strike attacks.
SlashDef 劈斩防御 对劈斩(锐器)系攻击的防御数值 The amount of defense you have against slashing attacks.
FireDef 火炎防御 对火炎(法术)系攻击的防御数值 The amount of defense you have against fire damage.
LitDef 雷电防御 对雷电(法术)系攻击的防御数值 The amount of defense you have against lightning damage.
PoisonDef 毒素防御 对毒素(状态)系攻击的防御数值 The amount of defense you have against poison damage.
HolyDef 神圣防御 对神圣(祷言)系攻击的防御数值 The amount of defense you have against holy damage.
ArcaneDef 秘术防御 对黑暗(咒语)系攻击的防御数值 The amount of defense you have against dark/arcane damage.
Balance 硬直平衡 抵御攻击时的姿态协调平衡性(数值越高越不容易出硬直) The amount of Poise you have against attacks, the more your balance, the more hits you can take before you stagger.
Tree of Skill 技能树
Weapons/Classes 武器/职业
Hunter 猎人 解锁N级软鞭\n+1点持久属性 Whips\n+1 +Willpower
Light Armor 轻甲 解锁N级轻甲\n+1点体质属性 Light Armor\n+1 Endurance
Archer 弓手 解锁N级弓\n+1点技巧属性 Bows\n+1 Dexterity
Masksman 射手 解锁N级弩\n+1点技巧属性 Crossbows/Pistols\n+1 Dexterity
Assasin 刺客 解锁N级匕首\n+1点持久属性 Daggers\n+1 Willpower
Channeler 灵媒 解锁N级法杖\n+1点魔力属性 Staves\n+1 Magic
Magus 贤者 解锁N级魔棒\n+1点魔力属性 Wands\n+1 Magic
Magic User 法师 解锁N级法术咒语\n+1点魔力属性 Spells/Incantations\n+1 Magic
Swordfighter 剑士 解锁N级剑(大型剑双手/单手)\n+1点力量属性 Swords(Greatswords 2H/1H)\n+1 Strength
Pikeman 枪士 解锁N级长柄/镰刀/枪矛(双手/单手)\n+1点技巧属性 Poleaxes/Reapers/Spears(2H/1H)\n+1 Dexterity
Heave Macefighter 勇士 解锁N级大型锤/大型斧(双手/单手)\n+1点力量属性 Greathammers/Greataxes(2H/1H)\n+1 Strength
Defender 卫士 解锁N级盾牌\n+1点持久属性 Shield\n+1 Willpower
Heavy Armor 重甲 解锁N级重甲\n+1点体质属性 Heavy Armor\n+1 Endurance
Berzerker 狂战 解锁N级锤/斧\n+1点力量属性 Hammers/Axes\n+1 Strength
Cleric 牧师 解锁N级神圣祷言\n+1点智慧属性 Prayers\n+1 Wisdom
Items/Stats 道具/属性
Poultice Pouch (HP potion) 药剂袋 增加生命回复物品携带量\n+1瓶生命回复品 Gain an additional healing potion.\n+1 HP potion
Phial Sleeve (Energy potion) 量筒瓶 增加法能回复物品携带量\n+1瓶法能回复品 Gain an additional energy potion.\n+1 Energy potion
Bolstered Dexterity (Dexterity) 提升技巧 提升技巧武器的伤害加成\n+1点技巧属性 Dexterity improves attack of dexterity-scaled weapons.\n+1 Dexterity
Augmented Endurance (Endurance) 增强体质 决定着装备重量上限\n+1点体质属性 Endurance determines your maximum equipment load.\n+1 Endurance
Fortified Strength (Strength) 加强力量 提升力量武器的伤害加成\n+1点力量属性 Strength improves attack of strength-scaled weapons.\n+1 Strength
Renewed Will (Willpower) 更新持久 决定着精气值的上限\n+1点持久属性 Willpower determines your maximum Stamina.\n+1 Willpower
Aged Wisdom (Wisdom) 积累智慧 提升智慧武器的伤害加成\n提高神圣祷言的技能效果\n+1点智慧属性 Wisdom improves effectiveness of prayers, as well as wisdom-scaled weapons.\n+1 Wisdom
Enhanced Magic (Magic) 强化魔力 提升魔力武器的伤害加成\n提高法术咒语的技能效果\n+1点魔力属性 Magic improves effectiveness of magical spells and incantations, as well as magic-scaled weapons.\n+1 Magic
Weapons 武器
Daggers 匕首
Midshipman's Dirk 海军士官生的短刀 0级匕首 Class 0 Daggers
Cutpurse Shiv 盗劫小刀 1级匕首 Class 1 Daggers
Kaltic Razor 卡尔蒂克剃刀 2级匕首 Class 2 Daggers
Pessklaw 培斯毒爪 3级匕首 Class 3 Daggers
Eviscerator 剔骨者 4级匕首 Class 4 Daggers
Opal Tusk 乳白尖牙 5级匕首 Class 5 Daggers
Swords 剑
Arming Sword 武装佩剑 0级剑 Class 0 Swords
Corsair's Backsword 海盗直刀 0级剑 Class 0 Swords
Varangian Spatha 海军突剑 1级剑 Class 1 Swords
Tachi 太刀 2级剑 Class 2 Swords
Flint & Steel 燧火铳剑 2级剑 Class 2 Swords
Steel Centipede 铁蜈蚣鞭剑 2级剑 Class 2 Swords
Virulent Scimitar 剧毒弯刀 3级剑 Class 3 Swords
Lowlander's Greatknife 低地人的大匕首 3级剑 Class 3 Swords
Kraekan Longsword 克拉肯长剑 4级剑 Class 4 Swords
Branding Iron 烙铁剑 4级剑 Class 4 Swords
Shikeimaru 死刑丸 4级剑 Class 4 Swords
Leviathan 圣剑利维坦 5级剑 Class 5 Swords
Hammers 锤
Flanged Mace 凸缘硬头锤 0级锤 Class 0 Hammers
Iron Pot 铁锅 0级锤 Class 0 Hammers
Lump Hammer 铁块锻锤 0级锤 Class 0 Hammers
Morning Star 钉头锤 1级锤 Class 1 Hammers
Harmen Mace 哈曼的硬头锤 2级锤 Class 2 Hammers
Barbarian's Cudgel 野蛮人棍棒 3级锤 Class 3 Hammers
Cephalopounder 乌贼裹棒 3级锤 Class 3 Hammers
Tetruncheon 海胆权杖 4级锤 Class 4 Hammers
Mountain Breaker 开山破击者 5级锤 Class 5 Hammers
Axes 斧
Woodsman's Axe 伐木斧 0级斧 Class 0 Axes
Battle Axe 战斧 1级斧 Class 1 Axes
Raider Axe 突袭双刃斧 2级斧 Class 2 Axes
Batsuichi Tsuka 剖割处刑刃 2级斧 Class 2 Axes
Stone Cleaver 石制切肉刀 2级斧 Class 2 Axes
Red Guillotine 腥红枭首刀 3级斧 Class 3 Axes
Aster Monolith 星晶块砍斧 3级斧 Class 3 Axes
Venom Arbelos 毒液尖斧 4级斧 Class 4 Axes
Kraekan Axe 克拉肯斧 4级斧 Class 4 Axes
Axe of Splendor 金辉之斧 5级斧 Class 5 Axes
Whips 软鞭
Bullwhip 赶牛鞭 0级软鞭 Class 0 Whips
Martial Flail 斗战索链 1级软鞭 Class 1 Whips
Wraithclaw 怨灵索爪 2级软鞭 Class 2 Whips
Searing Manacle 灼热缚索鞭 3级软鞭 Class 3 Whips
Scorpion Tail 蝎尾鞭 3级软鞭 Class 3 Whips
Sacrificial Garrote 献祭绞链 4级软鞭 Class 4 Whips
Construct Coil 链钉绞索 5级软鞭 Class 5 Whips
Phoenix Tail 凤凰之尾 5级软鞭 Class 5 Whips
Poleaxes 长柄
Oar 船桨 0级长柄 Class 0 Poleaxes
Infantry Pollaxe 步兵钺 1级长柄 Class 1 Poleaxes
Guardsman's Halberd 卫兵长戟 2级长柄 Class 2 Poleaxes
Naginata 薙刀 3级长柄 Class 3 Poleaxes
Kumo Sasumata 屠蛛双叉戟 3级长柄 Class 3 Poleaxes
Headsman's Voulge 刽子手宽刃刀 4级长柄 Class 4 Poleaxes
Tainted Ranseur 污染三叉戟 5级长柄 Class 5 Poleaxes
Trinity Bardiche 三合斧枪戟 5级长柄 Class 5 Poleaxes
Spears 枪矛
Pitchfork 干草叉 0级枪矛 Class 0 Spears
Soldier's Spear 士兵长矛 0级枪矛 Class 0 Spears
Trident 三叉枪 1级枪矛 Class 1 Spears
Breach Pike 突刺骑枪 1级枪矛 Class 1 Spears
Razorback 剃刀矛枪 2级枪矛 Class 2 Spears
Stardust Spire 星屑螺纹枪 3级枪矛 Class 3 Spears
Adder Fang 浸毒刺矛 3级枪矛 Class 3 Spears
Umbral Partisan 虚影游击枪 4级枪矛 Class 4 Spears
Overlord's Bident 霸主双股叉 5级枪矛 Class 5 Spears
Reapers 镰刀
Haymaker 割草镰 1级镰刀 Class 1 Reapers
War Scythe 战镰 2级镰刀 Class 2 Reapers
Red Eclipse 腥红圆月镰 2级镰刀 Class 2 Reapers
Purifier 裁决净化镰 3级镰刀 Class 3 Reapers
Rusted Greatladle 赤锖长柄巨镰 3级镰刀 Class 3 Reapers
Gravedigger 掘墓骨镰 4级镰刀 Class 4 Reapers
Saltreaver 掠盐之镰 5级镰刀 Class 5 Reapers
Greatswords 大型剑
Kureimoa 大剑 1级大型剑 Class 1 Greatswords
Shrouded Bulwark 壁垒巨剑 2级大型剑 Class 2 Greatswords
Chitin Obelisk 尖壳剑 2级大型剑 Class 2 Greatswords
Black Widow 黑寡妇 2级大型剑 Class 2 Greatswords
Jaws of Death 死亡之颚 2级大型剑 Class 2 Greatswords
Seawolf Cutlass 海狼弯刃剑 3级大型剑 Class 3 Greatswords
Northern Cross 北十字巨剑 3级大型剑 Class 3 Greatswords
Scharfrichter 处决者 4级大型剑 Class 4 Greatswords
Trinity Greatsword 三合巨剑 5级大型剑 Class 5 Greatswords
Blade of Envy 嫉怨之刃 5级大型剑 Class 5 Greatswords
Greathammers 大型锤
Warhammer 战锤 1级大型锤 Class 1 Greathammers
Monstrous Mace 丑陋巨锤 2级大型锤 Class 2 Greathammers
Obsidian Pillar 黑曜石锤柱 3级大型锤 Class 3 Greathammers
Bonecrusher 碎骨者 4级大型锤 Class 4 Greathammers
Trinity Scepter 三合杖锤 5级大型锤 Class 5 Greathammers
Greataxes 大型斧
Outlaw Greataxe 歹徒巨斧 1级大型斧 Class 1 Greataxes
Headtaker 夺颅者 2级大型斧 Class 2 Greataxes
Iron Butterfly 钢铁蝶翅斧 3级大型斧 Class 3 Greataxes
Earthsplitter 裂地者 4级大型斧 Class 4 Greataxes
The Coveted 贪婪之斧 5级大型斧 Class 5 Greataxes
Castaway's Greatadze 废弃巨锚斧 5级大型斧 Class 5 Greataxes
Bows 弓
Self Bow 单弓 0级弓 Class 0 Bows
Vilehawk Bow 狡诈鹰击者弓 1级弓 Class 1 Bows
Bloodwood Bow 血木弓 2级弓 Class 2 Bows
Aegis Greatbow 庇护巨弓 3级弓 Class 3 Bows
Recurve Bow 反曲弓 4级弓 Class 4 Bows
Gravewalker Greatbow 墓行者巨弓 5级弓 Class 5 Bows
Crossbows 弩
Platoon Crossbow 排弩 1级弩 Class 1 Crossbows
Bloodwood Crossbow 血木弩 2级弩 Class 2 Crossbows
Hellfire Arbalest 业火强弩 3级弩 Class 3 Crossbows
Predator Lockbow 掠食锁弩 4级弩 Class 4 Crossbows
Adrasteia 阿德剌斯忒亚精击弩 5级弩 Class 5 Crossbows
Pistols 铳
Flintlock Pistol 燧发火手铳 1级铳 Class 1 Pistols
Dragoon Espingole 抗暴喇叭铳 2级铳 Class 2 Pistols
Lucent Musketoon 闪银短管铳 3级铳 Class 3 Pistols
Mephitic Arquebus 恶毒火绳铳 4级铳 Class 4 Pistols
Mosaic Culverin 拼装长管铳 5级铳 Class 5 Pistols
Wands 魔棒
Saltwood Branch 盐木树枝 1级魔棒 Class 1 Wands
Antler Baton 鹿茸角枝 2级魔棒 Class 2 Wands
Necromancer's Virge 亡灵巫师的节枝 3级魔棒 Class 3 Wands
Rostrum Scepter 喙头枝 4级魔棒 Class 4 Wands
Cocoon Battledore 丝绒珠枝 5级魔棒 Class 5 Wands
Staves 法杖
Scrimshaw Cane 雕壳手杖 1级法杖 Class 1 Staves
Rowan Crosier 花楸牧杖 2级法杖 Class 2 Staves
Channeler's Rod 灵媒法杆 3级法杖 Class 3 Staves
Purgatory Scepter 炼狱权杖 4级法杖 Class 4 Staves
Saira's Staff 塞拉之杖 5级法杖 Class 5 Staves
Shields 盾牌
Wooden Targe 木靶盾 0级盾牌 Class 0 Shields
Buckler 小圆盾 0级盾牌 Class 0 Shields
Heater Shield 熨形盾 0级盾牌 Class 0 Shields
Escutcheon 圆靶鸢盾 0级盾牌 Class 0 Shields
Palatine Kite Shield 圣骑鸢盾 0级盾牌 Class 0 Shields
Cleric's Kite Shield 牧师鸢盾 0级盾牌 Class 0 Shields
Teuthis Shield 乌贼盾 1级盾牌 Class 1 Shields
Raider's Targe 突袭靶盾 1级盾牌 Class 1 Shields
Vinemesh Peltarion 藤网护盾 1级盾牌 Class 1 Shields
Sunset Kite Shield 夕阳鸢盾 1级盾牌 Class 1 Shields
Gangplank Mantlet 艞板防盾 1级盾牌 Class 1 Shields
Askarian Scutum 阿斯卡里亚长盾 1级盾牌 Class 1 Shields
Silver Shield 银制盾牌 2级盾牌 Class 2 Shields
Phoenix Rondache 凤凰圆靶盾 2级盾牌 Class 2 Shields
Bloodbrow Scutum 血脊长盾 2级盾牌 Class 2 Shields
Mirror Shield 镜盾 2级盾牌 Class 2 Shields
Kraekan Greatshield 克拉肯大盾 2级盾牌 Class 2 Shields
Boeotian Greatshield 皮奥夏大盾 2级盾牌 Class 2 Shields
Flayer's Rack 剥皮撑架盾 2级盾牌 Class 2 Shields
Pendragon Targe 巨龙靶盾 3级盾牌 Class 3 Shields
Type 46 Tower Shield 四六式塔盾 3级盾牌 Class 3 Shields
Carapace Pavise 坚壳防箭立盾 3级盾牌 Class 3 Shields
Umbral Aegis 虚影庇护者 4级盾牌 Class 4 Shields
Oppressor's Greatshield 暴君大盾 4级盾牌 Class 4 Shields
Ashen Effigy 灰白雕像长方盾 4级盾牌 Class 4 Shields
Iron Rampart 钢铁堡垒 4级盾牌 Class 4 Shields
Pruina Scutum 霜雪长方盾 4级盾牌 Class 4 Shields
Tainted Greatshield 污染大盾 5级盾牌 Class 5 Shields
Armor 防具
Light Helms 轻型头盔
Beggar's Hood 乞丐罩帽 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Merchant's Fez 商人毡帽 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Rogue's Mask 盗贼面罩 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Palatine Coif 圣骑头罩 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Aristocrat's Veil 贵族面巾 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Jester's Crown 小丑头冠 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Patched Hood 补丁罩帽 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Corsair's Bandana 海盗头巾 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Mask of Splendor 金辉面具 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Amethyst Hood 紫晶罩帽 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Chef's Toque 厨子高帽 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Ghastly Gourd 南瓜套帽 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Crimson Hood 深红罩帽 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Priest's Zucchetto 牧师瓜帽 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Raptor Visor 猛禽覆面 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Frayed Sugegasa 磨旧斗笠 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Clay Mask 粘土面具 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Malva Koukoulion 锦葵教冠 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Torturer's Veil 刑拷面巾 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Sadist's Veil 施虐面巾 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Guide's Cap 向导便帽 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Alchemist's Mask 术士面具 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Stella Triregno 永恒冠冕 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Boatman's Sugegasa 船夫斗笠 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Yokai Mask 妖怪面具 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Grim Headdress 残酷饰冠 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Assassin's Cowl 刺客兜帽 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Evanescent Cowl 隐熄兜帽 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Top Hat 顶戴礼帽 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Pigeon Mask 鸽子面具 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Tarnished Coronet 玷污宝冠 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Bloodbrow Barbute 血脊面盔 4级轻甲 Class 4 Light Armor
Steepled Hat 尖头礼帽 5级轻甲 Class 5 Light Armor
Alkymancer's Veil 圣域面巾 5级轻甲 Class 5 Light Armor
Light Chests 轻型护甲
Beggar's Rags 乞丐烂衫 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Merchant's Dolman 商人袍衫 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Blacksmith's Apron 铁匠围腰 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Rogue's Jacket 盗贼短衣 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Cotton Tunic 棉制外套 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Acolyte's Kontusz 侍仆教袍 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Aristocrat's Corset 贵族束衣 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Sorcerer's Kurta 巫师袖衫 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Jester's Motley 小丑花衫 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Patched Rags 补丁烂衫 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Corsair's Vest 海盗背心 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Sohei Kesa 僧兵袈裟 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Amethyst Bodice 紫晶紧胸 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Chef's Apron 厨子围腰 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Crimson Tabard 深红布衣 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Priest's Dalmatic 牧师法衣 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Ragged Hanten 破烂缠袄 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Raptor Brigandine 猛禽锁甲 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Malva Tabard 锦葵布衣 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Guide's Tunic 向导外套 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Alchemist's Coverall 术士套袍 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Stella Soprana 永恒华袍 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Boatman's Mino 船夫蓑衣 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Grim Justacorps 残酷礼袍 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Assassin's Tunic 刺客外套 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Evanescent Cassock 隐熄法袍 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Black Tailcoat 黑燕尾服 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Mildewed Chemise 霉腐衬衫 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Jute Tunic 麻纤外套 4级轻甲 Class 4 Light Armor
Bloodbrow Cuirass 血脊胸甲 4级轻甲 Class 4 Light Armor
Fleshbound Basque 保鲜短衫 5级轻甲 Class 5 Light Armor
Alkymancer's Simar 圣域衬袍 5级轻甲 Class 5 Light Armor
Light Gloves 轻型手套
Beggar's Gloves 乞丐手套 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Merchant's Gloves 商人手套 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Blacksmith's Gloves 铁匠手套 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Rogue's Gloves 盗贼手套 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Patched Gloves 补丁手套 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Juzu-udewa 念珠腕套 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Acolyte's Gloves 侍仆手套 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Crimson Gloves 深红手套 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Silver Udewa 银制腕套 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Malva Cuffs 锦葵袖腕 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Guide's Gloves 向导手套 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Stella Guanti 永恒镶手 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Grim Bracelets 残酷腕环 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Assassin's Gauntlets 刺客护手 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Black Silk Gloves 黑丝手套 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Mildewed Caraco 霉腐臂套 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Light Boots 轻型靴子
Beggar's Breeches 乞丐筒裤 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Merchant's Fistan 商人褶裙 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Blacksmith's Boots 铁匠靴子 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Rogue's Highboots 盗贼长靴 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Cotton Trousers 棉制长裤 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Acolyte's Boots 侍仆靴子 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Aristocrat's Crinolette 贵族裙衬 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Sorcerer's Lungi 巫师筒裙 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Jester's Slippers 小丑拖鞋 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Patched Skirt 补丁围裙 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Corsair's Boots 海盗靴子 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Sohei Tabi 僧兵步鞋 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Amethyst Skirt 紫晶围裙 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Chef's Trousers 厨子长裤 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Crimson Culottes 深红裙裤 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Priest's Sabots 牧师托裙 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Ragged Hakama 破烂裙袴 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Raptor Sabatons 猛禽铠靴 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Malva Pigaciae 锦葵翘鞋 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Guide's Trousers 向导长裤 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Alchemist's Apron 术士围腰 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Stella Cincture 永恒裹裙 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Boatman's Waraji 船夫草鞋 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Grim Tassets 残酷套衫 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Assassin's Leggings 刺客绑腿 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Evanescent Cincture 隐熄裹裙 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Black Slacks 黑色便裤 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Mildewed Polonaise 霉腐连裙 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Jute Breeches 麻纤筒裤 4级轻甲 Class 4 Light Armor
Bloodbrow Greaves 血脊护胫 4级轻甲 Class 4 Light Armor
Fleshbound Frock 保鲜罩袍 5级轻甲 Class 5 Light Armor
