I would like to take a look into the settings xml files similar to Far Cry 3 and Watch_Dogs and the easiest way for that would be to be able to unpack the common.dat/common.fat archive to access said files directly although I can see the contents partially via a hex editor.
Seeing how it worked for Far Cry 3 and Watch_Dogs I guess the file names will need a lot of work to be found but just being able to extract the files would be good.
And with that here's the common .dat / .fat archive.
Game won't unlock until Tuesday and Ubisoft already has two patches planned (First one being prepared on Monday.) although it will probably affect the patch .dat / .fat file primarily (And the game exe and .dll file.) if it works similar to previous Dunia engine games.
There's no real hurry though, I understand that these things can take time.

EDIT: How curious, I decided to try and run the files through Gibbed's tools for Dunia 2 (rev179 I think the latest version is.) and it seems to have extracted the archive, interesting but good news.

(EDIT: That would be these. -> http://svn.gib.me/builds/dunia2/ )