I just wanted to make you aware that the BTD-Battles data.jet password has been changed with the last update (at least on steam with version 4.0.3). This means that the passwords for BTD on http://aluigi.altervista.org/papers.htm#info are not up to date.
Thanks for having taken the time to read my comment
P.S.: I tried using your QuickBMS tool, but I'm a noob so I wrote a proper Python-program to manually check all the passwords in the pwd list which I got from using dumproc and exestrinqz, but I am kinda noobish so it didn't find anything (it may not even be in the exe, but the fact that many people hace found it out already leads me to believe that it is easily accessible).
I just wanted to make you aware that the BTD-Battles data.jet password has been changed with the last update (at least on steam with version 4.0.3). This means that the passwords for BTD on http://aluigi.altervista.org/papers.htm#info are not up to date.
Thanks for having taken the time to read my comment
P.S.: I tried using your QuickBMS tool, but I'm a noob so I wrote a proper Python-program to manually check all the passwords in the pwd list which I got from using dumproc and exestrinqz, but I am kinda noobish so it didn't find anything (it may not even be in the exe, but the fact that many people hace found it out already leads me to believe that it is easily accessible).
it's NOT That easy accessible, firstly, the exe blocks Debugging, and you can't really do anything about it, secondly, the pass is not a string, but i believe it is saved in hex form since it's completly copatible with hex.