Hello everyone. I'd like to ask for help with a format (.fa). This archive comes straight from the Inazuma Eleven 3 - Team Ogre Attacks game for the 3DS (which is a port of the NDS version of the game): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9Nd_ ... 3hFVUlJem8
It should contain everything aside from the game's audio files. The problem is the structure of this archive appears quite troublesome, even though I can read through the game's texts with a simple hex editor:
Can anybody offer help/advice on how to decrypt this archive? Thank you in advance.
EDIT: Here's the signature at the beginning of the file, as I've been told posting it can be useful.
The script can be re-used on the extracted ARCV files.
No filenames or directory structure.
Thank you! I was able to decrypt this archive thanks to your script. But there's still a problem, the same script works for only one arcv. The others produce this error:
There were a couple of big bugs in the script that made it impossible to use even on archive_op.fa (so I don't know how you got any file from it...) Updated to version 0.1.1