You have to provide some "context" because I have no idea of what is this 00000014.pak and where you got it and how or if there are errors and what errors. Additionally I don't have the game.
aluigi wrote:You have to provide some "context" because I have no idea of what is this 00000014.pak and where you got it and how or if there are errors and what errors. Additionally I don't have the game.
Having 12Gb or 3Gb is the same because quickbms is a 32bit application. Would be great to have it compiled as 64bit but many people use it on 32bit systems (yes it's used even on some Windows 98 systems!).
Now I have released a version 0.2.1 that uses the temporary file instead of the memory file but I suspect you will continue to have the same problem, be sure to use quickbms 0.7.5 because it adopts a work-around used when lot of memory is involved! Let me know if it works.
- it's not possible to create that file due to its filename or related incompatibilities (for example already exists a folder with that name), so now you must choose a new filename for saving it. if you press ENTER a new name will be generated automatically. - old: gameinfo\MeshVariations\MeshMaterialVariations - new:
That means the name of the file is the same of an already existent folder, very strange because they are names taken from the archive itself. I have updated the script to auto-guess the extension if it doesn't exist and it "should" fix also the problem with the folders.
aluigi wrote:That means the name of the file is the same of an already existent folder, very strange because they are names taken from the archive itself. I have updated the script to auto-guess the extension if it doesn't exist and it "should" fix also the problem with the folders.
Then you should put the content of TEMPORARY_FILE where the original content was located in GLOBAL.PAK, I guess to offset 0x14 (you can just copy&paste the first 0x14 bytes from GLOBAL.PAK)
Strider PAK Tool By Delutto See Readme.txt for instructions.
Notes: I couldn't make the game work with the compressed file, so the generated file will be uncompressed and, because of that, will be huge. For game localization, see here.
Delutto wrote:Strider PAK Tool By Delutto See Readme.txt for instructions.Strider_PAK_Tool_By_Delutto.7z Notes: I couldn't make the game work with the compressed file, so the generated file will be uncompressed and, because of that, will be huge. For game localization, see here.
Delutto wrote:Strider PAK Tool By Delutto See Readme.txt for instructions.Strider_PAK_Tool_By_Delutto.7z Notes: I couldn't make the game work with the compressed file, so the generated file will be uncompressed and, because of that, will be huge. For game localization, see here.