Progress log:
- 13/10/2016: Version 0.8 released
- Initial release - 14/10/2016: Version 0.8.1 released
- Fixed typos, issues with declaration order and other oversights due to Max not clearing its own memory properly
- Improved consistency between files
- Proper loading of meshes and materials (additional info in the listener window)
- Rigging is applied
- Weapon, character and level models are supported and..
- Level textures are converted from their custom format into DDS (this requires you to keep the original folder structure intact)
- Partial animation support. For now it only loads the first animation in a .GAP file. Sometimes GMD files also contain animations but those will be skipped.
- Some MaxScript code you might find useful if you're into developing scripts yourself
- Also loads models from Persona 4 Dancing All Night, but does not yet support loading the faces (p5 doesn't use them)
Current issues:
- Some models are displaced, and I cannot find the reason as to why. Be sure to check your models thoroughly! If you have any idea, please let me know.
- Materials load properly but their parsing is mostly brute forced and can possibly break. Figuring these out has proven to be quite difficult. Again help would be appreciated.
- Some models don't load because of embedded particles (most of the enemies in p5). I don't know how to parse these, so until then models containing these will not load.
- Rare bug that causes garbage face data to appear, I'm not sure as to why this happens.
- Due to use of FileIn to seperate code, the script will now no longer work when run in the editor (Evaluate All).
In fact, it will completely corrupt 3ds Max's MaxScript memory. Thanks Autodesk
Important notes:
This script is developed for 3ds Max 2016. If you have any issues other than the ones listed above, please make sure you're using this version. I do not intend to support older versions of Max as anyone can get a *SPAM* of the latest one and quite a few MaxScript features are blatantly broken in them.
Oh yeah, please retain the folder structure, otherwise the script won't work. All files are needed.
Special Thanks
- Atlus for finally (Winter 2014 *cough*) delivering Persona 5
- Pan for the preload dump of p5
- PolarSoda for his P4D script
- mrdudesworkshop for his findings on the animation structure
I hope you enjoy these models as much as I enjoyed (and still do!) working on them.
Eventually I plan on putting custom models into the game, but until then my MaxScript will serve to help me reverse this format.