I'm editor of several games (pes, fifa, olds motogp's, sbk's, etc..)
I have a problem with files .BIN, these files contain the 3d model of the game (bikes, helmets, etc)
I have been managed to export multiple files with a tool I found in a forum:ç
http://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?f ... &start=135
But this tool is very difficult for someone who does not know the edition of hex tools (HxD, Hex Workshop etc)
I leave a picture of my work:

The files that have been able to export are very small (100kb) and it took me an hour to get it.. much time..
Anyone know how we can export these files? Currently there any tools of export this files?
I saw a guy in this forum knows export these files, or at least understand about of edition generally (aluigi)
If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!