Alkymancer's Gown 圣域罩衫 5级轻甲 Class 5 Light Armor
Heavy Helms 重型头盔
Hunter's Tricorne 猎人角帽 0级重甲 Class 0 Heavy Armor
Leather Sallet 皮革轻盔 0级重甲 Class 0 Heavy Armor
Chain Coif 锁链头罩 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Raider's Ushanka 突袭毛帽 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Predator Bascinet 掠食刺盔 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Onyx Burgeonet 黑瑙角盔 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Steel Armet 钢铁兜鍪 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Doppelsöldner Barbut 王仆面盔 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Warden's Branks 狱卫头笼 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Royalist's Armet 戍王兜鍪 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Kraekan Helm 克拉肯盔 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Russet Mask 褐布面罩 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Split Mask 裂击面具 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Demon Kabuto 恶魔兜钵 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Resplendent Armet 璀璨兜鍪 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Cavalier's Armet 骑兵兜鍪 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Lamprey Barbut 锐喙面盔 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Scorpion Migfer 蝎子面甲 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Titan Armet 巨人兜鍪 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Umbral Visor 虚影覆面 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Tainted Armet 污染兜鍪 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Golem's Head 魔像兜盔 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Overlord's Turban 霸主裹巾 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Heavy Chests 重型护甲
Hunter's Cloak 猎人大衣 0级重甲 Class 0 Heavy Armor
Officer's Frock Coat 军官制服 0级重甲 Class 0 Heavy Armor
Palatine Chainmail 圣骑链甲 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Leather Cuirass 皮革胸甲 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Chain Hauberk 锁链护甲 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Raider's Harness 突袭披甲 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Plate Mail 板金链甲 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Predator Cuirass 掠食胸甲 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Onyx Cuirass 黑瑙胸甲 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Steel Cuirass 钢铁胸甲 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Doppelsöldner Cuirass 王仆胸甲 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Warden's Smock 狱卫披挂 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
White Plate Armor 戍王板甲 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Kraekan Armor 克拉肯铠 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Russet Doublet 褐布紧套 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Split Cuirass 裂击胸甲 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Demon Domaru 恶魔胴丸 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Resplendent Cuirass 璀璨胸甲 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Cavalier's Cuirass 骑兵胸甲 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Lamprey Cuirass 锐喙胸甲 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Scorpion Krug 蝎子铠甲 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Titan Cuirass 巨人胸甲 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Umbral Shroud 虚影披罩 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Tainted Cuirass 污染胸甲 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Golem's Torso 魔像躯铠 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Overlord's Candelabra 霸主烛甲 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Heavy Gloves 重型手套
Hunter's Gloves 猎人手套 0级重甲 Class 0 Heavy Armor
Palatine Gauntlets 圣骑护手 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Leather Gauntlets 皮革护手 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Chain Gauntlets 锁链护手 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Plate Gauntlets 板金护手 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Predator Gauntlets 掠食护手 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Onyx Manifers 黑瑙臂铠 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Steel Manifers 钢铁臂铠 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Doppelsöldner Gauntlets 王仆护手 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Warden's Gloves 狱卫手套 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
White Gauntlets 戍王护手 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Kraekan Gloves 克拉肯手 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Russet Sleeves 褐布袖套 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Split Manifers 裂击臂铠 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Demon Kote 恶魔笼手 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Resplendent Gauntlets 璀璨护手 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Cavalier's Manifers 骑兵臂铠 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Lamprey Gauntlets 锐喙护手 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Scorpion Kolluk 蝎子臂甲 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Titan Gauntlets 巨人护手 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Umbral Gauntlets 虚影护手 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Tainted Gauntlets 污染护手 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Golem's Arms 魔像护臂 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Overlord's Gauntlets 霸主护手 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Heavy Boots 重型靴子
Hunter's Boots 猎人靴子 0级重甲 Class 0 Heavy Armor
Officer's Jackboots 军官筒靴 0级重甲 Class 0 Heavy Armor
Leather Cuisses 皮革腿甲 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Palatine Chausses 圣骑镫靴 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Chain Chausses 锁链镫靴 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Raider's Portyanki 突袭裹足 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Plate Greaves 板金护胫 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Predator Sabatons 掠食铠靴 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Onyx Sabatons 黑瑙铠靴 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Steel Greaves 钢铁护胫 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Doppelsöldner Cuisses 王仆腿甲 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Warden's Chaps 狱卫套腿 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
White Greaves 戍王护胫 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Kraekan Greaves 克拉肯胫 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Russet Leggings 褐布绑腿 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Split Sabatons 裂击铠靴 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Demon Haidate 恶魔佩楯 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Resplendent Cuisses 璀璨腿甲 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Cavalier's Sabatons 骑兵铠靴 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Lamprey Greaves 锐喙护胫 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Scorpion Dizcek 蝎子胫甲 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Titan Greaves 巨人护胫 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Umbral Rhinegraves 虚影裹腰 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Tainted Greaves 污染护胫 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Golem's Legs 魔像护腿 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Overlord's Greaves 霸主护胫 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Items 道具
Key Items 关键品
Bag of Earth 黑土麻袋 交给「弗恩」来换取特别道具 •Bring it to Fern to receive special items.
Bloody Writ 血腥宣告 •Grants access to Order of the Betrayer Creed.
Bone Key 石骨钥匙 开启「哈格洞穴」通往「恶臭沼泽」的门 •Opens the door to the Order of the Betrayer Creed.
Bronze Key 铜制钥匙 开启「哈格洞穴」通往「恶臭沼泽」的门 •Opens locked door in Bandit's Pass right outside Castle of Storms. Behind it you can find the Outlaw Greataxe.
Cellar Key 地穴钥匙 开启「哈格洞穴」通往「恶臭沼泽」的门 •Opens door in Hager's Cavern, leading to merchant Minty Skell. Also opens door leading to The Disemboweled Husk.
Fortress Key 砦寨钥匙 开启通往「匪徒隘口」的门 •Opens door towards Bandit's Pass.
Green Key 绿色钥匙 开启「哈格洞穴」通往「恶臭沼泽」的门 •Opens the door leading to the Mad Jester and The Festering Banquet, allowing the player to bypass The False Jester.
Jagged Key 锯齿钥匙 开启「哈格洞穴」通往「恶臭沼泽」的门 •Opens door towards Grey Pearl and Titan Armor.
Mossy Key 青苔钥匙 开启通往「沉陷要塞」的门 •Opens the door to the Sunken Keep.
Sanctuary Key 教所钥匙 开启位于「颤栗海岸」的初始教所的门 •Opens door to first sanctuary in Shivering Shores.
Spiked Key 钉刺钥匙 开启「哈格洞穴」通往「恶臭沼泽」的门 •Opens door in Hager's Cavern to access Mire of Stench.
Consumables 消耗品
Antidote 解毒剂 治愈中毒 •Cures poison.
Arrow 弓箭 造成普通伤害的弓箭 •Standard ammunition for bows.
Bag of Salt 大袋盐 可获得500点盐 •Use to gain 500 Salt.
Bell of Return 返乡鸣钟 返回至上次所在的教所 •Return to the most recently visited sanctuary or shrine.
Birian Firepot 炎瓮 投掷造成火炎伤害 •Throw to deal fire damage.
Black Salt 黑盐晶 回复「精气」\n「反叛秩序」教徒专用 •Use to restores stamina, restores at sanctuary belonging to Order of the Betrayer.
Blessed Page 祝福书页 为右手武器附加神圣伤害 •Adds holy damage to right-hand weapon.
Blood Vial 血凝瓶 回复「生命」\n「反叛秩序」教徒专用 •Use to restores HP, restores at sanctuary belonging to Order of the Betrayer.
Blue Crystal 蓝晶石 回复「精气」\n「钢铁之源」教徒专用 •Use to restores stamina, restores at sanctuary belonging to The Iron Ones.
Blue Grass 蓝草 回复「精气」\n「磐石之根」教徒专用 •Use to restores stamina, restores at sanctuary belonging to The Stone Roots.
Bolt 弩矢 造成普通伤害的弩矢 •Standard ammunition for crossbows.
Bottled Sky 空之瓶 回复「法能」\n「火空护卫」教徒专用 •Use to restores focus, restores at sanctuary belonging to Keepers of fire and sky.
Box of Salt 中箱盐 可获得5000点盐 •Use to gain 5000 Salt.
Bundle of Salt 中袋盐 可获得250点盐 •Use to gain 250 Salt.
Calling Horn 感召号角 传送至向导所在的教所 •Travel to any discovered sanctuary with a Guide.
Candelabra of the Three 三枝烛台 转换初始教所为「三权分位」教派 •Place at an unclaimed sanctuary to claim it for The Three.
Case of Salt 小箱盐 可获得3000点盐 •Use to gain 3000 Salt.
Chest of Salt 整箱盐 可获得10000点盐 •Use to gain 10000 Salt.
Clarity 醒神瓶 回复「法能」\n「火空护卫」教徒专用 •Use to restores a small amount of focus (about 5 focus per hit, Lasts for 30 seconds), restores at sanctuary belonging to Keepers of fire and sky.
Cleansing Cloth 洁净布帛 消除负面状态 •Rub it to remove various status ailments
Cloth of Blessing 祝福布帛 回复「法能」\n「铎拉圣光」教徒专用 •Use to restores focus, restores at sanctuary belonging to Devara's Light.
Crate of Salt 大箱盐 可获得7500点盐 •Use to gain 7500 Salt.
Crystal Sphere 水晶球 转换为当前教派 •Use to convert a sanctuary claimed by another creed to your own.
Dragon's Tooth 龙牙 投掷造成毒素伤害 •Throwing dagger to deal Poison damage.
Earthen Vessel 土制瓮罐 转换初始教所为「铎拉圣光」教派 •Place at an unclaimed sanctuary to claim it for Devara's Light.
Egg of Wrath 怨愤之卵 打碎蛋卵可同其他玩家的角色来PVP对战\n在线道具 •Crush it to initiate PVP with another player character.
Expunged Heart 抹除心脏 转换其他教派为「反叛秩序」教派 •Used to turn in work orders to Stone leader for Order of the Betrayer.
Flame Arrow 火炎弓箭 造成火炎伤害的弓箭 •Fire ammunition for bows.
Flame Bolt 火炎弩矢 造成火炎伤害的弩矢 •Fire ammunition for crossbows.
Flask of Defilement 亵渎之壶 投掷降低防御和抗性\n提升「反叛秩序」教派信仰度 •Throw to reduced defense and resistances.•Use to increase creed devotion of the Order of the Betrayer.
Flask of Fire 火之壶 回复「生命」\n「火空护卫」教徒专用 •Use to restores HP, restores at sanctuary belonging to Keepers of Fire and Sky.
Flintlock Shot 弹丸 造成普通伤害的弹药 •Standard ammunition for pistols.
Forestfang 霜刃飞刀 投掷造成毒素伤害 •Throwing dagger to deal Poison damage.
Frostgel 冻胶 为右手武器附加霜冻伤害 •Adds frost damage to right-hand weapon.
Glowing Shot 电闪弹丸 造成雷电伤害的弹药 •Lightning ammunition for pistols.
Golden Face 黄金面具 转换初始教所为「金辉之家」教派 •Place at an unclaimed sanctuary to claim it for The House of Splendor.
Goldenwine 黄金酒 为右手武器附加物理伤害\n减少所受伤害\n提升金钱掉落率 •Increaes Physical damage to right-hand weapon.•Reduces damage taken.•Increase Gold find.•Causes Poison if spammed.
Green Jurney Bottle 绿长方瓶 信息放入瓶中可以让其他位面的玩家看见\n在线道具 •Place a message in a bottle that can be read in other worlds.
Grenado 榴弹 投掷造成爆炸伤害 •Throw to deal Explode damage.
Hearty Roll 香烤卷 回复「生命」\n「钢铁之源」教徒专用 •Use to restores HP, restores at sanctuary belonging to The Iron Ones.
Imperial Pitchfire 帝国火油 为右手武器附加火炎伤害 •Adds fire damage to right-hand weapon.
Imperial Shockstone 帝国震石 为右手武器附加雷电伤害\n可在教所补充 •Adds lightning damage to right-hand weapon.•Restores at a Sanctuary.
Iris Wine 鸢尾花酒 回复「精气」\n「金辉之家」教徒专用 •Use to restores stamina, restores at sanctuary belonging to The House of Splendor.
Jurney Bottle 长方瓶 信息放入瓶中可以让其他位面的玩家看见\n在线道具 •Place a message in a bottle that can be read in other worlds.
Lightvessel 光瓮 投掷造成神圣伤害 •Throw to deal Holy damage.
Lilyred Wine 红百合酒 回复「生命」\n「金辉之家」教徒专用 •Use to restores HP, restores at sanctuary belonging to The House of Splendor.
Living Tome 生存籍典 转换初始教所为「火空护卫」教派 •Place at an unclaimed sanctuary to claim it for The Keepers of fire and sky.
Metal Icon 铁球标记 转换初始教所为「钢铁之源」教派 •Place at an unclaimed sanctuary to claim it for The Iron Ones.
Metal Shockstone 金属震石 为右手武器附加雷电伤害\n可重复使用 •Adds lightning damage to right-hand weapon.
Mossy Pessmud 青苔培斯泥 为右手武器附加剧毒伤害 •Adds strong Poison damage to right-hand weapon.
Mountain Warhorn 山脉战斗号角 回复「精气」\n可重复使用 •Use to speed stamina recovery. Reusable item.
Orange Phial 橙黄小瓶 回复「生命」「精气」和治愈中毒\n「铎拉圣光」教徒专用 •Use to restores HP stamina and cure poisoning, restores at sanctuary belonging to Devara's Light.
Pack of Salt 大包盐 可获得2000点盐 •Use to gain 2000 Salt.
Page of Light 圣光书页 为右手武器附加神圣伤害\n可在教所补充 •Adds holy damage to right-hand weapon.•Restores at a Sanctuary.
Page of Suffering 苦痛书页 为右手武器附加秘术伤害\n可用来亵渎叛教 •Adds arcane damage to your right-hand weapon.•Can also be used to desecrate Sanctuaries.
Pessmud 培斯泥 为右手武器附加毒素伤害 •Adds Poison damage to right-hand weapon.
Phial of Undersight 真视小瓶 暂时可以看见「呢喃男士」和「呢喃女士」 •Temporarily allows you to see Whispermen and Whisperladies.
Pitchfire 火油 为右手武器附加火炎伤害 •Adds fire damage to right-hand weapon.
Poison Arrow 毒素弓箭 造成毒素伤害的弓箭 •Poison ammunition for bows.
Poison Bolt 毒素弩矢 造成毒素伤害的弩矢 •Poison ammunition for crossbows.
Potato 土豆 投掷造成物理伤害 •Throw to deal Physical damage.
Pouch of Salt 小袋盐 可获得100点盐 •Use to gain 100 Salt.
Red Flask 赤壶 回复「生命」\n「三权分位」教徒专用 •Use to restores HP, restores at sanctuary belonging to The Three.
Red Grass 红草 回复「生命」\n「磐石之根」教徒专用 •Use to restores HP, restores at sanctuary belonging to The Stone Roots.
Red Shard 红管 回复少量「生命」 •Use to restores slight amount of HP.
Repair Kit 修理包 未使用 •Removed from game.
Sack of Salt 小包盐 可获得800点盐 •Use to gain 800 Salt.
Satchel of Salt 中包盐 可获得1200点盐 •Use to gain 1200 Salt.
Sellsword's Bell 佣兵丧钟 将佣兵遣回原来的位面从而结束联机游戏\n在线道具 •Returns Sellsword to their world. Use to end co-op.
Shockstone 震石 为右手武器附加雷电伤害 •Adds lightning damage to right-hand weapon.
Skull Trophy 颅骨祭品 转换初始教所为「反叛秩序」教派 •Place at an unclaimed sanctuary to claim it for Order of the Betrayer.
Sky Crystal 空晶石 提升魔法伤害 •Increases the damage of magic attacks.
Sky Frostgel 空之冻胶 为右手武器附加霜冻伤害 •Adds frost damage to right-hand weapon.
Sky Shard 空管 回复少量「精气」 •Use to restores slight amount of stamina.
Spiced Mead 香蜜 回复「精气」\n「三权分位」教徒专用 •Use to restores stamina, restores at sanctuary belonging to The Iron Ones.
Stained Page 彩绘书页 为右手武器附加秘术伤害\n可用来亵渎叛教 •Adds arcane damage to your right-hand weapon.•Can also be used to desecrate Sanctuaries.
Steel Arrow 铁制弓箭 造成严重伤害的弓箭 •Steel ammunition for bows.
Stone Acorn 岩石橡果 转换初始教所为「磐石之根」教派 •Place at an unclaimed sanctuary to claim it for The Stone Roots.
Tainted Shot 污染弹丸 造成毒素伤害的弹药 •Poison ammunition for pistols.
Throwing Dagger 飞刀 投掷造成物理伤害 •Throwing dagger to deal Physical damage.
Torch 火把 照明用具 •Can be used at any time to illuminate your surroundings, and activate certain brands.
Tree of Bones 白骨之树 未使用 •Removed from game.
Warhorn 战斗号角 回复「精气」\n可重复使用 •Use to speed stamina recovery. Reusable item.
Water of Blessing 祝福圣水 回复「生命」\n「铎拉圣光」教徒专用 •Use to restores HP, restores at sanctuary belonging to Devara's Light.
Wooden Bottle 木头瓶子 转换初始教所为随机的教派 •Place at an unclaimed sanctuary to claim it for random creeds.
Wraithfang 怨刃飞刀 投掷造成毒素伤害 •Throwing dagger to deal Poison damage.
Materials 材料品
A King's Orders 君王号令 装备强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.•Upgrades Weapons from VI to VII.
A Lord's Orders 领主指令 装备强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.•Upgrades Weapons from IV to V and from V to VI.
A Soldier's Poem 士兵诗记 装备强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.•Upgrades Weapons from II to III and III to IV.
Alkymancery Knight's Ashes 圣域骑士的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Amber Idol 琥珀偶像 变质转化触媒 •Used as a catalyst to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.
Angsty Bones' Rib 焦躁骷髅的肋骨 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Armor Guardian's Ashes 重装守护者的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute any Greathammer into Obsidian Pillar.
Armor Mite Chitin 装甲螨怪的壳质 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Arrox's Ear 迅猛兽的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Bedspider's Tusk 熔床蜘蛛的尖牙 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Black Pearl 暗之珠 技能习得宝珠 •Interact with the Tree of Skill at your cred's Sanctuary to invest points and unlock abilities, improve your potion capacity and improve stats.
