Game: http://store.steampowered.com/app/345350
How to fix old ZTR.bt https://github.com/Albeoris/Pulse/blob/ ... tes/ZTR.bt and make tool?
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typedef struct
int Magic;
int Version;
int Count01;
int Size;
int Count02;
} ZtrFileHeader;
typedef struct
byte Source;
union {
short Short;
byte Byte[2];
} New;
} EncodingPattert;
typedef struct
byte blockNumber;
byte replaceOffset;
ushort blockOffset;
} TextEntry;
typedef struct
uint Size;
EncodingPattert Patterns[Size / 3];
} EncodingBlock;
ZtrFileHeader header;
uint unk_table1[header.Count02];
TextEntry unk_table2[header.Count01];
EncodingBlock encodingPage01;
char firstBlock[0x23C];
EncodingBlock encodingPage02;
char secondBlock[unk_table1[1] - unk_table1[0] - encodingPage02.Size - 4];