1. Split big archives into individual "GEOM" files with vgmtoolbox.
vgmtoolbox "advanced cutter" can be found in "misc tools / extraction / generic"
Put 007_geom.xml into its folder, load it and drag files onto it. Game files have no names, so proper extraction will not be possible anyway.
2. Run goldeneye007_unpack.bms script on .geom files and it will extract resources from it: textures, models, skeletons, other types.
3. 007_image_ps3.exe will convert all textures into DDS.
Run it in the folder where you have .texture files.
4. Drag .skel file onto 007_model_ps3.exe to convert all meshes in the directory and connect them with that skeleton. Low quality models will have many LODs. Recognized by having no finger bones. Usually not needed. Good quality models are usually in separate .geom file, with only one highest LOD.