Blade Wraith Rib 利刃怨灵的肋骨 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Bloated Monstrosity's Ear 浮肿怪的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Bola Eye Nerves 束缚眼怪的神经 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Bronze Axe Knight's Ashes 青铜斧骑士的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Bronze Knight Ashes 青铜剑骑士的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Caged Man's Ear 牢笼人的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Carsejaw the Cruel's Ashes 残暴者卡瑟鸠的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Cave Keeper's Ear 洞穴守卫的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Charred Doll 焦燃木偶 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.•Upgrades Weapons from regular to I and from I to II.
Charred Locket 焦燃饰坠 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.
Charred Reliquary 焦燃骨匣 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.
Charred Tome 焦燃圣典 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.
Clay Phantom's Ashes 粘土幻影的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Court Sorceror's Ear 仲裁巫师的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Crypt Keeper's Ashes 地窟守卫的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute any Greathammer into Bonecrusher, or any Greataxe into Earthsplitter.
Diamond Cluster 钻尘卵簇 变质转化触媒 •Used as a transmutation material.
Disemboweled Husk's Doll 破膛躯壳者的人偶 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Dread Horseman's Ashes 恐惧骑兵的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Dropspider's Tusk 丢砸蜘蛛的尖牙 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Drowned Archer's Ear 溺亡弓箭手的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Drowned Bandit's Ear 溺亡匪徒的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Drowned Berzerker's Ear 溺亡狂战士的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Drowned Censer 湿漉瓮坛 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade Kraeken weapons.
Drowned Idol 湿漉偶像 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade Kraeken weapons.
Drowned Locket 湿漉饰坠 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade Kraeken weapons.
Drowned Peasant's Ear 溺亡农夫的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Drowned Porcelain's Ashes 溺亡瓷面娃的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Drowned Raider's Ear 溺亡突袭者的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Drowned Soldier's Ear 溺亡士兵的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Drowned Tome 湿漉圣典 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade Kraeken weapons.
Emberskull's Ashes 余烬头骨的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Endless Fang 无尽之牙 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade special weapons.•Upgrades Weapons from regular to I and from I to II.
Enduring Skull 不朽之颅 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade special weapons.•Upgrades Weapons from IV to V and from V to VI.
Feral Beast Tooth 凶猛兽的牙齿 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Flying Spider's Tusk 飞翅蜘蛛的尖牙 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Frozen Doll 冰冻木偶 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.
Frozen Locket 冰冻饰坠 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.
Frozen Reliquary 冰冻骨匣 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.
Frozen Tome 冰冻圣典 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.
Gaoler's Ear 看守狱卒的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Gravewalker's Ashes 墓行者的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Gray Pearl 灰之珠 技能抹除宝珠 •Interact with the Tree of Skill at your cred's Sanctuary to remove invested points.•The pearl will transform into a Black Pearl upon use.
Hanged Man's Rope 吊死者的绳索 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Hateful Jawbone 憎恶之颚 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.•Upgrades Weapons from II to III and from III to IV.
Heartseeker Nerves 觅心眼怪的神经 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Hornet Steel's Ashes 马蜂钢刺的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute any Bow into Aegis Greatbow.
Horsehead's Ear 坐骑马头的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Hunting Bones' Rib 狩猎骷髅的肋骨 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Kraekan Cyclops' Horn 克拉肯独眼巨怪的犄角 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Kraekan Wyrm's Horn 克拉肯亚龙的犄角 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Lepris' Ear 麻风信徒的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Lietch Rib 妖师的肋骨 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Lock of Hair 一束发结 装备强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.•Upgrades Weapons from regular to I and from I to II.
Mother Merle's Beak 母体笼怪的嘴喙 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Murdiella Mal's Ashes 暗杀者马尔的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute any Wand into Cocoon Battledore.
Pale Witch's Ear 苍白巫女的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Poison Cytoplasm Gel 毒胞浆的凝胶 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Primitive Bones' Rib 野蛮骷髅的肋骨 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Red Lord's Ear 腥红领主的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to prove you are a "harvester" and initiate shop services with Minty Skell.
Retchfeeder Maw 呕噬者的胃囊 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Ronin Cran's Ashes 浪行者克兰的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Rotten Raider's Ear 腐烂突袭者的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Rotten Walker's Ear 腐烂行走者的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Saltless' Ashes 无盐者的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Sanctuary Guard's Ear 教所守护者的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Shimmering Pearl 闪亮宝珠 变质转化触媒 •Used as a transmutation material.
Silver Leaf 银制叶子 变质转化触媒 •Used as a transmutation material.
Skourzh's Horn 斯考兹的犄角 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Skullbat Wing 头骨蝠的翅膀 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Spear Imp's Horn 长矛小鬼的犄角 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Split Swordsman's Ear 裂击剑士的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Stone Alchemist 术士石雕像 召集NPC •An NPC appears in your Sanctuary, who will allow to transmute (transform) your weapons into more powerful versions.
Stone Blacksmith 铁匠石雕像 召集NPC •An NPC appears in your Sanctuary, who will give you dialogue options and sell you equipment
Stone Cleric 牧师石雕像 召集NPC •An NPC appears in your Sanctuary, who will give you dialogue options to purchase Prayers.
Stone Guide 向导石雕像 召集NPC •An NPC appears in your Sanctuary, who will give you dialogue and help you travel to other Sanctuaries you have visited.
Stone Leader 教士石雕像 召集NPC •An NPC appears in your Sanctuary, who gives you options to increase your Creed Devotion.
Stone Mage 法师石雕像 召集NPC •An NPC appears in your Sanctuary, who will sell you Spells, Wands and Staves for magic use.
Stone Merchant 商人石雕像 召集NPC •An NPC appears in your Sanctuary, who will give you dialogue options to allow you to purchase items.
Stone Sellsword 佣兵石雕像 召集NPC •An NPC appears in your Sanctuary, who will give you dialogue options to allow you to initiate multiplayer.
That Stench Most Foul's Tooth 污秽恶臭兽的牙齿 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
The Architect's Ear 建物者的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
The Bloodless Prince's Ashes 无血王子的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
The Coveted's Ashes 贪婪之斧的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
The Dried King's Ashes 干涸之王的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
The False Jester's Ear 虚妄小丑的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute any Wand into Antler Baton.
The Forgotten Judge's Ear 遗忘法官的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute Trinity Bardiche.
The Forgotten King's Ear 遗忘君王的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
The Forgotten Knight's Ear 遗忘骑士的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute Trinity Greatsword.
The Mad Alchemist's Ear 癫狂术师的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute Soldier Spear to Trident.
The Nameless God's Ashes 无名之主的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute Blade of Envy or Overlord's Bident.
The Queen Of Smiles' Ear 微笑女王的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute Black Widow.
The Sodden Knight's Ashes 沉浸骑士的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute Shrouded Bulwark.(Other weapons unconfirmed)
The Third Lamb's Beak 第三羔羊的嘴喙 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute any dagger into Opal Tusk.
The Tree of Men's Ashes 树人尸怪的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
The Unskinned's Liver 活体无皮者的肝脏 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
The Untouched Inquisitor's Ashes 勿触判罚者的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
The Witch of the Lake's Ear 大湖巫女的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to Transmute any Staves into Saira's Staff.
Thing of Arms' Ear 肢体怪的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Torturer's Ear 刑拷者的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Twisted Heart 扭曲之心 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.•Upgrades Weapons from VI to VII.
Vacant Blades' Ashes 利刃虚灵的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Vexing Brat's Ear 恼怒小怪的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Vile Guard's Ear 狡诈守护者的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Vilehawk's Ear 狡诈鹰击者的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Whisperlady's Ashes 呢喃女士的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Whisperman's Ashes 呢喃男士的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Wrathful Dead's Bindings 怨愤亡者的缚带 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Rings 戒指
Band of the Humble 谦逊者指环 提升智慧属性值 •Increases Wisdom.
Bandaged Ring 包扎戒指 减轻流血受伤效果 •Reduces wounding effect.
Bloodflower Ring 血葩戒指 提升10%的攻击伤害 •Increases attack power by 10%.
Bloodluster's Ring 放血者之戒 大幅造成流血受伤效果 •Causes wearer's attacks to more frequently reduce foes to bloody chunks.
Brightcoral Ring 碧珊瑚指环 提升持久属性值 •Increases Willpower.
Burning Sky Ring 燃空指轮 降低法术咒语的法能消耗 •Reduces the cost of magic spells and incantations.
Charged Ring 蓄能晶指环 提升魔力属性值 •Increases Magic.
Conduit of Mind 思管指轮 使用魔法时精气消耗降为1/3 •Locks minimum stamina to one third of stamina.
Crystalmoat Ring 晶船指轮 使用魔法时精气消耗降为1/2 •Halves the effect of Focus usage on fatigue.
Dancing Ring 踊舞戒指 提升劈斩防御 •Increase your defense to slash attacks.
Defender's Ring 防护戒指 提升打击防御 •Increases your defense to Strike attacks.
Faithful Ring 信仰戒指 提升秘术防御 •Increases your defense to arcane damage.
Fluke's Ward 附火戒指 提升火炎伤害 •Increase fire damage dealt.
Fused Metal Ring 铁脊髓指环 提升体质属性值 •Increases the wearer's Endurance by 3
Goldenstone Ring 金石戒指 提升雷电防御 •Increases your defense to Lightning damage.
Grasping Ring 握持戒指 提升10%的击杀获盐量 •Provides 10% more salt from slain enemies.
Heartspent Ring 耗心指轮 降低生命值来提升法能值 •Increases MP at the cost of HP.
Impen Crest Ring 邪冠戒指 提升火炎防御 •Increases your defense to fire damage.
Kismet Stone 命运之石 提升道具掉落率 •Increases your item find rate.
Link of Fire and Sky 火空纽带 抵消法术反伤 •Nullifies elemental imbalance.•Elemental imbalance happens when players use the same elemental spell many times - causing them to hurt themselves.
Mending Band 疗愈指轮 生命值再生恢复 •Regenerate HP.
Mossy Ring 青苔指轮 提升精气值再生恢复率 •Increase stamina regeneration rate.
Plated Band 硬板金指环 提升力量属性值 •Increases Strength.
Relentless Ring 不懈指轮 大幅降低战斗的精气值消耗 •Dramatically reduces stamina fatigue from combat.
Ring of Brilliance 光辉戒指 照明周围 •Illuminates surroundings.
Ring of Meditation 冥思指轮 降低神圣祷言的法能消耗 •Reduces cost of divine prayers.
Salt Seeker's Ring 寻盐者之戒 显示失盐地点 •Reveals the location of its owner's missing lost salt.
Shroud Ring 裹布戒指 提升神圣防御 •Increase your defense to holy damage.
Sparkling Ring 火花戒指 提升回复效果 •Increase healing power.
Stone Ring 坚石戒指 提升硬直平衡值 •Increases Balance.
Storm Ring 风暴戒指 提高法术伤害和法术反伤 •Amplifies elemental magic, but also amplifies elemental imbalance.
Symbol of Affluence 富饶徽记 提升金钱掉落率 •Increases Gold find rate.
Trickster's Band 杂耍者指环 提升技巧属性值 •Increases Dexterity.
Twinmetal Ring 荆棘戒指 大幅提升徒手的近战伤害值 •Dramatically improves unarmed melee damage.
Vile Vines Ring 毒藤戒指 提升毒素防御 •Increases your defense to poison damage.
Wrapped Ring 缠绕戒指 提升翻滚速度 •Increases the player's rolling speed.
Charms 护符缨
Bloodflower Charm 血葩护符缨 提升攻击力 •Increases attack power.
Frozen Charm 冰冻护符缨 攻击附加冰冻伤害 •Adds frost damage to your attacks.
Goldenstone Charm 金石护符缨 攻击附加雷电伤害 •Adds lightning damage to your attacks.
Impen's Charm 邪灵护符缨 攻击附加火炎伤害 •Adds fire damage to your attacks.
Lantern Charm 提灯护符缨 照明周围 •Illuminates surroundings, similarly to a Torch.
Mireheart Charm 毒沼护符缨 攻击附加剧毒伤害但会严重中毒 •Adds heavy poison to your attacks, but poisons its user.
Mossy Charm 青苔护符缨 提升攻击速度 •Increases attack speed.
Pale Charm 苍木护符缨 提升攻击范围 •Increases attack reach.
Redhair Charm 赤毫护符缨 濒死大幅提升攻击力 •Greatly amplifies attack power when the wielder is near death.
Saper Charm 吸噬护符缨 击中吸取法能值 •Leeches focus.•Restores 0.5 focus per sucessful hit.
Shroud Charm 裹布护符缨 攻击附加秘术伤害 •Adds arcane damage to your attacks.
Silversalt Charm 银盐护符缨 提升攻击力但每击消耗盐 •Increases attack power, but costs its user salt per attack.
Stone Charm 坚石护符缨 提升硬直伤害 •Increases stagger damage.
Templar's Charm 圣殿护符缨 攻击附加神圣伤害 •Adds holy damage to your attacks.
Vile Charm 狡诈护符缨 攻击附加毒素伤害但会稍微中毒 •Adds poison damage to your attacks.•Weak dot, minor poison damage.
Voracious Charm 贪餮护符缨 击中吸取生命值 •Leeches HP.
Whistlebone Charm 骨哨护符缨 降低精气的攻击使用消耗 •Decreases stamina requirements for melee attacks.
Brands 铭文印
Vertigo Brand 倒引铭文印
Dart Brand 空移铭文印
Shadowflip Brand 影跃铭文印
Redshift Brand 穿行铭文印
Hardlight Brand 硬光铭文印
Spells 法术
Dark Arrows 暗箭 •Blood Spell: Summon an arcane orb that launches barrages of arcane arrows at foes. •Blood Spell: Summon an arcane orb that launches barrages of arcane arrows at foes.
Dark Coil 暗球 •Blood Spell: Summon a coil of foe seeking arcane tendrils. •Blood Spell: Summon a coil of foe seeking arcane tendrils.
Dark Reach 暗雾 •Blood Spell: Summon a burst of arcane fog •Blood Spell: Summon a burst of arcane fog
Dragonfire 龙焰 •Summon a searing plume of flame •Summon a searing plume of flame
Fireball 火球 •Summon a devastating ball of fire. •Summon a devastating ball of fire.
Flame Barrage 火幕 •Summons a rapid-fire stream of flashfire" •Summons a rapid-fire stream of flashfire"
Flamestar 火团 •Summon a star of flashfire •Summon a star of flashfire
Flashfire 火弹 •Summon a small bolt of flashfire •Summon a small bolt of flashfire
Lightning Arc 弧电 •Summon a powerful arc of lightning •Summon a powerful arc of lightning
Lightning Barrage 电幕 •Summon a rapid-fire stream of lightning. •Summon a rapid-fire stream of lightning.
Lightning Ball 电球 •Summon a concentrated ball of lightning •Summon a concentrated ball of lightning
Lightning Bolt 电弹 •Summon a bolt of lightning •Summon a bolt of lightning
Incantations 咒语
Rock Shield 岩石护盾
Venomous Blade 猛毒之刃 •Infuse your weapon with vile poison •Infuse your weapon with vile poison
Arcane Weapon 秘术武器 •Summon arcane magic of Sky to imbue your weapon with arcane power •Summon arcane magic of Sky to imbue your weapon with arcane power
Dark Swarm 黑暗峰群 •Blood Incantation: Summon an array of foe seeking arcane minions. •Blood Incantation: Summon an array of foe seeking arcane minions.
Wildfire 野火狂岚 •Summon a fiery storm •Summon a fiery storm
Flame Guardian 火炎护卫 •Conjure a sentient guardian to attack your foes with bolts of skyfire •Conjure a sentient guardian to attack your foes with bolts of skyfire
Flame Orbiters 炽炎焚火 •Summon orbs of flame to orbit the caster, dealing fire damage to anyone foolish enough to step in their path •Summon orbs of flame to orbit the caster, dealing fire damage to anyone foolish enough to step in their path
Lightning Pod 雷电光球 •A friendly Spirit of Sky that follows its caster, periodically casting Lightning Bolts at its casters foes •A friendly Spirit of Sky that follows its caster, periodically casting Lightning Bolts at its casters foes
Lightning Storm 闪电风暴 •Summon a storm of lightning •Summon a storm of lightning
Static Geist 静电之灵 •Summons a powerful spirit of Sky •Summons a powerful spirit of Sky
Poison Gas 毒云 •Summon a cloud of poison gas •Summon a cloud of poison gas
Undersight 真视 •Temporarily gain Undersight•Undersight allows you to see invisble Whisperman and Whisperlady enemies. (Dome of the Forgotten) •Temporarily gain Undersight•Undersight allows you to see invisble Whisperman and Whisperlady enemies. (Dome of the Forgotten)
Prayers 祷言
Divine Armor 神圣防护 •Temporarily improves the caster's defense to physical attacks. •Temporarily improves the caster's defense to physical attacks.
Light 光照 •Fills your physical presence with divine purity, bathing the immediate area in holy light •Fills your physical presence with divine purity, bathing the immediate area in holy light
Mend 小回复 •Restore some HP and reduce some wounding. •Restore some HP and reduce some wounding.
Sacred Linens 圣麻绷带 •Reduce some wounding. •Reduce some wounding.
Blessed Weapon 祝福武器 •Temporarily bless a nonelemental weapon with timeless wisdom, adding Holy damage to your attacks. •Temporarily bless a nonelemental weapon with timeless wisdom, adding Holy damage to your attacks.
Cleanse 净化 •Removes poisoning from the caster. •Removes poisoning from the caster.
Divine Will 神圣意志 •A prayer for revitalization. •A prayer for revitalization.
Revive 复苏 •Revives ally. •Revives ally.
Spirited Mend 中回复 •Restore HP and reduce wounding. •Restore HP and reduce wounding.
Ethereal Intervention 虚灵附身 •Temporarily improves the caster's defense to magical attacks. •Temporarily improves the caster's defense to magical attacks.
Rejuvenate 大回复 •Restore a large amount of HP and reduce a large amount of wounding.. •Restore a large amount of HP and reduce a large amount of wounding..
Sprites 圣灵 •Summon divine spirits to orbit the caster, then seek out foes to deal holy damage to. •Summon divine spirits to orbit the caster, then seek out foes to deal holy damage to.
Divine Blessed Weapon 神圣祝福武器 •Temporarily bless a nonelemental weapon with divine wisdom, adding powerful Holy damage to your attacks •Temporarily bless a nonelemental weapon with divine wisdom, adding powerful Holy damage to your attacks
Ray of Searing 耀目之光 •Summon a ray of divine retribution, searing nearby enemies.•High chance of causing stagger and knockback on enemies hit. •Summon a ray of divine retribution, searing nearby enemies.•High chance of causing stagger and knockback on enemies hit.
Guardian Blade 守护之刃 •Summon a divine blade wielded by ethereal agents of light •Summon a divine blade wielded by ethereal agents of light
Trophy 奖杯
Saltborn 盐生之人 获得了所有奖杯! Achieve all possible trophies.
The Banquet 溃烂宴厅 击败了BOSS「沉浸骑士」! Defeat the Sodden Knight.
The Village 微笑村寨 击败了BOSS「微笑女王」! Defeat the Queen of Smiles.
The Keep 沉陷要塞 击败了BOSS「克拉肯独眼巨怪」! Defeat the Kraekan Cyclops.
The Forest 守望森林 击败了BOSS「癫狂术师」! Defeat the Mad Alchemist.
The Imposter 虚妄小丑 击败了BOSS「虚妄小丑」! Defeat the False Jester.
The Castle 风暴堡垒 击败了BOSS「克拉肯亚龙」! Defeat the Kraekan Wyrm.
The Red Hall 牢笼红馆 击败了BOSS「树人尸怪」! Defeat the Tree of Men.
The Cave 哈格洞穴 击败了BOSS「破膛躯壳者」! Defeat the Disemboweled Husk.
The Mire 恶臭沼泽 击败了BOSS「污秽恶臭兽」! Defeat that Stench Most Foul.
The Dome 遗忘拱堂 击败了BOSS「勿触判罚者」! Defeat the Untouched Inquisitor.
The Sacrifice 第三羔羊 击败了BOSS「第三羔羊」! Defeat the Third Lamb.
The Ziggurat 尘砂灵塔 击败了BOSS「干涸之王」! Defeat the Dried King.
