I want to look at the internals of a game called Portal Knights Steam Page
This game seems quite unique and I just found it. I would like to see how it functions.
The games executable loads a file called "gamebuild.zip" which contains game resource data.
The file can be extracted and [Renamed / Removed] and the game will load the loose files from the "gamebuild" directory.
Here is a sample screenshot of the file names etc.

The game has license information for:
IJG Jpeg software license
LUA scripting license
PCRE regex license
SNAPPY google snappy compression license.
I'm a novice when it comes to reversing or looking into these things and would like someone with more knowledge to help me out. Please and Thank You.
Here are some things I have done.
The game has certain protection, that I have used public tools to remove, I have also "emulated" the ability to play this game online. (*I actually own this game)
I was hoping I could use freely available tools to try and dump some of these files, but I have not had success locating and using them.
Points of interest:
The license refer to google snappy compression, which I know nothing about.
The license also refer to LUA, which is of interest, because I'd love to dig into and modify the game logic, if I am able to.
TrID http://mark0.net/soft-tridnet-e.html
is giving information for some files, but since I'm unfamiliar with these things, I'd like some input from others, and to confirm.
Attached is a log file.
Once again thanks for anyone's time who cares to read, and have a good day.