I saw that they could extract the audio files of the PKG files of Destiny (Bungie 2014)
Something that has been impossible for my low knowledge in programming and systems
And I'm working on a project called Music of the Spheres Definitive Edition
A musical prequel to Destiny that was forgotten ...
And inside the game there is music that I need and it has been impossible for me to achieve
Can anyone tell me how I can extract audio from Destiny's PKG files?
I have the PS3 ISO '' Destiny PS3-UNLiMiTED ''
But I have tried unsuccessfully with quite a few programs including software with monetary costs
I would be very grateful if someone can guide me, I need to extract the music the first time our guardian meets the queen Mara Sov.
I need that piece of audio to complete my version of Music of the Spheres and Destiny fans can enjoy it in high quality.
I have an extraction with "all" Destiny audio files, but this is incomplete
If someone helps me I promise to give you credits in the project, and mention that it was fundamental to complete it

My youtube channel is Tlohtzin123, in case someone likes to enter to listen to the most complete version of Music of the Spheres
My email is Tlohtzin123@gmail.com