The Construct 无血王子 击败了BOSS「无血王子」! Defeat the Bloodless Prince.
The Ruins 废弃神庙 击败了BOSS「贪婪之斧」! Defeat the Coveted.
The Pitchwoods 矗立树林 击败了BOSS「残暴者卡瑟鸠」! Defeat Carsejaw the Cruel.
The Lake 暹罗大湖 击败了BOSS「大湖巫女」! Defeat the Witch of the Lake.
The Alkymancery 盐之圣域 击败了BOSS「活体无皮者」和「建物者」! Defeat the Unskinned and the Architect.
The Crypt 亡主地窟 击败了BOSS「克拉肯巨龙斯考兹」! Defeat Kraekan Dragon Skourzh.
The Palace 静滞宫殿 击败了BOSS「无名之主」! Defeat the Nameless God.
Find Sanctuary 初始教所 转换了初始教所。 Claim your first sanctuary.
Find Salvation 救世 成功的逃离了岛屿。 Escape the island.
The Unspeakable Deep 晦名深邃 击败了BOSS「晦名深邃」! Defeat the Unspeakable Deep.
Coastrock 岸岩之地 帮助了NPC「沮丧盗贼」。 Aid a despondent thief.
Wise Words 睿智之言 帮助了NPC「无主骑士」。 Aid a questing knight.
Fading Fast 迅速衰落 帮助了NPC「黑沙巫师」。 Aid an unraveling sorceror.
Branded 烙印 获得了一个铭文印。 Discover your first brand.
Storied 传奇 获得了所有铭文印。 Bear all possiblebrands.
The Three 三权分位 向「三权分位」教派起誓。 Take an oath to The Three.
Devara's Light 铎拉圣光 向「铎拉圣光」教派起誓。 Take an oath to Devara's Light.
The Iron Ones 钢铁之源 向「钢铁之源」教派起誓。 Take an oath to The Iron Ones.
The Stone Roots 磐石之根 向「磐石之根」教派起誓。 Take an oath to The Stone Roots.
Keepers of Fire and Sky 火空护卫 向「火空护卫」教派起誓。 Take an oath to the gods of Fire and Sky.
The House of Splendor 金辉之家 向「金辉之家」教派起誓。 Take an oath to The House of Splendor.
Order of the Betrayer 反叛秩序 向「反叛秩序」教派起誓。 Take an oath to the Order of the Betrayer.
Devoted 信仰者 获得了教派最大信仰度。 Achieve the maximum devotion level in your creed.
Honed 磨砺者 提升至武器最高等级。 Achieve the maximum upgrade level of a weapon.
Dominion 主宰 成为了岛屿新领主。 Become the new lord of the island.
Story and Lore 故事与传说
The Poisoner's Field Guide, para. 6. 『毒制品手册』6项
The Poisoner's Field Guide, para. 6b. 『毒制品手册』6项b行
The Smith's Apprentice, pg. 7. 『工匠学徒』第07页
The Smith's Apprentice, pg. 8. 『工匠学徒』第08页
The Smith's Apprentice, pg. 11. 『工匠学徒』第11页
The Smith's Apprentice, pg. 13. 『工匠学徒』第13页
The Cat King, pg. 1. 『猫之王』第01页
The Cat King, pg. 4. 『猫之王』第04页
The Cat King, pg. 10. 『猫之王』第10页
Annals of Grimsen, pg. 150. 『酷志』第150页
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 3. 『老弱的朝觐队』第03节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 4. 『老弱的朝觐队』第04节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 5. 『老弱的朝觐队』第05节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 7. 『老弱的朝觐队』第07节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 8. 『老弱的朝觐队』第08节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 11. 『老弱的朝觐队』第11节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 12. 『老弱的朝觐队』第12节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 14. 『老弱的朝觐队』第14节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 15. 『老弱的朝觐队』第15节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 19. 『老弱的朝觐队』第19节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 20. 『老弱的朝觐队』第20节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 21. 『老弱的朝觐队』第21节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 22. 『老弱的朝觐队』第22节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 23. 『老弱的朝觐队』第23节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 24. 『老弱的朝觐队』第24节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 27. 『老弱的朝觐队』第27节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 28. 『老弱的朝觐队』第28节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 33. 『老弱的朝觐队』第33节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 34. 『老弱的朝觐队』第34节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 41. 『老弱的朝觐队』第41节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 42. 『老弱的朝觐队』第42节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 43. 『老弱的朝觐队』第43节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 44. 『老弱的朝觐队』第44节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 45. 『老弱的朝觐队』第45节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 47. 『老弱的朝觐队』第47节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 50. 『老弱的朝觐队』第50节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 51. 『老弱的朝觐队』第51节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 1 『贝嘉腊史诗』第01节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 2 『贝嘉腊史诗』第02节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 6 『贝嘉腊史诗』第06节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 7 『贝嘉腊史诗』第07节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 8 『贝嘉腊史诗』第08节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 9 『贝嘉腊史诗』第09节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 10 『贝嘉腊史诗』第10节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 11 『贝嘉腊史诗』第11节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 15 『贝嘉腊史诗』第15节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 16 『贝嘉腊史诗』第16节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 17 『贝嘉腊史诗』第17节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 20 『贝嘉腊史诗』第20节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 27 『贝嘉腊史诗』第27节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 29 『贝嘉腊史诗』第29节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 31 『贝嘉腊史诗』第31节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 32 『贝嘉腊史诗』第32节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 33 『贝嘉腊史诗』第33节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 36 『贝嘉腊史诗』第36节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 37 『贝嘉腊史诗』第37节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 40 『贝嘉腊史诗』第40节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 41 『贝嘉腊史诗』第41节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 44 『贝嘉腊史诗』第44节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 46 『贝嘉腊史诗』第46节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 47 『贝嘉腊史诗』第47节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 50 『贝嘉腊史诗』第50节
Pantheonus 1:1-2 『众神殿』第1章01-02行
Pantheonus 1:3-4 『众神殿』第1章03-04行
Pantheonus 1:5-6 『众神殿』第1章05-06行
Pantheonus 1:7-8 『众神殿』第1章07-08行
Pantheonus 1:9-10 『众神殿』第1章09-10行
Pantheonus 1:11-12 『众神殿』第1章11-12行
Pantheonus 1:13-14 『众神殿』第1章13-14行
Pantheonus 1:15-16 『众神殿』第1章15-16行
Pantheonus 2:1 『众神殿』第2章01行
Pantheonus 2:2 『众神殿』第2章02行
Pantheonus 2:3-4 『众神殿』第2章03-04行
Pantheonus 2:5 『众神殿』第2章05行
Pantheonus 2:6 『众神殿』第2章06行
Pantheonus 2:7 『众神殿』第2章07行
Pantheonus 2:8 『众神殿』第2章08行
Pantheonus 2:9 『众神殿』第2章09行
Pantheonus 2:10 『众神殿』第2章10行
Pantheonus 3:1 『众神殿』第3章01行
Pantheonus 3:2-3 『众神殿』第3章02-03行
Pantheonus 3:4 『众神殿』第3章04行
Pantheonus 3:5 『众神殿』第3章05行
Pantheonus 4:1 『众神殿』第4章01行
Pantheonus 4:2 『众神殿』第4章02行
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 6. 『恐怖丘游历记』第06节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 7. 『恐怖丘游历记』第07节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 8. 『恐怖丘游历记』第08节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 15. 『恐怖丘游历记』第15节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 41. 『恐怖丘游历记』第41节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 42. 『恐怖丘游历记』第42节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 43. 『恐怖丘游历记』第43节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 44. 『恐怖丘游历记』第44节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 45. 『恐怖丘游历记』第45节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 46. 『恐怖丘游历记』第46节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 47. 『恐怖丘游历记』第47节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 54. 『恐怖丘游历记』第54节
The Codex Malifinent, pg. 5. 『黑巫婆手抄』第05页
The Codex Malifinent, pg. 13. 『黑巫婆手抄』第13页
Chauncy's Medicine, s. 1. 『根友药典』第01节
Chauncy's Medicine, s. 2. 『根友药典』第02节
Chauncy's Medicine, s. 8. 『根友药典』第08节
Chauncy's Medicine, s. 9. 『根友药典』第09节
Chauncy's Medicine, s. 10. 『根友药典』第10节
Chauncy's Medicine, s. 11. 『根友药典』第11节
Chauncy's Medicine, s. 12. 『根友药典』第12节
The Burning Clouds, 1:5 『燃烧之云』第1章05行
The Burning Clouds, 1:6 『燃烧之云』第1章06行
The Burning Clouds, 1:7 『燃烧之云』第1章07行
The Burning Clouds, 1:8 『燃烧之云』第1章08行
The Burning Clouds, 1:9 『燃烧之云』第1章09行
The Burning Clouds, 1:10 『燃烧之云』第1章10行
The Burning Clouds, 3:2 『燃烧之云』第3章02行
The Burning Clouds, 3:3 『燃烧之云』第3章03行
The Burning Clouds, 3:7 『燃烧之云』第3章07行
The Burning Clouds, 3:8 『燃烧之云』第3章08行
Defernamany 62:3 『受难书 』第62页3行
Tiching Codex pg. 1:3 『教义圣籍』第01页03行
Tiching Codex pg. 5:13 『教义圣籍』第05页13行
Tiching Codex pg. 12:2 『教义圣籍』第12页02行
Tiching Codex pg. 12:17 『教义圣籍』第12页17行
Tiching Codex pg. 12:18 『教义圣籍』第12页18行
Tiching Codex pg. 12:20 『教义圣籍』第12页20行
Tiching Codex pg. 12:27 『教义圣籍』第12页27行
Tiching Codex pg. 17:1 『教义圣籍』第17页01行
Tiching Codex pg. 17:2 『教义圣籍』第17页02行
Tiching Codex pg. 17:5 『教义圣籍』第17页05行
Tiching Codex pg. 17:9 『教义圣籍』第17页09行
Tiching Codex pg. 20:3 『教义圣籍』第20页03行
Tiching Codex pg. 20:5 『教义圣籍』第20页05行
and i wish to translate it to chinese too
can anyone export *.ztx *.zdx textfile
and i have done a little text too, if i have all done i'll give it to SKA
my english bad but my chinese GOOD! (not a little good it's a BIG GOOD at chinese)
Origins 出身
Tristin 崔斯庭
Kadania 卡丹尼亚
Kar'hi 卡尔希
Kulka'as 库尔加斯
Coastrock 岸岩地
Jonas' Landing 约拿登陆地
Askaria 阿斯卡里亚
Citadel 大堡塞
Liven 利维恩
Dor Isle 多里岛
Taenibir 丹尼博
Markdor 玛柯铎
Jinderen 金德伦
Gulchmire 古赫大沼
Places and Locations 区域和地点
Shivering Shore 颤栗海岸
The Festering Banquet 溃烂宴厅
Bandit's Pass 匪徒隘口
Village of Smiles 微笑村寨
The Watching Woods 守望森林
Sunken Keep 沉陷要塞
Castle of Storms 风暴堡垒
Mal's Floating Castle 马尔浮堡
Red Hall of Cages 牢笼红馆
Cran's Pass 克兰驿道
Hager's Cavern 哈格洞穴
Mire of Stench 恶臭沼泽
The Far Beach 遥望海滩
Dome of the Forgotten 遗忘拱堂
Ziggurat of Dust 尘砂灵塔
The Ruined Temple 废弃神庙
Pitchwoods 矗立树林
Siam Lake 暹罗大湖
The Blackest Vault 深闇藏所
Salt Alkymancery 盐之圣域
Crypt of Dead Gods 亡主地窟
The Still Palace 静滞宫殿
Creeds 教派
The Three 三权分位
Devara's Light 铎拉圣光
The Iron Ones 钢铁之源
The Stone Roots 磐石之根
Keepers of Fire and Sky 火空护卫
The House of Splendor 金辉之家
Order of the Betrayer 反叛秩序
Black Sands Sorcerer 黑沙巫师
Boatman 船夫
Catmerch 猫商贩
Despondent Thief 沮丧盗贼
Luna Sage 月光圣职者
Fern 弗恩
Princess 公主
Princess' Maid 公主女仆
Ship Captain 船长
The Candlelit Lady 烛光夫人
Old Man 老头
Alde Griggs 阿尔德·格里格斯
Peasant 农夫
Minty Skell 明蒂·史凯尔
Mad Jester 疯癫小丑
Masterless Knight 无主骑士
Nomad 游牧人
The Mirekeeper 大沼守卫
Beastiary 怪物图鉴
Alkymancery Knight 圣域骑士
Angsty Bones 焦躁骷髅
Armor Guardian 重装守护者
Armor Mite 装甲螨怪
Bedspider 熔床蜘蛛
Blade Wraith 利刃怨灵
Bloated Monstrosity 浮肿怪
Bola Eye 束缚眼怪
Bound Arrox 迅猛兽
Bronze Axe Knight 青铜斧骑士
Bronze Knight 青铜剑骑士
Caged Man 牢笼人
Carsejaw the Cruel 残暴者卡瑟鸠
Cave Keeper 洞穴守卫
Chained Man 锁链人
Clay Hybrid 粘土杂合怪
Clay Phantom 粘土幻影
Court Sorcerer 仲裁巫师
Crypt Keeper 地窟守卫
Disemboweled Husk 破膛躯壳者
Dread Horseman 恐惧骑兵
Dread Horseman (Mounted) 恐惧骑兵(骑马)
Dropspider 丢砸蜘蛛
Drowned Archer 溺亡弓箭手
Drowned Bandit 溺亡匪徒
Drowned Berzerker 溺亡狂战士
Drowned Marauder 溺亡劫掠者
Drowned Peasant 溺亡农夫
Drowned Porcelain 溺亡瓷面娃
Drowned Raider 溺亡突袭者
Drowned Soldier 溺亡士兵
Emberskull 余烬头骨
Feral Beast 凶猛兽
Fetal Brat 胚胎小怪
Flying Spider 飞翅蜘蛛
Gaoler 看守狱卒
Gravewalker 墓行者
Guardian Mage 守护者法师
Guardian of Devara 铎拉守护者
Guardian of the Three 三权守护者
Hanged Man 吊死者
Heartseeker 觅心眼怪
Hornet Steel 马蜂钢刺
Hunting Bones 狩猎骷髅
Impaled Knight 刺刑骑士
Kraekan Cyclops 克拉肯独眼巨怪
Kraekan Dragon Skourzh 克拉肯巨龙斯考兹
Kraekan Wyrm 克拉肯亚龙
Lepris 麻风信徒
Lietch 妖师
Mage of Devara 铎拉法师
Marauder 劫掠者
Mimku 伪装怪
Mother Merle 母体笼怪
Murdiella Mal 暗杀者马尔
Pale Witch 苍白巫女
Poison Cytoplasm 毒胞浆
Primitive Bones 野蛮骷髅
Red Lord 腥红领主
Retchfeeder 呕噬者
Ronin Cran 浪行者克兰
Rotten Crossbowman 腐烂强弩手
Rotten Raider 腐烂突袭者
Rotten Walker 腐烂行走者
Saltbat 盐蝠
Saltfin Creature 盐鳍兽
Saltless 无盐者
Sanctuary Guard 教所守护者
Skullbat 头骨蝠
Spear Imp 长矛小鬼
Spindlebeast 草泥马兽
Split Swordsman 裂击剑士
Stenchpod 恶臭齿夹
That Stench Most Foul 污秽恶臭兽
The Architect 建物者
The Bloodless Prince 无血王子
The Coveted 贪婪之斧
The Coveting 贪婪之灵
The Dried King 干涸之王
The False Jester 虚妄小丑
The Forgotten Judge 遗忘法官
The Forgotten King 遗忘君王
The Forgotten Knight 遗忘骑士
The Mad Alchemist 癫狂术师
The Nameless God 无名之主
The Queen Of Smiles 微笑女王
The Sodden Knight 沉浸骑士
The Third Lamb 第三羔羊
The Tree of Men 树人尸怪
The Unskinned 活体无皮者
The Unspeakable Deep 晦名深邃
The Untouched Inquisitor 勿触判罚者
The Witch of the Lake 大湖巫女
Thing of Arms 肢体怪
Torturer 刑拷者
Vacant Blades 利刃虚灵
Vexing Brat 恼怒小怪
Vile Guard 狡诈守护者
Vilehawk 狡诈鹰击者
Whisperlady 呢喃女士
Whisperman 呢喃男士
White Knight 惨白骑士
Wrathful Dead 怨愤亡者
Classes 职业
Knight 骑士
Mage 法师
Paladin 圣骑
Thief 盗贼
Chef 厨子
Cleric 牧师
Pauper 贫民
Hunter 猎人
Main Stats 基础属性
Strength 力量 提升力量武器的伤害加成 Strength improves attack of strength-scaled weapons.
Endurance 体质 决定着装备重量上限 Endurance determines your maximum equipment load.
Dexterity 技巧 提升技巧武器的伤害加成 Dexterity improves attack of dexterity-scaled weapons.
Willpower 持久 决定着精气值的上限 Willpower determines your maximum Stamina.
Magic 魔力 提升魔力武器的伤害加成\n提高法术咒语的技能效果 Magic improves effectiveness of magical spells and incantations, as well as magic-scaled weapons.
Wisdom 智慧 提升智慧武器的伤害加成\n提高神圣祷言的技能效果 Wisdom improves effectiveness of prayers, as well as wisdom-scaled weapons.
Combat Stats 战斗属性
Health 生命 角色的生命值降为0将死亡 The amount of life the player has. The player will die when it reaches zero.
Focus 法能 施放魔法(法术、咒语、祷言)要消耗魔法能量(不能自动回复) Works as a magic bar, depletes when you use spells and incantations.
Stamina 精气 武器攻击、施放魔法、行动翻滚、盾牌格挡要消耗体力精气(可以自动回复) This determines the amount of attacking, spell casting, rolling and blocking the player can do before letting it recharge.
Attack 攻击力 装备武器的攻击数值 The amount of damage the player will do with the equipped weapon.
Drop Rate 掉落率 击杀怪物后的道具掉落几率(数值越大掉落率越高) The rate at which items are likely to drop from enemies. Increasing this stat increases the probability of item drops.
Equip 装备重量 角色所能的装备负重量(数值越大装备可以越重) This stat represents how much the player can carry before he is overburdened. Increasing Endurance will increase this value.
Defensive Stats 防御属性
StrikeDef 打击防御 对打击(钝器)系攻击的防御数值 The amount of defense you have against strike attacks.
SlashDef 劈斩防御 对劈斩(锐器)系攻击的防御数值 The amount of defense you have against slashing attacks.
FireDef 火炎防御 对火炎(法术)系攻击的防御数值 The amount of defense you have against fire damage.
LitDef 雷电防御 对雷电(法术)系攻击的防御数值 The amount of defense you have against lightning damage.
PoisonDef 毒素防御 对毒素(状态)系攻击的防御数值 The amount of defense you have against poison damage.
HolyDef 神圣防御 对神圣(祷言)系攻击的防御数值 The amount of defense you have against holy damage.
ArcaneDef 秘术防御 对黑暗(咒语)系攻击的防御数值 The amount of defense you have against dark/arcane damage.
Balance 硬直平衡 抵御攻击时的姿态协调平衡性(数值越高越不容易出硬直) The amount of Poise you have against attacks, the more your balance, the more hits you can take before you stagger.
