Unfortunately doesn't exist a real solution because I don't know what's the algorithm. The compression is similar to LBALZSS2 but it's not the same and so the decompressed data is wrong. This is a test script to show you what I mean:
Aluigi thank you very much, I think I can settle me, but I can not reimport.
I get the option to skip, cancel or force, I write force, the program says it has been re-imported, but open the hex file and still the same. This is the problem?
It could Fixes for reimport?
You could look at my other post, if they have solution?
I'm back from additional tests made also with Little Big Adventure 2 and it's a problem of the decompression algorithm that has an additional instruction which is not used by the games. I have no idea where I got that additional part of code but if it's there it means it was in the code I reverse engineered. Anyway now the decompression works at 100% on both LBA and Vrally2 but the code is not available in quickbms.
get SIZE long savepos OFFSET get ZSIZE asize math ZSIZE - OFFSET get NAME basename string NAME + ".txt" # this is the fixed LBALZSS* algorithm that will be fixed in quickbms 0.7.7 set MEMORY_FILE binary "\x55\x89\xe5\x57\x56\x53\x83\xec\x0c\x8b\x4d\x08\x8b\x45\x0c\x01\xc8\x89\x45\xf0\x8b\x45\x10\x03\x45\x14\x89\x45\xec\x8b\x45\x10\x3b\x45\xec\x73\x73\x3b\x4d\xf0\x73\x6e\x8d\x71\x01\x8a\x09\xc6\x45\xea\x08\x88\x4d\xeb\xf6\x45\xeb\x01\x74\x15\x3b\x75\xf0\x73\x57\x3b\x45\xec\x73\x52\x8a\x16\x8d\x4e\x01\x40\x88\x50\xff\xeb\x3b\x8d\x4e\x02\x3b\x4d\xf0\x77\x3f\x0f\xb6\x56\x01\x0f\xb6\x36\xc1\xe2\x08\x09\xf2\x31\xf6\x89\xd7\x0f\xb7\xd2\x83\xe7\x0f\x03\x7d\x18\xf7\xd2\xc1\xfa\x04\x01\xc2\x39\xfe\x7f\x0f\x3b\x45\xec\x73\x16\x8a\x1c\x32\x40\x46\x88\x58\xff\xeb\xed\xd0\x6d\xeb\xfe\x4d\xea\x74\x8c\x89\xce\xeb\x9e\x2b\x45\x10\x83\xc4\x0c\x5b\x5e\x5f\x5d\xc3" comtype calldll "MEMORY_FILE 0 cdecl RET #INPUT# #INPUT_SIZE# #OUTPUT# #OUTPUT_SIZE# 2" clog NAME OFFSET ZSIZE SIZE
To disable the compression it's enough to set the decompressed size field (the first 32bit value) like the compressed size. But there is no way to do everything automatic, you need a rebuilder.