I am very new to this whole thing. been reading about the strength of this tool and trying to learn how to use it effectively.
I picked a game that is not getting much attention atm for what ever reason and trying to work from there. the game is Revelation Online chinese version.
after lots of reading, it seems like I need to unpack 2 files from that game and translate them and repack them, the files are entities.pg and gui.pg
I tried using quickbms script that was made for revelation online:
* 1gab 2gab Bag . 1gab / 2gab / bag / ytpg (script 0.2.1) . lzo1x . 0x62616731 . 0x62616732 . 0x70677479 . aes . revelation_online . 0x5a5a5a5a
I am getting an error and program does not go any further.

I used hex editor and got this:

ytgp, the script file says ytpg.
so I realize the script is outdated, my question is, how to make scripts myself so I dont have to bother people everytime the game is updated?
and yes I am only on the first step right now, unpacking the files. still did nothing for translation and repacking. learning slowly :p
Thank you for your help guys