Tree of Skill 技能树
Weapons/Classes 武器/职业
Hunter 猎人 解锁N级软鞭\n+1点持久属性 Whips\n+1 +Willpower
Light Armor 轻甲 解锁N级轻甲\n+1点体质属性 Light Armor\n+1 Endurance
Archer 弓手 解锁N级弓\n+1点技巧属性 Bows\n+1 Dexterity
Masksman 射手 解锁N级弩\n+1点技巧属性 Crossbows/Pistols\n+1 Dexterity
Assasin 刺客 解锁N级匕首\n+1点持久属性 Daggers\n+1 Willpower
Channeler 灵媒 解锁N级法杖\n+1点魔力属性 Staves\n+1 Magic
Magus 贤者 解锁N级魔棒\n+1点魔力属性 Wands\n+1 Magic
Magic User 法师 解锁N级法术咒语\n+1点魔力属性 Spells/Incantations\n+1 Magic
Swordfighter 剑士 解锁N级剑(大型剑双手/单手)\n+1点力量属性 Swords(Greatswords 2H/1H)\n+1 Strength
Pikeman 枪士 解锁N级长柄/镰刀/枪矛(双手/单手)\n+1点技巧属性 Poleaxes/Reapers/Spears(2H/1H)\n+1 Dexterity
Heave Macefighter 勇士 解锁N级大型锤/大型斧(双手/单手)\n+1点力量属性 Greathammers/Greataxes(2H/1H)\n+1 Strength
Defender 卫士 解锁N级盾牌\n+1点持久属性 Shield\n+1 Willpower
Heavy Armor 重甲 解锁N级重甲\n+1点体质属性 Heavy Armor\n+1 Endurance
Berzerker 狂战 解锁N级锤/斧\n+1点力量属性 Hammers/Axes\n+1 Strength
Cleric 牧师 解锁N级神圣祷言\n+1点智慧属性 Prayers\n+1 Wisdom
Items/Stats 道具/属性
Poultice Pouch (HP potion) 药剂袋 增加生命回复物品携带量\n+1瓶生命回复品 Gain an additional healing potion.\n+1 HP potion
Phial Sleeve (Energy potion) 量筒瓶 增加法能回复物品携带量\n+1瓶法能回复品 Gain an additional energy potion.\n+1 Energy potion
Bolstered Dexterity (Dexterity) 提升技巧 提升技巧武器的伤害加成\n+1点技巧属性 Dexterity improves attack of dexterity-scaled weapons.\n+1 Dexterity
Augmented Endurance (Endurance) 增强体质 决定着装备重量上限\n+1点体质属性 Endurance determines your maximum equipment load.\n+1 Endurance
Fortified Strength (Strength) 加强力量 提升力量武器的伤害加成\n+1点力量属性 Strength improves attack of strength-scaled weapons.\n+1 Strength
Renewed Will (Willpower) 更新持久 决定着精气值的上限\n+1点持久属性 Willpower determines your maximum Stamina.\n+1 Willpower
Aged Wisdom (Wisdom) 积累智慧 提升智慧武器的伤害加成\n提高神圣祷言的技能效果\n+1点智慧属性 Wisdom improves effectiveness of prayers, as well as wisdom-scaled weapons.\n+1 Wisdom
Enhanced Magic (Magic) 强化魔力 提升魔力武器的伤害加成\n提高法术咒语的技能效果\n+1点魔力属性 Magic improves effectiveness of magical spells and incantations, as well as magic-scaled weapons.\n+1 Magic
Weapons 武器
Daggers 匕首
Midshipman's Dirk 海军士官生的短刀 0级匕首 Class 0 Daggers
Cutpurse Shiv 盗劫小刀 1级匕首 Class 1 Daggers
Kaltic Razor 卡尔蒂克剃刀 2级匕首 Class 2 Daggers
Pessklaw 培斯毒爪 3级匕首 Class 3 Daggers
Eviscerator 剔骨者 4级匕首 Class 4 Daggers
Opal Tusk 乳白尖牙 5级匕首 Class 5 Daggers
Swords 剑
Arming Sword 武装佩剑 0级剑 Class 0 Swords
Corsair's Backsword 海盗直刀 0级剑 Class 0 Swords
Varangian Spatha 海军突剑 1级剑 Class 1 Swords
Tachi 太刀 2级剑 Class 2 Swords
Flint & Steel 燧火铳剑 2级剑 Class 2 Swords
Steel Centipede 铁蜈蚣鞭剑 2级剑 Class 2 Swords
Virulent Scimitar 剧毒弯刀 3级剑 Class 3 Swords
Lowlander's Greatknife 低地人的大匕首 3级剑 Class 3 Swords
Kraekan Longsword 克拉肯长剑 4级剑 Class 4 Swords
Branding Iron 烙铁剑 4级剑 Class 4 Swords
Shikeimaru 死刑丸 4级剑 Class 4 Swords
Leviathan 圣剑利维坦 5级剑 Class 5 Swords
Hammers 锤
Flanged Mace 凸缘硬头锤 0级锤 Class 0 Hammers
Iron Pot 铁锅 0级锤 Class 0 Hammers
Lump Hammer 铁块锻锤 0级锤 Class 0 Hammers
Morning Star 钉头锤 1级锤 Class 1 Hammers
Harmen Mace 哈曼的硬头锤 2级锤 Class 2 Hammers
Barbarian's Cudgel 野蛮人棍棒 3级锤 Class 3 Hammers
Cephalopounder 乌贼裹棒 3级锤 Class 3 Hammers
Tetruncheon 海胆权杖 4级锤 Class 4 Hammers
Mountain Breaker 开山破击者 5级锤 Class 5 Hammers
Axes 斧
Woodsman's Axe 伐木斧 0级斧 Class 0 Axes
Battle Axe 战斧 1级斧 Class 1 Axes
Raider Axe 突袭双刃斧 2级斧 Class 2 Axes
Batsuichi Tsuka 剖割处刑刃 2级斧 Class 2 Axes
Stone Cleaver 石制切肉刀 2级斧 Class 2 Axes
Red Guillotine 腥红枭首刀 3级斧 Class 3 Axes
Aster Monolith 星晶块砍斧 3级斧 Class 3 Axes
Venom Arbelos 毒液尖斧 4级斧 Class 4 Axes
Kraekan Axe 克拉肯斧 4级斧 Class 4 Axes
Axe of Splendor 金辉之斧 5级斧 Class 5 Axes
Whips 软鞭
Bullwhip 赶牛鞭 0级软鞭 Class 0 Whips
Martial Flail 斗战索链 1级软鞭 Class 1 Whips
Wraithclaw 怨灵索爪 2级软鞭 Class 2 Whips
Searing Manacle 灼热缚索鞭 3级软鞭 Class 3 Whips
Scorpion Tail 蝎尾鞭 3级软鞭 Class 3 Whips
Sacrificial Garrote 献祭绞链 4级软鞭 Class 4 Whips
Construct Coil 链钉绞索 5级软鞭 Class 5 Whips
Phoenix Tail 凤凰之尾 5级软鞭 Class 5 Whips
Poleaxes 长柄
Oar 船桨 0级长柄 Class 0 Poleaxes
Infantry Pollaxe 步兵钺 1级长柄 Class 1 Poleaxes
Guardsman's Halberd 卫兵长戟 2级长柄 Class 2 Poleaxes
Naginata 薙刀 3级长柄 Class 3 Poleaxes
Kumo Sasumata 屠蛛双叉戟 3级长柄 Class 3 Poleaxes
Headsman's Voulge 刽子手宽刃刀 4级长柄 Class 4 Poleaxes
Tainted Ranseur 污染三叉戟 5级长柄 Class 5 Poleaxes
Trinity Bardiche 三合斧枪戟 5级长柄 Class 5 Poleaxes
Spears 枪矛
Pitchfork 干草叉 0级枪矛 Class 0 Spears
Soldier's Spear 士兵长矛 0级枪矛 Class 0 Spears
Trident 三叉枪 1级枪矛 Class 1 Spears
Breach Pike 突刺骑枪 1级枪矛 Class 1 Spears
Razorback 剃刀矛枪 2级枪矛 Class 2 Spears
Stardust Spire 星屑螺纹枪 3级枪矛 Class 3 Spears
Adder Fang 浸毒刺矛 3级枪矛 Class 3 Spears
Umbral Partisan 虚影游击枪 4级枪矛 Class 4 Spears
Overlord's Bident 霸主双股叉 5级枪矛 Class 5 Spears
Reapers 镰刀
Haymaker 割草镰 1级镰刀 Class 1 Reapers
War Scythe 战镰 2级镰刀 Class 2 Reapers
Red Eclipse 腥红圆月镰 2级镰刀 Class 2 Reapers
Purifier 裁决净化镰 3级镰刀 Class 3 Reapers
Rusted Greatladle 赤锖长柄巨镰 3级镰刀 Class 3 Reapers
Gravedigger 掘墓骨镰 4级镰刀 Class 4 Reapers
Saltreaver 掠盐之镰 5级镰刀 Class 5 Reapers
Greatswords 大型剑
Kureimoa 大剑 1级大型剑 Class 1 Greatswords
Shrouded Bulwark 壁垒巨剑 2级大型剑 Class 2 Greatswords
Chitin Obelisk 尖壳剑 2级大型剑 Class 2 Greatswords
Black Widow 黑寡妇 2级大型剑 Class 2 Greatswords
Jaws of Death 死亡之颚 2级大型剑 Class 2 Greatswords
Seawolf Cutlass 海狼弯刃剑 3级大型剑 Class 3 Greatswords
Northern Cross 北十字巨剑 3级大型剑 Class 3 Greatswords
Scharfrichter 处决者 4级大型剑 Class 4 Greatswords
Trinity Greatsword 三合巨剑 5级大型剑 Class 5 Greatswords
Blade of Envy 嫉怨之刃 5级大型剑 Class 5 Greatswords
Greathammers 大型锤
Warhammer 战锤 1级大型锤 Class 1 Greathammers
Monstrous Mace 丑陋巨锤 2级大型锤 Class 2 Greathammers
Obsidian Pillar 黑曜石锤柱 3级大型锤 Class 3 Greathammers
Bonecrusher 碎骨者 4级大型锤 Class 4 Greathammers
Trinity Scepter 三合杖锤 5级大型锤 Class 5 Greathammers
Greataxes 大型斧
Outlaw Greataxe 歹徒巨斧 1级大型斧 Class 1 Greataxes
Headtaker 夺颅者 2级大型斧 Class 2 Greataxes
Iron Butterfly 钢铁蝶翅斧 3级大型斧 Class 3 Greataxes
Earthsplitter 裂地者 4级大型斧 Class 4 Greataxes
The Coveted 贪婪之斧 5级大型斧 Class 5 Greataxes
Castaway's Greatadze 废弃巨锚斧 5级大型斧 Class 5 Greataxes
Bows 弓
Self Bow 单弓 0级弓 Class 0 Bows
Vilehawk Bow 狡诈鹰击者弓 1级弓 Class 1 Bows
Bloodwood Bow 血木弓 2级弓 Class 2 Bows
Aegis Greatbow 庇护巨弓 3级弓 Class 3 Bows
Recurve Bow 反曲弓 4级弓 Class 4 Bows
Gravewalker Greatbow 墓行者巨弓 5级弓 Class 5 Bows
Crossbows 弩
Platoon Crossbow 排弩 1级弩 Class 1 Crossbows
Bloodwood Crossbow 血木弩 2级弩 Class 2 Crossbows
Hellfire Arbalest 业火强弩 3级弩 Class 3 Crossbows
Predator Lockbow 掠食锁弩 4级弩 Class 4 Crossbows
Adrasteia 阿德剌斯忒亚精击弩 5级弩 Class 5 Crossbows
Pistols 铳
Flintlock Pistol 燧发火手铳 1级铳 Class 1 Pistols
Dragoon Espingole 抗暴喇叭铳 2级铳 Class 2 Pistols
Lucent Musketoon 闪银短管铳 3级铳 Class 3 Pistols
Mephitic Arquebus 恶毒火绳铳 4级铳 Class 4 Pistols
Mosaic Culverin 拼装长管铳 5级铳 Class 5 Pistols
Wands 魔棒
Saltwood Branch 盐木树枝 1级魔棒 Class 1 Wands
Antler Baton 鹿茸角枝 2级魔棒 Class 2 Wands
Necromancer's Virge 亡灵巫师的节枝 3级魔棒 Class 3 Wands
Rostrum Scepter 喙头枝 4级魔棒 Class 4 Wands
Cocoon Battledore 丝绒珠枝 5级魔棒 Class 5 Wands
Staves 法杖
Scrimshaw Cane 雕壳手杖 1级法杖 Class 1 Staves
Rowan Crosier 花楸牧杖 2级法杖 Class 2 Staves
Channeler's Rod 灵媒法杆 3级法杖 Class 3 Staves
Purgatory Scepter 炼狱权杖 4级法杖 Class 4 Staves
Saira's Staff 塞拉之杖 5级法杖 Class 5 Staves
Shields 盾牌
Wooden Targe 木靶盾 0级盾牌 Class 0 Shields
Buckler 小圆盾 0级盾牌 Class 0 Shields
Heater Shield 熨形盾 0级盾牌 Class 0 Shields
Escutcheon 圆靶鸢盾 0级盾牌 Class 0 Shields
Palatine Kite Shield 圣骑鸢盾 0级盾牌 Class 0 Shields
Cleric's Kite Shield 牧师鸢盾 0级盾牌 Class 0 Shields
Teuthis Shield 乌贼盾 1级盾牌 Class 1 Shields
Raider's Targe 突袭靶盾 1级盾牌 Class 1 Shields
Vinemesh Peltarion 藤网护盾 1级盾牌 Class 1 Shields
Sunset Kite Shield 夕阳鸢盾 1级盾牌 Class 1 Shields
Gangplank Mantlet 艞板防盾 1级盾牌 Class 1 Shields
Askarian Scutum 阿斯卡里亚长盾 1级盾牌 Class 1 Shields
Silver Shield 银制盾牌 2级盾牌 Class 2 Shields
Phoenix Rondache 凤凰圆靶盾 2级盾牌 Class 2 Shields
Bloodbrow Scutum 血脊长盾 2级盾牌 Class 2 Shields
Mirror Shield 镜盾 2级盾牌 Class 2 Shields
Kraekan Greatshield 克拉肯大盾 2级盾牌 Class 2 Shields
Boeotian Greatshield 皮奥夏大盾 2级盾牌 Class 2 Shields
Flayer's Rack 剥皮撑架盾 2级盾牌 Class 2 Shields
Pendragon Targe 巨龙靶盾 3级盾牌 Class 3 Shields
Type 46 Tower Shield 四六式塔盾 3级盾牌 Class 3 Shields
Carapace Pavise 坚壳防箭立盾 3级盾牌 Class 3 Shields
Umbral Aegis 虚影庇护者 4级盾牌 Class 4 Shields
Oppressor's Greatshield 暴君大盾 4级盾牌 Class 4 Shields
Ashen Effigy 灰白雕像长方盾 4级盾牌 Class 4 Shields
Iron Rampart 钢铁堡垒 4级盾牌 Class 4 Shields
Pruina Scutum 霜雪长方盾 4级盾牌 Class 4 Shields
Tainted Greatshield 污染大盾 5级盾牌 Class 5 Shields
Armor 防具
Light Helms 轻型头盔
Beggar's Hood 乞丐罩帽 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Merchant's Fez 商人毡帽 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Rogue's Mask 盗贼面罩 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Palatine Coif 圣骑头罩 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Aristocrat's Veil 贵族面巾 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Jester's Crown 小丑头冠 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Patched Hood 补丁罩帽 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Corsair's Bandana 海盗头巾 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Mask of Splendor 金辉面具 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Amethyst Hood 紫晶罩帽 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Chef's Toque 厨子高帽 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Ghastly Gourd 南瓜套帽 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Crimson Hood 深红罩帽 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Priest's Zucchetto 牧师瓜帽 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Raptor Visor 猛禽覆面 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Frayed Sugegasa 磨旧斗笠 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Clay Mask 粘土面具 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Malva Koukoulion 锦葵教冠 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Torturer's Veil 刑拷面巾 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Sadist's Veil 施虐面巾 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Guide's Cap 向导便帽 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Alchemist's Mask 术士面具 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Stella Triregno 永恒冠冕 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Boatman's Sugegasa 船夫斗笠 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Yokai Mask 妖怪面具 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Grim Headdress 残酷饰冠 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Assassin's Cowl 刺客兜帽 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Evanescent Cowl 隐熄兜帽 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Top Hat 顶戴礼帽 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Pigeon Mask 鸽子面具 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Tarnished Coronet 玷污宝冠 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Bloodbrow Barbute 血脊面盔 4级轻甲 Class 4 Light Armor
Steepled Hat 尖头礼帽 5级轻甲 Class 5 Light Armor
Alkymancer's Veil 圣域面巾 5级轻甲 Class 5 Light Armor
Light Chests 轻型护甲
Beggar's Rags 乞丐烂衫 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Merchant's Dolman 商人袍衫 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Blacksmith's Apron 铁匠围腰 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Rogue's Jacket 盗贼短衣 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Cotton Tunic 棉制外套 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Acolyte's Kontusz 侍仆教袍 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Aristocrat's Corset 贵族束衣 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Sorcerer's Kurta 巫师袖衫 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Jester's Motley 小丑花衫 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Patched Rags 补丁烂衫 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Corsair's Vest 海盗背心 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Sohei Kesa 僧兵袈裟 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Amethyst Bodice 紫晶紧胸 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Chef's Apron 厨子围腰 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Crimson Tabard 深红布衣 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Priest's Dalmatic 牧师法衣 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Ragged Hanten 破烂缠袄 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Raptor Brigandine 猛禽锁甲 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Malva Tabard 锦葵布衣 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Guide's Tunic 向导外套 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Alchemist's Coverall 术士套袍 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Stella Soprana 永恒华袍 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Boatman's Mino 船夫蓑衣 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Grim Justacorps 残酷礼袍 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Assassin's Tunic 刺客外套 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Evanescent Cassock 隐熄法袍 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Black Tailcoat 黑燕尾服 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Mildewed Chemise 霉腐衬衫 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Jute Tunic 麻纤外套 4级轻甲 Class 4 Light Armor
Bloodbrow Cuirass 血脊胸甲 4级轻甲 Class 4 Light Armor
Fleshbound Basque 保鲜短衫 5级轻甲 Class 5 Light Armor
Alkymancer's Simar 圣域衬袍 5级轻甲 Class 5 Light Armor
Light Gloves 轻型手套
Beggar's Gloves 乞丐手套 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Merchant's Gloves 商人手套 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Blacksmith's Gloves 铁匠手套 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Rogue's Gloves 盗贼手套 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Patched Gloves 补丁手套 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Juzu-udewa 念珠腕套 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Acolyte's Gloves 侍仆手套 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Crimson Gloves 深红手套 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Silver Udewa 银制腕套 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Malva Cuffs 锦葵袖腕 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Guide's Gloves 向导手套 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Stella Guanti 永恒镶手 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Grim Bracelets 残酷腕环 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Assassin's Gauntlets 刺客护手 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Black Silk Gloves 黑丝手套 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Mildewed Caraco 霉腐臂套 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Light Boots 轻型靴子
Beggar's Breeches 乞丐筒裤 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Merchant's Fistan 商人褶裙 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Blacksmith's Boots 铁匠靴子 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Rogue's Highboots 盗贼长靴 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Cotton Trousers 棉制长裤 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Acolyte's Boots 侍仆靴子 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Aristocrat's Crinolette 贵族裙衬 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Sorcerer's Lungi 巫师筒裙 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Jester's Slippers 小丑拖鞋 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Patched Skirt 补丁围裙 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Corsair's Boots 海盗靴子 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Sohei Tabi 僧兵步鞋 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Amethyst Skirt 紫晶围裙 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Chef's Trousers 厨子长裤 0级轻甲 Class 0 Light Armor
Crimson Culottes 深红裙裤 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Priest's Sabots 牧师托裙 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Ragged Hakama 破烂裙袴 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Raptor Sabatons 猛禽铠靴 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Malva Pigaciae 锦葵翘鞋 1级轻甲 Class 1 Light Armor
Guide's Trousers 向导长裤 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Alchemist's Apron 术士围腰 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Stella Cincture 永恒裹裙 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Boatman's Waraji 船夫草鞋 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Grim Tassets 残酷套衫 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Assassin's Leggings 刺客绑腿 2级轻甲 Class 2 Light Armor
Evanescent Cincture 隐熄裹裙 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Black Slacks 黑色便裤 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Mildewed Polonaise 霉腐连裙 3级轻甲 Class 3 Light Armor
Jute Breeches 麻纤筒裤 4级轻甲 Class 4 Light Armor
Bloodbrow Greaves 血脊护胫 4级轻甲 Class 4 Light Armor
Fleshbound Frock 保鲜罩袍 5级轻甲 Class 5 Light Armor
Alkymancer's Gown 圣域罩衫 5级轻甲 Class 5 Light Armor
Heavy Helms 重型头盔
Hunter's Tricorne 猎人角帽 0级重甲 Class 0 Heavy Armor
Leather Sallet 皮革轻盔 0级重甲 Class 0 Heavy Armor
Chain Coif 锁链头罩 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Raider's Ushanka 突袭毛帽 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Predator Bascinet 掠食刺盔 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Onyx Burgeonet 黑瑙角盔 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Steel Armet 钢铁兜鍪 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Doppelsöldner Barbut 王仆面盔 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Warden's Branks 狱卫头笼 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Royalist's Armet 戍王兜鍪 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Kraekan Helm 克拉肯盔 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Russet Mask 褐布面罩 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Split Mask 裂击面具 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Demon Kabuto 恶魔兜钵 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Resplendent Armet 璀璨兜鍪 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Cavalier's Armet 骑兵兜鍪 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Lamprey Barbut 锐喙面盔 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Scorpion Migfer 蝎子面甲 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Titan Armet 巨人兜鍪 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Umbral Visor 虚影覆面 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Tainted Armet 污染兜鍪 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Golem's Head 魔像兜盔 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Overlord's Turban 霸主裹巾 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Heavy Chests 重型护甲
Hunter's Cloak 猎人大衣 0级重甲 Class 0 Heavy Armor
Officer's Frock Coat 军官制服 0级重甲 Class 0 Heavy Armor
Palatine Chainmail 圣骑链甲 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Leather Cuirass 皮革胸甲 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Chain Hauberk 锁链护甲 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Raider's Harness 突袭披甲 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Plate Mail 板金链甲 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Predator Cuirass 掠食胸甲 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Onyx Cuirass 黑瑙胸甲 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Steel Cuirass 钢铁胸甲 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Doppelsöldner Cuirass 王仆胸甲 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Warden's Smock 狱卫披挂 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
White Plate Armor 戍王板甲 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Kraekan Armor 克拉肯铠 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Russet Doublet 褐布紧套 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Split Cuirass 裂击胸甲 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Demon Domaru 恶魔胴丸 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Resplendent Cuirass 璀璨胸甲 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Cavalier's Cuirass 骑兵胸甲 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Lamprey Cuirass 锐喙胸甲 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Scorpion Krug 蝎子铠甲 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Titan Cuirass 巨人胸甲 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Umbral Shroud 虚影披罩 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Tainted Cuirass 污染胸甲 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Golem's Torso 魔像躯铠 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Overlord's Candelabra 霸主烛甲 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Heavy Gloves 重型手套
Hunter's Gloves 猎人手套 0级重甲 Class 0 Heavy Armor
Palatine Gauntlets 圣骑护手 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Leather Gauntlets 皮革护手 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Chain Gauntlets 锁链护手 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Plate Gauntlets 板金护手 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Predator Gauntlets 掠食护手 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Onyx Manifers 黑瑙臂铠 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Steel Manifers 钢铁臂铠 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Doppelsöldner Gauntlets 王仆护手 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Warden's Gloves 狱卫手套 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
White Gauntlets 戍王护手 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Kraekan Gloves 克拉肯手 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Russet Sleeves 褐布袖套 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Split Manifers 裂击臂铠 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Demon Kote 恶魔笼手 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Resplendent Gauntlets 璀璨护手 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Cavalier's Manifers 骑兵臂铠 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Lamprey Gauntlets 锐喙护手 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Scorpion Kolluk 蝎子臂甲 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Titan Gauntlets 巨人护手 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Umbral Gauntlets 虚影护手 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Tainted Gauntlets 污染护手 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Golem's Arms 魔像护臂 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Overlord's Gauntlets 霸主护手 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Heavy Boots 重型靴子
Hunter's Boots 猎人靴子 0级重甲 Class 0 Heavy Armor
Officer's Jackboots 军官筒靴 0级重甲 Class 0 Heavy Armor
Leather Cuisses 皮革腿甲 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Palatine Chausses 圣骑镫靴 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Chain Chausses 锁链镫靴 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Raider's Portyanki 突袭裹足 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Plate Greaves 板金护胫 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Predator Sabatons 掠食铠靴 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Onyx Sabatons 黑瑙铠靴 1级重甲 Class 1 Heavy Armor
Steel Greaves 钢铁护胫 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Doppelsöldner Cuisses 王仆腿甲 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Warden's Chaps 狱卫套腿 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
White Greaves 戍王护胫 2级重甲 Class 2 Heavy Armor
Kraekan Greaves 克拉肯胫 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Russet Leggings 褐布绑腿 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Split Sabatons 裂击铠靴 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Demon Haidate 恶魔佩楯 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Resplendent Cuisses 璀璨腿甲 3级重甲 Class 3 Heavy Armor
Cavalier's Sabatons 骑兵铠靴 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Lamprey Greaves 锐喙护胫 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Scorpion Dizcek 蝎子胫甲 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Titan Greaves 巨人护胫 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Umbral Rhinegraves 虚影裹腰 4级重甲 Class 4 Heavy Armor
Tainted Greaves 污染护胫 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Golem's Legs 魔像护腿 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Overlord's Greaves 霸主护胫 5级重甲 Class 5 Heavy Armor
Items 道具
Key Items 关键品
Bag of Earth 黑土麻袋 交给「弗恩」来换取特别道具 •Bring it to Fern to receive special items.
