Archive with encrypted information, I have been able to extract the data using just an heuristic approach. It worked with an archive but I don't know if it will work at 100% also with others, anyway not bad considering that it's an encrypted chunks-based format without access to the information
You cannot imagine how many bad things there are in this file format. Some archives have the names table encrypted/obfuscated, so I instructed the script to recognize and skip it. Some "data" fields have invalid information as explained in a comment at the end of the script.
Anyway I think that probably the script works with most of the games of
You cannot imagine how many bad things there are in this file format. Some archives have the names table encrypted/obfuscated, so I instructed the script to recognize and skip it. Some "data" fields have invalid information as explained in a comment at the end of the script.
Anyway I think that probably the script works with most of the games of
Hello, my friends, thank you for your great work, I am your fan and I will always support you.
I tried your script on the current client 1.6 but I got strange message. So i downloaded the old client 2014 but i got the same strange message O.o ( i remember in past to have succescfully extract files but script was 0.1 or 0.2 ( don't remember) and the one in your page is 0.3
I don't think the problem is related to the client been updated since the same error for both client
screen attached
Just to remember you : data are stored in chunkdata.vfs ( big ) and data.vfs ( small). For both of them i got the message I attached
Perfect, that confirms that TOC encryption and filename encryption are 2 separate things and the latter is not identified by fields, can only be guessed. As temporary work-around delete the "filecrypt 1" command at line 32 of the current script.
Thanks aluigi ! Now the script works fine ( except for some data lost, it extract 93% of the content, but I read that this format is a pain in the a$$ )