What is it?
Allows the extraction and repacking of Titanfalls game assets (vpk)

Code: Select all
-Fixed extract all dialog window saving incorrect folder path location.
-Fixed issue with application settings save
-Removed debug SelectedPath/InitialDirectory constants
-Implemented additional audio patcher (fixes extraction errors for good!)
-Fixed extraction of the root elements showing up in a folder called RootDir
-Reworked repacker once again (added compression option SLOW!)
-Optimized repacking code (faster CRC32 calculation) (Repacks a LOT faster)
-Removed check of filesizes in repacker
-Added Debug log generation for repacking
-Updated sound lookup table (should fix all 6ch sounds)
-Major bug fix with VPK structure reading
-Added support for foreign localization vpks
-Implemented fallback extraction mechanism for files which fail to export (refer to blogpost for more info)
-Fixed bug with sound patching that would not fix certain sound files
-Fixed 6 channel sound file patchs
-Fixed file associations causing the extracted files to be 0bytes
-Reworked repacker code
-Reworked sound patching
-Reworked memory handling fixes ('System.OutOfMemoryException') exception errors
-Various UI fixes
-Added "View Export Folder" option to export dialog for faster access
-Added extraction log to keep track of what failed and what got extracted successfully
-Added Recent Files option to the File menu.
-Added Repacking support(beta)
-Added Drag N Drop option for extracting folders (thanks again to Master131 for his help)
-Updated tool for the public release of the game
-Updated tool to use a single executable, great for portability
-Sound export improved actually reads wav.acache and extracts the wavs properly(thanks to JP Neufeld for his lookup table!!!)
-Improved extraction logic
-Tool now removes sharp sound at the beginning and end of each wav file
-Fixed an issue with unhandled exceptions crashing the error window or not displaying the error window at all
-Fixed a UI bug where extraction window displays the ok button while extracting
-Fixed a rare case where extraction doesn't work after extraction window has been closed
-Fixed "extract all" not working after cancelling the extract
-Fixed output extraction dialog window not saving history of previous extract location
-Fixed auto-update check logic
-Removed verbose debugging information
-Added Localization support for vpks
-Updated VPK Parsing logic
-Added option to patch sounds on export (Yes thats right sound extraction works now!)
-Patch VTF Option now auto-detects ATI2N textures and converts them. (Those broken normalmaps)
-Fixed bug with flipped normals in ATI2N Tool's tga export
-Fixed UI issues with root folders not displaying it's child folder content
-Fixed issue with extraction of single item not displaying output folder dialogbox
-UI speed improvements
-Updated ATI2Normal tool to export to TGA (thanks to Master131)
-Added ATI2Normal Tool for converting normal maps that are broken to DDS(Direct Draw Format)
-Added extraction code
-Extraction now works for most things besides sounds
-UI fixes
-Initial Release