Bloody Writ 血腥宣告 •Grants access to Order of the Betrayer Creed.
Bone Key 石骨钥匙 开启「哈格洞穴」通往「恶臭沼泽」的门 •Opens the door to the Order of the Betrayer Creed.
Bronze Key 铜制钥匙 开启「哈格洞穴」通往「恶臭沼泽」的门 •Opens locked door in Bandit's Pass right outside Castle of Storms. Behind it you can find the Outlaw Greataxe.
Cellar Key 地穴钥匙 开启「哈格洞穴」通往「恶臭沼泽」的门 •Opens door in Hager's Cavern, leading to merchant Minty Skell. Also opens door leading to The Disemboweled Husk.
Fortress Key 砦寨钥匙 开启通往「匪徒隘口」的门 •Opens door towards Bandit's Pass.
Green Key 绿色钥匙 开启「哈格洞穴」通往「恶臭沼泽」的门 •Opens the door leading to the Mad Jester and The Festering Banquet, allowing the player to bypass The False Jester.
Jagged Key 锯齿钥匙 开启「哈格洞穴」通往「恶臭沼泽」的门 •Opens door towards Grey Pearl and Titan Armor.
Mossy Key 青苔钥匙 开启通往「沉陷要塞」的门 •Opens the door to the Sunken Keep.
Sanctuary Key 教所钥匙 开启位于「颤栗海岸」的初始教所的门 •Opens door to first sanctuary in Shivering Shores.
Spiked Key 钉刺钥匙 开启「哈格洞穴」通往「恶臭沼泽」的门 •Opens door in Hager's Cavern to access Mire of Stench.
Consumables 消耗品
Antidote 解毒剂 治愈中毒 •Cures poison.
Arrow 弓箭 造成普通伤害的弓箭 •Standard ammunition for bows.
Bag of Salt 大袋盐 可获得500点盐 •Use to gain 500 Salt.
Bell of Return 返乡鸣钟 返回至上次所在的教所 •Return to the most recently visited sanctuary or shrine.
Birian Firepot 炎瓮 投掷造成火炎伤害 •Throw to deal fire damage.
Black Salt 黑盐晶 回复「精气」\n「反叛秩序」教徒专用 •Use to restores stamina, restores at sanctuary belonging to Order of the Betrayer.
Blessed Page 祝福书页 为右手武器附加神圣伤害 •Adds holy damage to right-hand weapon.
Blood Vial 血凝瓶 回复「生命」\n「反叛秩序」教徒专用 •Use to restores HP, restores at sanctuary belonging to Order of the Betrayer.
Blue Crystal 蓝晶石 回复「精气」\n「钢铁之源」教徒专用 •Use to restores stamina, restores at sanctuary belonging to The Iron Ones.
Blue Grass 蓝草 回复「精气」\n「磐石之根」教徒专用 •Use to restores stamina, restores at sanctuary belonging to The Stone Roots.
Bolt 弩矢 造成普通伤害的弩矢 •Standard ammunition for crossbows.
Bottled Sky 空之瓶 回复「法能」\n「火空护卫」教徒专用 •Use to restores focus, restores at sanctuary belonging to Keepers of fire and sky.
Box of Salt 中箱盐 可获得5000点盐 •Use to gain 5000 Salt.
Bundle of Salt 中袋盐 可获得250点盐 •Use to gain 250 Salt.
Calling Horn 感召号角 传送至向导所在的教所 •Travel to any discovered sanctuary with a Guide.
Candelabra of the Three 三枝烛台 转换初始教所为「三权分位」教派 •Place at an unclaimed sanctuary to claim it for The Three.
Case of Salt 小箱盐 可获得3000点盐 •Use to gain 3000 Salt.
Chest of Salt 整箱盐 可获得10000点盐 •Use to gain 10000 Salt.
Clarity 醒神瓶 回复「法能」\n「火空护卫」教徒专用 •Use to restores a small amount of focus (about 5 focus per hit, Lasts for 30 seconds), restores at sanctuary belonging to Keepers of fire and sky.
Cleansing Cloth 洁净布帛 消除负面状态 •Rub it to remove various status ailments
Cloth of Blessing 祝福布帛 回复「法能」\n「铎拉圣光」教徒专用 •Use to restores focus, restores at sanctuary belonging to Devara's Light.
Crate of Salt 大箱盐 可获得7500点盐 •Use to gain 7500 Salt.
Crystal Sphere 水晶球 转换为当前教派 •Use to convert a sanctuary claimed by another creed to your own.
Dragon's Tooth 龙牙 投掷造成毒素伤害 •Throwing dagger to deal Poison damage.
Earthen Vessel 土制瓮罐 转换初始教所为「铎拉圣光」教派 •Place at an unclaimed sanctuary to claim it for Devara's Light.
Egg of Wrath 怨愤之卵 打碎蛋卵可同其他玩家的角色来PVP对战\n在线道具 •Crush it to initiate PVP with another player character.
Expunged Heart 抹除心脏 转换其他教派为「反叛秩序」教派 •Used to turn in work orders to Stone leader for Order of the Betrayer.
Flame Arrow 火炎弓箭 造成火炎伤害的弓箭 •Fire ammunition for bows.
Flame Bolt 火炎弩矢 造成火炎伤害的弩矢 •Fire ammunition for crossbows.
Flask of Defilement 亵渎之壶 投掷降低防御和抗性\n提升「反叛秩序」教派信仰度 •Throw to reduced defense and resistances.•Use to increase creed devotion of the Order of the Betrayer.
Flask of Fire 火之壶 回复「生命」\n「火空护卫」教徒专用 •Use to restores HP, restores at sanctuary belonging to Keepers of Fire and Sky.
Flintlock Shot 弹丸 造成普通伤害的弹药 •Standard ammunition for pistols.
Forestfang 霜刃飞刀 投掷造成毒素伤害 •Throwing dagger to deal Poison damage.
Frostgel 冻胶 为右手武器附加霜冻伤害 •Adds frost damage to right-hand weapon.
Glowing Shot 电闪弹丸 造成雷电伤害的弹药 •Lightning ammunition for pistols.
Golden Face 黄金面具 转换初始教所为「金辉之家」教派 •Place at an unclaimed sanctuary to claim it for The House of Splendor.
Goldenwine 黄金酒 为右手武器附加物理伤害\n减少所受伤害\n提升金钱掉落率 •Increaes Physical damage to right-hand weapon.•Reduces damage taken.•Increase Gold find.•Causes Poison if spammed.
Green Jurney Bottle 绿长方瓶 信息放入瓶中可以让其他位面的玩家看见\n在线道具 •Place a message in a bottle that can be read in other worlds.
Grenado 榴弹 投掷造成爆炸伤害 •Throw to deal Explode damage.
Hearty Roll 香烤卷 回复「生命」\n「钢铁之源」教徒专用 •Use to restores HP, restores at sanctuary belonging to The Iron Ones.
Imperial Pitchfire 帝国火油 为右手武器附加火炎伤害 •Adds fire damage to right-hand weapon.
Imperial Shockstone 帝国震石 为右手武器附加雷电伤害\n可在教所补充 •Adds lightning damage to right-hand weapon.•Restores at a Sanctuary.
Iris Wine 鸢尾花酒 回复「精气」\n「金辉之家」教徒专用 •Use to restores stamina, restores at sanctuary belonging to The House of Splendor.
Jurney Bottle 长方瓶 信息放入瓶中可以让其他位面的玩家看见\n在线道具 •Place a message in a bottle that can be read in other worlds.
Lightvessel 光瓮 投掷造成神圣伤害 •Throw to deal Holy damage.
Lilyred Wine 红百合酒 回复「生命」\n「金辉之家」教徒专用 •Use to restores HP, restores at sanctuary belonging to The House of Splendor.
Living Tome 生存籍典 转换初始教所为「火空护卫」教派 •Place at an unclaimed sanctuary to claim it for The Keepers of fire and sky.
Metal Icon 铁球标记 转换初始教所为「钢铁之源」教派 •Place at an unclaimed sanctuary to claim it for The Iron Ones.
Metal Shockstone 金属震石 为右手武器附加雷电伤害\n可重复使用 •Adds lightning damage to right-hand weapon.
Mossy Pessmud 青苔培斯泥 为右手武器附加剧毒伤害 •Adds strong Poison damage to right-hand weapon.
Mountain Warhorn 山脉战斗号角 回复「精气」\n可重复使用 •Use to speed stamina recovery. Reusable item.
Orange Phial 橙黄小瓶 回复「生命」「精气」和治愈中毒\n「铎拉圣光」教徒专用 •Use to restores HP stamina and cure poisoning, restores at sanctuary belonging to Devara's Light.
Pack of Salt 大包盐 可获得2000点盐 •Use to gain 2000 Salt.
Page of Light 圣光书页 为右手武器附加神圣伤害\n可在教所补充 •Adds holy damage to right-hand weapon.•Restores at a Sanctuary.
Page of Suffering 苦痛书页 为右手武器附加秘术伤害\n可用来亵渎叛教 •Adds arcane damage to your right-hand weapon.•Can also be used to desecrate Sanctuaries.
Pessmud 培斯泥 为右手武器附加毒素伤害 •Adds Poison damage to right-hand weapon.
Phial of Undersight 真视小瓶 暂时可以看见「呢喃男士」和「呢喃女士」 •Temporarily allows you to see Whispermen and Whisperladies.
Pitchfire 火油 为右手武器附加火炎伤害 •Adds fire damage to right-hand weapon.
Poison Arrow 毒素弓箭 造成毒素伤害的弓箭 •Poison ammunition for bows.
Poison Bolt 毒素弩矢 造成毒素伤害的弩矢 •Poison ammunition for crossbows.
Potato 土豆 投掷造成物理伤害 •Throw to deal Physical damage.
Pouch of Salt 小袋盐 可获得100点盐 •Use to gain 100 Salt.
Red Flask 赤壶 回复「生命」\n「三权分位」教徒专用 •Use to restores HP, restores at sanctuary belonging to The Three.
Red Grass 红草 回复「生命」\n「磐石之根」教徒专用 •Use to restores HP, restores at sanctuary belonging to The Stone Roots.
Red Shard 红管 回复少量「生命」 •Use to restores slight amount of HP.
Repair Kit 修理包 未使用 •Removed from game.
Sack of Salt 小包盐 可获得800点盐 •Use to gain 800 Salt.
Satchel of Salt 中包盐 可获得1200点盐 •Use to gain 1200 Salt.
Sellsword's Bell 佣兵丧钟 将佣兵遣回原来的位面从而结束联机游戏\n在线道具 •Returns Sellsword to their world. Use to end co-op.
Shockstone 震石 为右手武器附加雷电伤害 •Adds lightning damage to right-hand weapon.
Skull Trophy 颅骨祭品 转换初始教所为「反叛秩序」教派 •Place at an unclaimed sanctuary to claim it for Order of the Betrayer.
Sky Crystal 空晶石 提升魔法伤害 •Increases the damage of magic attacks.
Sky Frostgel 空之冻胶 为右手武器附加霜冻伤害 •Adds frost damage to right-hand weapon.
Sky Shard 空管 回复少量「精气」 •Use to restores slight amount of stamina.
Spiced Mead 香蜜 回复「精气」\n「三权分位」教徒专用 •Use to restores stamina, restores at sanctuary belonging to The Iron Ones.
Stained Page 彩绘书页 为右手武器附加秘术伤害\n可用来亵渎叛教 •Adds arcane damage to your right-hand weapon.•Can also be used to desecrate Sanctuaries.
Steel Arrow 铁制弓箭 造成严重伤害的弓箭 •Steel ammunition for bows.
Stone Acorn 岩石橡果 转换初始教所为「磐石之根」教派 •Place at an unclaimed sanctuary to claim it for The Stone Roots.
Tainted Shot 污染弹丸 造成毒素伤害的弹药 •Poison ammunition for pistols.
Throwing Dagger 飞刀 投掷造成物理伤害 •Throwing dagger to deal Physical damage.
Torch 火把 照明用具 •Can be used at any time to illuminate your surroundings, and activate certain brands.
Tree of Bones 白骨之树 未使用 •Removed from game.
Warhorn 战斗号角 回复「精气」\n可重复使用 •Use to speed stamina recovery. Reusable item.
Water of Blessing 祝福圣水 回复「生命」\n「铎拉圣光」教徒专用 •Use to restores HP, restores at sanctuary belonging to Devara's Light.
Wooden Bottle 木头瓶子 转换初始教所为随机的教派 •Place at an unclaimed sanctuary to claim it for random creeds.
Wraithfang 怨刃飞刀 投掷造成毒素伤害 •Throwing dagger to deal Poison damage.
Materials 材料品
A King's Orders 君王号令 装备强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.•Upgrades Weapons from VI to VII.
A Lord's Orders 领主指令 装备强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.•Upgrades Weapons from IV to V and from V to VI.
A Soldier's Poem 士兵诗记 装备强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.•Upgrades Weapons from II to III and III to IV.
Alkymancery Knight's Ashes 圣域骑士的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Amber Idol 琥珀偶像 变质转化触媒 •Used as a catalyst to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.
Angsty Bones' Rib 焦躁骷髅的肋骨 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Armor Guardian's Ashes 重装守护者的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute any Greathammer into Obsidian Pillar.
Armor Mite Chitin 装甲螨怪的壳质 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Arrox's Ear 迅猛兽的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Bedspider's Tusk 熔床蜘蛛的尖牙 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Black Pearl 暗之珠 技能习得宝珠 •Interact with the Tree of Skill at your cred's Sanctuary to invest points and unlock abilities, improve your potion capacity and improve stats.
Blade Wraith Rib 利刃怨灵的肋骨 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Bloated Monstrosity's Ear 浮肿怪的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Bola Eye Nerves 束缚眼怪的神经 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Bronze Axe Knight's Ashes 青铜斧骑士的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Bronze Knight Ashes 青铜剑骑士的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Caged Man's Ear 牢笼人的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Carsejaw the Cruel's Ashes 残暴者卡瑟鸠的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Cave Keeper's Ear 洞穴守卫的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Charred Doll 焦燃木偶 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.•Upgrades Weapons from regular to I and from I to II.
Charred Locket 焦燃饰坠 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.
Charred Reliquary 焦燃骨匣 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.
Charred Tome 焦燃圣典 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.
Clay Phantom's Ashes 粘土幻影的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Court Sorceror's Ear 仲裁巫师的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Crypt Keeper's Ashes 地窟守卫的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute any Greathammer into Bonecrusher, or any Greataxe into Earthsplitter.
Diamond Cluster 钻尘卵簇 变质转化触媒 •Used as a transmutation material.
Disemboweled Husk's Doll 破膛躯壳者的人偶 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Dread Horseman's Ashes 恐惧骑兵的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Dropspider's Tusk 丢砸蜘蛛的尖牙 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Drowned Archer's Ear 溺亡弓箭手的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Drowned Bandit's Ear 溺亡匪徒的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Drowned Berzerker's Ear 溺亡狂战士的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Drowned Censer 湿漉瓮坛 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade Kraeken weapons.
Drowned Idol 湿漉偶像 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade Kraeken weapons.
Drowned Locket 湿漉饰坠 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade Kraeken weapons.
