Hey, I've been trying to figure this out but have had no luck at all I'm not sure if ekeys unpacker is at blame or something is going on weird but Counter-Strike Online 2's VTF textures just refuse to decompress. Well the VTF header + all the mips do successfully decompress however the largest mip LZMA block fails
Here is what the files look like

it uses LZMA in the format of
Code: Select all
byte LZMA[4]
uint32 size
uint32 zsize
byte Lzmaprops[5]
So for example the first LZMA block decompresses to this and each MIP of the texture follows which is another LZMA block.

Get to the last LZMA block and it just fails. I dump the buffer before the lzma bad data exception and the result is an image chopped up here is what i mean look.
The first 2 Mips are broken but the rest are fine

The function which decompresses the lzma seems normal I don't understand whats going on why is it failing

Code: Select all
vtf_lzma_header *__stdcall LzmaVtfDecode(vtf_lzma_header *lzmaHeader, unsigned __int8 *outputBuffer)
vtf_lzma_header *lzmaHeader2; // ebx@1
unsigned int uncompressedLength; // ebp@4
unsigned int *probs; // esi@5
signed int decodeResult; // edi@5
vtf_lzma_header *result; // eax@6
CLzmaDecoderState state; // [sp+10h] [bp-14h]@5
lzmaHeader2 = lzmaHeader;
if ( !lzmaHeader
|| !outputBuffer
|| lzmaHeader->lzmaMagic != 0x414D5A4C
|| (uncompressedLength = lzmaHeader->uncompressedLength) == 0 )
goto LABEL_8;
LzmaDecodeProperties(&state.Properties, lzmaHeader->decoderProperties);
probs = (unsigned int *)(*(int (__thiscall **)(_DWORD, _DWORD))(**(_DWORD **)&byte_14F5E214[140] + 4))(
*(_DWORD *)&byte_14F5E214[140],
4 * (768 << (LOBYTE(state.Properties.lp) + state.Properties.lc)) + 0x1CD8);// allocFunc & LzmaGetNumProbs
state.Probs = probs;
decodeResult = LzmaDecode(
(unsigned int *)&outputBuffer,
(unsigned int *)&lzmaHeader);
(*(void (__stdcall **)(_DWORD))(**(_DWORD **)&byte_14F5E214[140] + 20))(probs);// freeFunc
if ( decodeResult || (result = lzmaHeader, lzmaHeader != (vtf_lzma_header *)uncompressedLength) )
(*(void (**)(const char *, ...))&byte_14F5E214[24])("Decompress Fail. %d", decodeResult);
result = 0;
return result;
Sample files (source engine shared files not only found in CSO2 but alienswarm/dota2/tf2 free2play game)
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f8jmz3ppqefp ... wGUMF0LVJa
Here are more Samples (since CSO2 runs the Source Engine i found some files in CSS that are the same in CSO2)
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/107 ... samples.7z
PM me if you want the filesystem dll