Drowned Peasant's Ear 溺亡农夫的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Drowned Porcelain's Ashes 溺亡瓷面娃的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Drowned Raider's Ear 溺亡突袭者的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Drowned Soldier's Ear 溺亡士兵的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Drowned Tome 湿漉圣典 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade Kraeken weapons.
Emberskull's Ashes 余烬头骨的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Endless Fang 无尽之牙 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade special weapons.•Upgrades Weapons from regular to I and from I to II.
Enduring Skull 不朽之颅 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade special weapons.•Upgrades Weapons from IV to V and from V to VI.
Feral Beast Tooth 凶猛兽的牙齿 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Flying Spider's Tusk 飞翅蜘蛛的尖牙 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Frozen Doll 冰冻木偶 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.
Frozen Locket 冰冻饰坠 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.
Frozen Reliquary 冰冻骨匣 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.
Frozen Tome 冰冻圣典 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.
Gaoler's Ear 看守狱卒的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Gravewalker's Ashes 墓行者的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Gray Pearl 灰之珠 技能抹除宝珠 •Interact with the Tree of Skill at your cred's Sanctuary to remove invested points.•The pearl will transform into a Black Pearl upon use.
Hanged Man's Rope 吊死者的绳索 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Hateful Jawbone 憎恶之颚 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.•Upgrades Weapons from II to III and from III to IV.
Heartseeker Nerves 觅心眼怪的神经 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Hornet Steel's Ashes 马蜂钢刺的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute any Bow into Aegis Greatbow.
Horsehead's Ear 坐骑马头的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Hunting Bones' Rib 狩猎骷髅的肋骨 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Kraekan Cyclops' Horn 克拉肯独眼巨怪的犄角 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Kraekan Wyrm's Horn 克拉肯亚龙的犄角 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Lepris' Ear 麻风信徒的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Lietch Rib 妖师的肋骨 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Lock of Hair 一束发结 装备强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.•Upgrades Weapons from regular to I and from I to II.
Mother Merle's Beak 母体笼怪的嘴喙 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Murdiella Mal's Ashes 暗杀者马尔的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute any Wand into Cocoon Battledore.
Pale Witch's Ear 苍白巫女的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Poison Cytoplasm Gel 毒胞浆的凝胶 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Primitive Bones' Rib 野蛮骷髅的肋骨 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Red Lord's Ear 腥红领主的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to prove you are a "harvester" and initiate shop services with Minty Skell.
Retchfeeder Maw 呕噬者的胃囊 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Ronin Cran's Ashes 浪行者克兰的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Rotten Raider's Ear 腐烂突袭者的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Rotten Walker's Ear 腐烂行走者的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Saltless' Ashes 无盐者的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Sanctuary Guard's Ear 教所守护者的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Shimmering Pearl 闪亮宝珠 变质转化触媒 •Used as a transmutation material.
Silver Leaf 银制叶子 变质转化触媒 •Used as a transmutation material.
Skourzh's Horn 斯考兹的犄角 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Skullbat Wing 头骨蝠的翅膀 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Spear Imp's Horn 长矛小鬼的犄角 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Split Swordsman's Ear 裂击剑士的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Stone Alchemist 术士石雕像 召集NPC •An NPC appears in your Sanctuary, who will allow to transmute (transform) your weapons into more powerful versions.
Stone Blacksmith 铁匠石雕像 召集NPC •An NPC appears in your Sanctuary, who will give you dialogue options and sell you equipment
Stone Cleric 牧师石雕像 召集NPC •An NPC appears in your Sanctuary, who will give you dialogue options to purchase Prayers.
Stone Guide 向导石雕像 召集NPC •An NPC appears in your Sanctuary, who will give you dialogue and help you travel to other Sanctuaries you have visited.
Stone Leader 教士石雕像 召集NPC •An NPC appears in your Sanctuary, who gives you options to increase your Creed Devotion.
Stone Mage 法师石雕像 召集NPC •An NPC appears in your Sanctuary, who will sell you Spells, Wands and Staves for magic use.
Stone Merchant 商人石雕像 召集NPC •An NPC appears in your Sanctuary, who will give you dialogue options to allow you to purchase items.
Stone Sellsword 佣兵石雕像 召集NPC •An NPC appears in your Sanctuary, who will give you dialogue options to allow you to initiate multiplayer.
That Stench Most Foul's Tooth 污秽恶臭兽的牙齿 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
The Architect's Ear 建物者的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
The Bloodless Prince's Ashes 无血王子的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
The Coveted's Ashes 贪婪之斧的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
The Dried King's Ashes 干涸之王的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
The False Jester's Ear 虚妄小丑的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute any Wand into Antler Baton.
The Forgotten Judge's Ear 遗忘法官的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute Trinity Bardiche.
The Forgotten King's Ear 遗忘君王的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
The Forgotten Knight's Ear 遗忘骑士的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute Trinity Greatsword.
The Mad Alchemist's Ear 癫狂术师的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute Soldier Spear to Trident.
The Nameless God's Ashes 无名之主的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute Blade of Envy or Overlord's Bident.
The Queen Of Smiles' Ear 微笑女王的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute Black Widow.
The Sodden Knight's Ashes 沉浸骑士的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute Shrouded Bulwark.(Other weapons unconfirmed)
The Third Lamb's Beak 第三羔羊的嘴喙 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to transmute any dagger into Opal Tusk.
The Tree of Men's Ashes 树人尸怪的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
The Unskinned's Liver 活体无皮者的肝脏 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
The Untouched Inquisitor's Ashes 勿触判罚者的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
The Witch of the Lake's Ear 大湖巫女的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.•Used to Transmute any Staves into Saira's Staff.
Thing of Arms' Ear 肢体怪的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Torturer's Ear 刑拷者的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Twisted Heart 扭曲之心 武器强化材料 •Used by a blacksmith to upgrade weapons.•Upgrades Weapons from VI to VII.
Vacant Blades' Ashes 利刃虚灵的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Vexing Brat's Ear 恼怒小怪的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Vile Guard's Ear 狡诈守护者的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Vilehawk's Ear 狡诈鹰击者的耳朵 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Whisperlady's Ashes 呢喃女士的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Whisperman's Ashes 呢喃男士的遗灰 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Wrathful Dead's Bindings 怨愤亡者的缚带 变质转化材料 •Use to transmute weapons at an Alchemist.•Use to increase creed devotion with a Leader.
Rings 戒指
Band of the Humble 谦逊者指环 提升智慧属性值 •Increases Wisdom.
Bandaged Ring 包扎戒指 减轻流血受伤效果 •Reduces wounding effect.
Bloodflower Ring 血葩戒指 提升10%的攻击伤害 •Increases attack power by 10%.
Bloodluster's Ring 放血者之戒 大幅造成流血受伤效果 •Causes wearer's attacks to more frequently reduce foes to bloody chunks.
Brightcoral Ring 碧珊瑚指环 提升持久属性值 •Increases Willpower.
Burning Sky Ring 燃空指轮 降低法术咒语的法能消耗 •Reduces the cost of magic spells and incantations.
Charged Ring 蓄能晶指环 提升魔力属性值 •Increases Magic.
Conduit of Mind 思管指轮 使用魔法时精气消耗降为1/3 •Locks minimum stamina to one third of stamina.
Crystalmoat Ring 晶船指轮 使用魔法时精气消耗降为1/2 •Halves the effect of Focus usage on fatigue.
Dancing Ring 踊舞戒指 提升劈斩防御 •Increase your defense to slash attacks.
Defender's Ring 防护戒指 提升打击防御 •Increases your defense to Strike attacks.
Faithful Ring 信仰戒指 提升秘术防御 •Increases your defense to arcane damage.
Fluke's Ward 附火戒指 提升火炎伤害 •Increase fire damage dealt.
Fused Metal Ring 铁脊髓指环 提升体质属性值 •Increases the wearer's Endurance by 3
Goldenstone Ring 金石戒指 提升雷电防御 •Increases your defense to Lightning damage.
Grasping Ring 握持戒指 提升10%的击杀获盐量 •Provides 10% more salt from slain enemies.
Heartspent Ring 耗心指轮 降低生命值来提升法能值 •Increases MP at the cost of HP.
Impen Crest Ring 邪冠戒指 提升火炎防御 •Increases your defense to fire damage.
Kismet Stone 命运之石 提升道具掉落率 •Increases your item find rate.
Link of Fire and Sky 火空纽带 抵消法术反伤 •Nullifies elemental imbalance.•Elemental imbalance happens when players use the same elemental spell many times - causing them to hurt themselves.
Mending Band 疗愈指轮 生命值再生恢复 •Regenerate HP.
Mossy Ring 青苔指轮 提升精气值再生恢复率 •Increase stamina regeneration rate.
Plated Band 硬板金指环 提升力量属性值 •Increases Strength.
Relentless Ring 不懈指轮 大幅降低战斗的精气值消耗 •Dramatically reduces stamina fatigue from combat.
Ring of Brilliance 光辉戒指 照明周围 •Illuminates surroundings.
Ring of Meditation 冥思指轮 降低神圣祷言的法能消耗 •Reduces cost of divine prayers.
Salt Seeker's Ring 寻盐者之戒 显示失盐地点 •Reveals the location of its owner's missing lost salt.
Shroud Ring 裹布戒指 提升神圣防御 •Increase your defense to holy damage.
Sparkling Ring 火花戒指 提升回复效果 •Increase healing power.
Stone Ring 坚石戒指 提升硬直平衡值 •Increases Balance.
Storm Ring 风暴戒指 提高法术伤害和法术反伤 •Amplifies elemental magic, but also amplifies elemental imbalance.
Symbol of Affluence 富饶徽记 提升金钱掉落率 •Increases Gold find rate.
Trickster's Band 杂耍者指环 提升技巧属性值 •Increases Dexterity.
Twinmetal Ring 荆棘戒指 大幅提升徒手的近战伤害值 •Dramatically improves unarmed melee damage.
Vile Vines Ring 毒藤戒指 提升毒素防御 •Increases your defense to poison damage.
Wrapped Ring 缠绕戒指 提升翻滚速度 •Increases the player's rolling speed.
Charms 护符缨
Bloodflower Charm 血葩护符缨 提升攻击力 •Increases attack power.
Frozen Charm 冰冻护符缨 攻击附加冰冻伤害 •Adds frost damage to your attacks.
Goldenstone Charm 金石护符缨 攻击附加雷电伤害 •Adds lightning damage to your attacks.
Impen's Charm 邪灵护符缨 攻击附加火炎伤害 •Adds fire damage to your attacks.
Lantern Charm 提灯护符缨 照明周围 •Illuminates surroundings, similarly to a Torch.
Mireheart Charm 毒沼护符缨 攻击附加剧毒伤害但会严重中毒 •Adds heavy poison to your attacks, but poisons its user.
Mossy Charm 青苔护符缨 提升攻击速度 •Increases attack speed.
Pale Charm 苍木护符缨 提升攻击范围 •Increases attack reach.
Redhair Charm 赤毫护符缨 濒死大幅提升攻击力 •Greatly amplifies attack power when the wielder is near death.
Saper Charm 吸噬护符缨 击中吸取法能值 •Leeches focus.•Restores 0.5 focus per sucessful hit.
Shroud Charm 裹布护符缨 攻击附加秘术伤害 •Adds arcane damage to your attacks.
Silversalt Charm 银盐护符缨 提升攻击力但每击消耗盐 •Increases attack power, but costs its user salt per attack.
Stone Charm 坚石护符缨 提升硬直伤害 •Increases stagger damage.
Templar's Charm 圣殿护符缨 攻击附加神圣伤害 •Adds holy damage to your attacks.
Vile Charm 狡诈护符缨 攻击附加毒素伤害但会稍微中毒 •Adds poison damage to your attacks.•Weak dot, minor poison damage.
Voracious Charm 贪餮护符缨 击中吸取生命值 •Leeches HP.
Whistlebone Charm 骨哨护符缨 降低精气的攻击使用消耗 •Decreases stamina requirements for melee attacks.
Brands 铭文印
Vertigo Brand 倒引铭文印
Dart Brand 空移铭文印
Shadowflip Brand 影跃铭文印
Redshift Brand 穿行铭文印
Hardlight Brand 硬光铭文印
Spells 法术
Dark Arrows 暗箭 •Blood Spell: Summon an arcane orb that launches barrages of arcane arrows at foes. •Blood Spell: Summon an arcane orb that launches barrages of arcane arrows at foes.
Dark Coil 暗球 •Blood Spell: Summon a coil of foe seeking arcane tendrils. •Blood Spell: Summon a coil of foe seeking arcane tendrils.
Dark Reach 暗雾 •Blood Spell: Summon a burst of arcane fog •Blood Spell: Summon a burst of arcane fog
Dragonfire 龙焰 •Summon a searing plume of flame •Summon a searing plume of flame
Fireball 火球 •Summon a devastating ball of fire. •Summon a devastating ball of fire.
Flame Barrage 火幕 •Summons a rapid-fire stream of flashfire" •Summons a rapid-fire stream of flashfire"
Flamestar 火团 •Summon a star of flashfire •Summon a star of flashfire
Flashfire 火弹 •Summon a small bolt of flashfire •Summon a small bolt of flashfire
Lightning Arc 弧电 •Summon a powerful arc of lightning •Summon a powerful arc of lightning
Lightning Barrage 电幕 •Summon a rapid-fire stream of lightning. •Summon a rapid-fire stream of lightning.
Lightning Ball 电球 •Summon a concentrated ball of lightning •Summon a concentrated ball of lightning
Lightning Bolt 电弹 •Summon a bolt of lightning •Summon a bolt of lightning
Incantations 咒语
Rock Shield 岩石护盾
Venomous Blade 猛毒之刃 •Infuse your weapon with vile poison •Infuse your weapon with vile poison
Arcane Weapon 秘术武器 •Summon arcane magic of Sky to imbue your weapon with arcane power •Summon arcane magic of Sky to imbue your weapon with arcane power
Dark Swarm 黑暗峰群 •Blood Incantation: Summon an array of foe seeking arcane minions. •Blood Incantation: Summon an array of foe seeking arcane minions.
Wildfire 野火狂岚 •Summon a fiery storm •Summon a fiery storm
Flame Guardian 火炎护卫 •Conjure a sentient guardian to attack your foes with bolts of skyfire •Conjure a sentient guardian to attack your foes with bolts of skyfire
Flame Orbiters 炽炎焚火 •Summon orbs of flame to orbit the caster, dealing fire damage to anyone foolish enough to step in their path •Summon orbs of flame to orbit the caster, dealing fire damage to anyone foolish enough to step in their path
Lightning Pod 雷电光球 •A friendly Spirit of Sky that follows its caster, periodically casting Lightning Bolts at its casters foes •A friendly Spirit of Sky that follows its caster, periodically casting Lightning Bolts at its casters foes
Lightning Storm 闪电风暴 •Summon a storm of lightning •Summon a storm of lightning
Static Geist 静电之灵 •Summons a powerful spirit of Sky •Summons a powerful spirit of Sky
Poison Gas 毒云 •Summon a cloud of poison gas •Summon a cloud of poison gas
Undersight 真视 •Temporarily gain Undersight•Undersight allows you to see invisble Whisperman and Whisperlady enemies. (Dome of the Forgotten) •Temporarily gain Undersight•Undersight allows you to see invisble Whisperman and Whisperlady enemies. (Dome of the Forgotten)
Prayers 祷言
Divine Armor 神圣防护 •Temporarily improves the caster's defense to physical attacks. •Temporarily improves the caster's defense to physical attacks.
Light 光照 •Fills your physical presence with divine purity, bathing the immediate area in holy light •Fills your physical presence with divine purity, bathing the immediate area in holy light
Mend 小回复 •Restore some HP and reduce some wounding. •Restore some HP and reduce some wounding.
Sacred Linens 圣麻绷带 •Reduce some wounding. •Reduce some wounding.
Blessed Weapon 祝福武器 •Temporarily bless a nonelemental weapon with timeless wisdom, adding Holy damage to your attacks. •Temporarily bless a nonelemental weapon with timeless wisdom, adding Holy damage to your attacks.
Cleanse 净化 •Removes poisoning from the caster. •Removes poisoning from the caster.
Divine Will 神圣意志 •A prayer for revitalization. •A prayer for revitalization.
Revive 复苏 •Revives ally. •Revives ally.
Spirited Mend 中回复 •Restore HP and reduce wounding. •Restore HP and reduce wounding.
Ethereal Intervention 虚灵附身 •Temporarily improves the caster's defense to magical attacks. •Temporarily improves the caster's defense to magical attacks.
Rejuvenate 大回复 •Restore a large amount of HP and reduce a large amount of wounding.. •Restore a large amount of HP and reduce a large amount of wounding..
Sprites 圣灵 •Summon divine spirits to orbit the caster, then seek out foes to deal holy damage to. •Summon divine spirits to orbit the caster, then seek out foes to deal holy damage to.
Divine Blessed Weapon 神圣祝福武器 •Temporarily bless a nonelemental weapon with divine wisdom, adding powerful Holy damage to your attacks •Temporarily bless a nonelemental weapon with divine wisdom, adding powerful Holy damage to your attacks
Ray of Searing 耀目之光 •Summon a ray of divine retribution, searing nearby enemies.•High chance of causing stagger and knockback on enemies hit. •Summon a ray of divine retribution, searing nearby enemies.•High chance of causing stagger and knockback on enemies hit.
Guardian Blade 守护之刃 •Summon a divine blade wielded by ethereal agents of light •Summon a divine blade wielded by ethereal agents of light
Trophy 奖杯
Saltborn 盐生之人 获得了所有奖杯! Achieve all possible trophies.
The Banquet 溃烂宴厅 击败了BOSS「沉浸骑士」! Defeat the Sodden Knight.
The Village 微笑村寨 击败了BOSS「微笑女王」! Defeat the Queen of Smiles.
The Keep 沉陷要塞 击败了BOSS「克拉肯独眼巨怪」! Defeat the Kraekan Cyclops.
The Forest 守望森林 击败了BOSS「癫狂术师」! Defeat the Mad Alchemist.
The Imposter 虚妄小丑 击败了BOSS「虚妄小丑」! Defeat the False Jester.
The Castle 风暴堡垒 击败了BOSS「克拉肯亚龙」! Defeat the Kraekan Wyrm.
The Red Hall 牢笼红馆 击败了BOSS「树人尸怪」! Defeat the Tree of Men.
The Cave 哈格洞穴 击败了BOSS「破膛躯壳者」! Defeat the Disemboweled Husk.
The Mire 恶臭沼泽 击败了BOSS「污秽恶臭兽」! Defeat that Stench Most Foul.
The Dome 遗忘拱堂 击败了BOSS「勿触判罚者」! Defeat the Untouched Inquisitor.
The Sacrifice 第三羔羊 击败了BOSS「第三羔羊」! Defeat the Third Lamb.
The Ziggurat 尘砂灵塔 击败了BOSS「干涸之王」! Defeat the Dried King.
The Construct 无血王子 击败了BOSS「无血王子」! Defeat the Bloodless Prince.
The Ruins 废弃神庙 击败了BOSS「贪婪之斧」! Defeat the Coveted.
The Pitchwoods 矗立树林 击败了BOSS「残暴者卡瑟鸠」! Defeat Carsejaw the Cruel.
The Lake 暹罗大湖 击败了BOSS「大湖巫女」! Defeat the Witch of the Lake.
The Alkymancery 盐之圣域 击败了BOSS「活体无皮者」和「建物者」! Defeat the Unskinned and the Architect.
The Crypt 亡主地窟 击败了BOSS「克拉肯巨龙斯考兹」! Defeat Kraekan Dragon Skourzh.
The Palace 静滞宫殿 击败了BOSS「无名之主」! Defeat the Nameless God.
Find Sanctuary 初始教所 转换了初始教所。 Claim your first sanctuary.
Find Salvation 救世 成功的逃离了岛屿。 Escape the island.
The Unspeakable Deep 晦名深邃 击败了BOSS「晦名深邃」! Defeat the Unspeakable Deep.
Coastrock 岸岩之地 帮助了NPC「沮丧盗贼」。 Aid a despondent thief.
Wise Words 睿智之言 帮助了NPC「无主骑士」。 Aid a questing knight.
Fading Fast 迅速衰落 帮助了NPC「黑沙巫师」。 Aid an unraveling sorceror.
Branded 烙印 获得了一个铭文印。 Discover your first brand.
Storied 传奇 获得了所有铭文印。 Bear all possiblebrands.
The Three 三权分位 向「三权分位」教派起誓。 Take an oath to The Three.
Devara's Light 铎拉圣光 向「铎拉圣光」教派起誓。 Take an oath to Devara's Light.
The Iron Ones 钢铁之源 向「钢铁之源」教派起誓。 Take an oath to The Iron Ones.
The Stone Roots 磐石之根 向「磐石之根」教派起誓。 Take an oath to The Stone Roots.
Keepers of Fire and Sky 火空护卫 向「火空护卫」教派起誓。 Take an oath to the gods of Fire and Sky.
The House of Splendor 金辉之家 向「金辉之家」教派起誓。 Take an oath to The House of Splendor.
Order of the Betrayer 反叛秩序 向「反叛秩序」教派起誓。 Take an oath to the Order of the Betrayer.
Devoted 信仰者 获得了教派最大信仰度。 Achieve the maximum devotion level in your creed.
Honed 磨砺者 提升至武器最高等级。 Achieve the maximum upgrade level of a weapon.
Dominion 主宰 成为了岛屿新领主。 Become the new lord of the island.
Story and Lore 故事与传说
The Poisoner's Field Guide, para. 6. 『毒制品手册』6项
The Poisoner's Field Guide, para. 6b. 『毒制品手册』6项b行
The Smith's Apprentice, pg. 7. 『工匠学徒』第07页
The Smith's Apprentice, pg. 8. 『工匠学徒』第08页
The Smith's Apprentice, pg. 11. 『工匠学徒』第11页
The Smith's Apprentice, pg. 13. 『工匠学徒』第13页
The Cat King, pg. 1. 『猫之王』第01页
The Cat King, pg. 4. 『猫之王』第04页
The Cat King, pg. 10. 『猫之王』第10页
Annals of Grimsen, pg. 150. 『酷志』第150页
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 3. 『老弱的朝觐队』第03节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 4. 『老弱的朝觐队』第04节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 5. 『老弱的朝觐队』第05节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 7. 『老弱的朝觐队』第07节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 8. 『老弱的朝觐队』第08节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 11. 『老弱的朝觐队』第11节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 12. 『老弱的朝觐队』第12节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 14. 『老弱的朝觐队』第14节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 15. 『老弱的朝觐队』第15节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 19. 『老弱的朝觐队』第19节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 20. 『老弱的朝觐队』第20节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 21. 『老弱的朝觐队』第21节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 22. 『老弱的朝觐队』第22节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 23. 『老弱的朝觐队』第23节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 24. 『老弱的朝觐队』第24节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 27. 『老弱的朝觐队』第27节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 28. 『老弱的朝觐队』第28节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 33. 『老弱的朝觐队』第33节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 34. 『老弱的朝觐队』第34节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 41. 『老弱的朝觐队』第41节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 42. 『老弱的朝觐队』第42节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 43. 『老弱的朝觐队』第43节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 44. 『老弱的朝觐队』第44节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 45. 『老弱的朝觐队』第45节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 47. 『老弱的朝觐队』第47节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 50. 『老弱的朝觐队』第50节
The Pencen Pilgrimage, s. 51. 『老弱的朝觐队』第51节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 1 『贝嘉腊史诗』第01节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 2 『贝嘉腊史诗』第02节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 6 『贝嘉腊史诗』第06节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 7 『贝嘉腊史诗』第07节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 8 『贝嘉腊史诗』第08节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 9 『贝嘉腊史诗』第09节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 10 『贝嘉腊史诗』第10节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 11 『贝嘉腊史诗』第11节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 15 『贝嘉腊史诗』第15节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 16 『贝嘉腊史诗』第16节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 17 『贝嘉腊史诗』第17节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 20 『贝嘉腊史诗』第20节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 27 『贝嘉腊史诗』第27节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 29 『贝嘉腊史诗』第29节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 31 『贝嘉腊史诗』第31节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 32 『贝嘉腊史诗』第32节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 33 『贝嘉腊史诗』第33节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 36 『贝嘉腊史诗』第36节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 37 『贝嘉腊史诗』第37节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 40 『贝嘉腊史诗』第40节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 41 『贝嘉腊史诗』第41节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 44 『贝嘉腊史诗』第44节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 46 『贝嘉腊史诗』第46节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 47 『贝嘉腊史诗』第47节
The Tale of Vel Karam, Stanza 50 『贝嘉腊史诗』第50节
Pantheonus 1:1-2 『众神殿』第1章01-02行
Pantheonus 1:3-4 『众神殿』第1章03-04行
Pantheonus 1:5-6 『众神殿』第1章05-06行
Pantheonus 1:7-8 『众神殿』第1章07-08行
Pantheonus 1:9-10 『众神殿』第1章09-10行
Pantheonus 1:11-12 『众神殿』第1章11-12行
Pantheonus 1:13-14 『众神殿』第1章13-14行
Pantheonus 1:15-16 『众神殿』第1章15-16行
Pantheonus 2:1 『众神殿』第2章01行
Pantheonus 2:2 『众神殿』第2章02行
Pantheonus 2:3-4 『众神殿』第2章03-04行
Pantheonus 2:5 『众神殿』第2章05行
Pantheonus 2:6 『众神殿』第2章06行
Pantheonus 2:7 『众神殿』第2章07行
Pantheonus 2:8 『众神殿』第2章08行
Pantheonus 2:9 『众神殿』第2章09行
Pantheonus 2:10 『众神殿』第2章10行
Pantheonus 3:1 『众神殿』第3章01行
Pantheonus 3:2-3 『众神殿』第3章02-03行
Pantheonus 3:4 『众神殿』第3章04行
Pantheonus 3:5 『众神殿』第3章05行
Pantheonus 4:1 『众神殿』第4章01行
Pantheonus 4:2 『众神殿』第4章02行
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 6. 『恐怖丘游历记』第06节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 7. 『恐怖丘游历记』第07节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 8. 『恐怖丘游历记』第08节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 15. 『恐怖丘游历记』第15节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 41. 『恐怖丘游历记』第41节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 42. 『恐怖丘游历记』第42节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 43. 『恐怖丘游历记』第43节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 44. 『恐怖丘游历记』第44节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 45. 『恐怖丘游历记』第45节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 46. 『恐怖丘游历记』第46节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 47. 『恐怖丘游历记』第47节
The Foley Knoll Horror s. 54. 『恐怖丘游历记』第54节
The Codex Malifinent, pg. 5. 『黑巫婆手抄』第05页
The Codex Malifinent, pg. 13. 『黑巫婆手抄』第13页
Chauncy's Medicine, s. 1. 『根友药典』第01节
Chauncy's Medicine, s. 2. 『根友药典』第02节
Chauncy's Medicine, s. 8. 『根友药典』第08节
Chauncy's Medicine, s. 9. 『根友药典』第09节
Chauncy's Medicine, s. 10. 『根友药典』第10节
Chauncy's Medicine, s. 11. 『根友药典』第11节
Chauncy's Medicine, s. 12. 『根友药典』第12节
The Burning Clouds, 1:5 『燃烧之云』第1章05行
The Burning Clouds, 1:6 『燃烧之云』第1章06行
The Burning Clouds, 1:7 『燃烧之云』第1章07行
The Burning Clouds, 1:8 『燃烧之云』第1章08行
The Burning Clouds, 1:9 『燃烧之云』第1章09行
The Burning Clouds, 1:10 『燃烧之云』第1章10行
The Burning Clouds, 3:2 『燃烧之云』第3章02行
The Burning Clouds, 3:3 『燃烧之云』第3章03行
The Burning Clouds, 3:7 『燃烧之云』第3章07行
The Burning Clouds, 3:8 『燃烧之云』第3章08行
Defernamany 62:3 『受难书 』第62页3行
Tiching Codex pg. 1:3 『教义圣籍』第01页03行
Tiching Codex pg. 5:13 『教义圣籍』第05页13行
Tiching Codex pg. 12:2 『教义圣籍』第12页02行
Tiching Codex pg. 12:17 『教义圣籍』第12页17行
Tiching Codex pg. 12:18 『教义圣籍』第12页18行
Tiching Codex pg. 12:20 『教义圣籍』第12页20行
Tiching Codex pg. 12:27 『教义圣籍』第12页27行
Tiching Codex pg. 17:1 『教义圣籍』第17页01行
Tiching Codex pg. 17:2 『教义圣籍』第17页02行
Tiching Codex pg. 17:5 『教义圣籍』第17页05行
Tiching Codex pg. 17:9 『教义圣籍』第17页09行
Tiching Codex pg. 20:3 『教义圣籍』第20页03行
Tiching Codex pg. 20:5 『教义圣籍』第20页05行
- Posts: 20
- Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:53 am
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
and anyone can help me how to contact SKA?
- Posts: 165
- Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2014 10:00 am
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
It has "key - multiple values" structure, like in CSV (or TSV) file. It contains 7 languages.
I'm not 100% sure about the structure, but it looks like this:
Note: keys are always written in CAPS
I'm not 100% sure about the structure, but it looks like this:
Code: Select all
4 bytes = KeysNumber; number of keys in file
1 byte = KeyNameLength; length of key name
KeyNameLength bytes = KeyName
1 byte = ValueTextLength
ValueTextLength bytes = ValueText; english
1 byte = ValueTextLength
ValueTextLength bytes = ValueText; french
1 byte = ValueTextLength
ValueTextLength bytes = ValueText; italian
1 byte = ValueTextLength
ValueTextLength bytes = ValueText; german
1 byte = ValueTextLength
ValueTextLength bytes = ValueText; spanish
1 byte = ValueTextLength
ValueTextLength bytes = ValueText; portugese
1 byte = ValueTextLength
ValueTextLength bytes = ValueText; japanese
Note: keys are always written in CAPS
- Posts: 69
- Joined: Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:31 pm
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
MerlinSVK wrote:It has "key - multiple values" structure, like in CSV (or TSV) file. It contains 7 languages.
I'm not 100% sure about the structure, but it looks like this:Code: Select all
4 bytes = KeysNumber; number of keys in file
1 byte = KeyNameLength; length of key name
KeyNameLength bytes = KeyName
1 byte = ValueTextLength
ValueTextLength bytes = ValueText; english
1 byte = ValueTextLength
ValueTextLength bytes = ValueText; french
1 byte = ValueTextLength
ValueTextLength bytes = ValueText; italian
1 byte = ValueTextLength
ValueTextLength bytes = ValueText; german
1 byte = ValueTextLength
ValueTextLength bytes = ValueText; spanish
1 byte = ValueTextLength
ValueTextLength bytes = ValueText; portugese
1 byte = ValueTextLength
ValueTextLength bytes = ValueText; japanese
Note: keys are always written in CAPS
Yes, I figured it would look like this, but how can I edit how long the text will be (the ValueTextLength)?
- Posts: 165
- Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2014 10:00 am
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
By hand in hex editor
Every string has 1 byte in the front which contains the length of string itself.
I'm trying to write a convertor from .ztx to .tsv and back. But it's not finished yet.

Code: Select all
07 | 4F 70 74 69 6F 6E 73 = 7 bytes | O p t i o n s
0B | 42 65 E1 6C 6C ED 74 E1 73 6F 6B = 11 bytes | B e á l l í t á s o k
I'm trying to write a convertor from .ztx to .tsv and back. But it's not finished yet.
- Posts: 69
- Joined: Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:31 pm
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
MerlinSVK wrote:By hand in hex editorEvery string has 1 byte in the front which contains the length of string itself.
Code: Select all
07 | 4F 70 74 69 6F 6E 73 = 7 bytes | O p t i o n s
0B | 42 65 E1 6C 6C ED 74 E1 73 6F 6B = 11 bytes | B e á l l í t á s o k
I'm trying to write a convertor from .ztx to .tsv and back. But it's not finished yet.
Did you write in Hungarian because you've seen my avatar?

I've changed it, but it didn't work for me. Also doesn't unicode characters count like 2 spaces/bytes?
My bad, it works!

- Posts: 165
- Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2014 10:00 am
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
The_Reaper_CooL wrote:Did you write in Hungarian because you've seen my avatar?

So, here is my ztx tools. I've tested them briefly, and game runs with translated texts. But there might be some situations where "new .ztx" could be damaged (when value length is longer then 128 bytes).

But that's only for .ztx. Dialog.zdx have a bit different structure, which I don't fully understand :-/
- Posts: 69
- Joined: Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:31 pm
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
MerlinSVK wrote:The_Reaper_CooL wrote:Did you write in Hungarian because you've seen my avatar?
So, here is my ztx tools. I've tested them briefly, and game runs with translated texts. But there might be some situations where "new .ztx" could be damaged (when value length is longer then 128 bytes).
But that's only for .ztx. Dialog.zdx have a bit different structure, which I don't fully understand :-/
That picture is rad, thank you

Will try to translate all this stuff, thanks a bunch (or as we would say "Nagyon szépen köszönöm!"

- Posts: 7
- Joined: Sat May 21, 2016 10:24 am
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
Hi! In game files (z*x) exist not only localization string. There is a lot of game data;
Ex.: monster.zox contains title, desc, def, texture, canJump, helm, armor, hair, hairColor, hp, attack, defense, etc.
You can see all structures.
Download Open game exe file. And explore classes: LootEdit, DialogEdit, SkillTreeEdit, MonsterEdit.
I'm writing some editor:

If it will be finisged(
) i realise it.
P.S. Sry for my Eng, im from Mother Russia.
Ex.: monster.zox contains title, desc, def, texture, canJump, helm, armor, hair, hairColor, hp, attack, defense, etc.
You can see all structures.
Download Open game exe file. And explore classes: LootEdit, DialogEdit, SkillTreeEdit, MonsterEdit.
I'm writing some editor:

If it will be finisged(

P.S. Sry for my Eng, im from Mother Russia.
- Posts: 20
- Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:53 am
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
MerlinSVK wrote:The_Reaper_CooL wrote:Did you write in Hungarian because you've seen my avatar?
So, here is my ztx tools. I've tested them briefly, and game runs with translated texts. But there might be some situations where "new .ztx" could be damaged (when value length is longer then 128 bytes).
But that's only for .ztx. Dialog.zdx have a bit different structure, which I don't fully understand :-/
the game files contents
Content\Font.xnb Font about files
dialog\data\dialog.zdx dialog about text
dialog\data\strings.ztx system about text
loot\data\loot.zlx all items(includ weapon and armors) about text
monsters\data\monsters.zox monsters and boss about text
skilltree\data\skilltree.zsx skilltree's about text
and i find two new files
Content\gfx\arial.xnb font about files
Content\gfx\jptext.xnb japanese font about files
can help to make a TOOLS to pack and unpack all of them~?
and can anyone help me HOW TO CUTSMOS TO MEAK A "Font.xnb" files ~?(because chinese font are different)
thanks a lot!!~~
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:51 am
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
In order to customize the file font.xnb I suggest to use "Easy XNB Pack/UnPack Toolkit" made by Drogean (based on XNBNode),
And here's a guide to modify the file font: ... UCOYs/edit
This is the "Stardew Valley Font Editing Guide" but it works for all xnb font files.
And here's a guide to modify the file font: ... UCOYs/edit
This is the "Stardew Valley Font Editing Guide" but it works for all xnb font files.
- Posts: 20
- Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:53 am
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
Vecna wrote:In order to customize the file font.xnb I suggest to use "Easy XNB Pack/UnPack Toolkit" made by Drogean (based on XNBNode),
And here's a guide to modify the file font: ... UCOYs/edit
This is the "Stardew Valley Font Editing Guide" but it works for all xnb font files.
thank u~
thank u thank u and thank u
- Posts: 20
- Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:53 am
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
hi guys~
i find that the game seems dont use the "Content\Font.xnb" for the in game useing FONT
it's FONT in the
"Content\gfx\jptext.xnb" and "hud\glyph.zgx"
can anyone help me to unpack the 2 files?
"XNB Pack/UnPack Toolkit" cant unpack "jptext.xnb"~~
PS.i use the BITMAP FONT creat a FONT by myselp but how can trans a FNT files to a YAML files ?
i find that the game seems dont use the "Content\Font.xnb" for the in game useing FONT
it's FONT in the
"Content\gfx\jptext.xnb" and "hud\glyph.zgx"
can anyone help me to unpack the 2 files?
"XNB Pack/UnPack Toolkit" cant unpack "jptext.xnb"~~
PS.i use the BITMAP FONT creat a FONT by myselp but how can trans a FNT files to a YAML files ?
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Sat May 21, 2016 10:24 am
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
zacarb wrote:hi guys~
i find that the game seems dont use the "Content\Font.xnb" for the in game useing FONT
it's FONT in the
"Content\gfx\jptext.xnb" and "hud\glyph.zgx"
can anyone help me to unpack the 2 files?
"XNB Pack/UnPack Toolkit" cant unpack "jptext.xnb"~~
PS.i use the BITMAP FONT creat a FONT by myselp but how can trans a FNT files to a YAML files ?
glyph -!iooD1bKC!4DYacc2CDzMCe3I3rNQES32K_VaTIywnG6NSP89KYnU
- Posts: 20
- Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:53 am
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
can u make a tools for packing and unpacking z*x files ?
dialog\data\dialog.zdx dialog about text
dialog\data\strings.ztx system about text
loot\data\loot.zlx all items(includ weapon and armors) about text
monsters\data\monsters.zox monsters and boss about text
skilltree\data\skilltree.zsx skilltree's about text
MerlinSVK 's SaS_ztx_tools can only pack and unpack dialog\data\strings.ztx
dialog\data\dialog.zdx dialog about text
loot\data\loot.zlx all items(includ weapon and armors) about text
monsters\data\monsters.zox monsters and boss about text
skilltree\data\skilltree.zsx skilltree's about text
can't useful
thx u~~~
can u make a tools for packing and unpacking z*x files ?
dialog\data\dialog.zdx dialog about text
dialog\data\strings.ztx system about text
loot\data\loot.zlx all items(includ weapon and armors) about text
monsters\data\monsters.zox monsters and boss about text
skilltree\data\skilltree.zsx skilltree's about text
MerlinSVK 's SaS_ztx_tools can only pack and unpack dialog\data\strings.ztx
dialog\data\dialog.zdx dialog about text
loot\data\loot.zlx all items(includ weapon and armors) about text
monsters\data\monsters.zox monsters and boss about text
skilltree\data\skilltree.zsx skilltree's about text
can't useful
thx u~~~
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Sat May 21, 2016 10:24 am
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
zacarb wrote:hi~Usui
can u make a tools for packing and unpacking z*x files ?
I maked it, but need to finish and test. Mb in end of week i will release.
+ will share edited .xnb packer/unpacker for fonts and other textures.
- Posts: 9
- Joined: Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:51 am
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
Usui you are great!
- Posts: 20
- Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:53 am
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
Usui wrote:zacarb wrote:hi~Usui
can u make a tools for packing and unpacking z*x files ?
I maked it, but need to finish and test. Mb in end of week i will release.
+ will share edited .xnb packer/unpacker for fonts and other textures.
great job
thank u
i love Russia and Russian girls~
PS. I am ready to do a Chinese language combine English GAME TEXT in game. if u finished the Russian Language text , and i can do a Chinese language combine Russian GAME TEXT for u~
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Sat May 21, 2016 10:24 am
Re: Salt and Sanctuary language files
Packer/Unpacker -!SwowDS6Z!GzlTblerC5p4 ... 1lJOprJ5Es
1. Put .xnb files in folder "Packed";
2. Run "UnpackFiles.bat";
3. Edit texture (.png) from folder "Unpacked";
4. Run "PackFiles.bat";
5. Take edited xnb from folder "Packed";
Tip: Befor pack png to xnb (in case of fonts) need a little blure borders of text
1. Put .xnb files in folder "Packed";
2. Run "UnpackFiles.bat";
3. Edit texture (.png) from folder "Unpacked";
4. Run "PackFiles.bat";
5. Take edited xnb from folder "Packed";
Tip: Befor pack png to xnb (in case of fonts) need a little blure borders of text