Tried with retail full version of the game.
here data+index files: ... est_Eng.7zGot error:
09c63457 4294967284 1/gui_weapons_ps2.png
Error: impossible to write 0xfffffff4 bytes (total 0xfffffff4)
Check your disk space
- 651 files found in 13 seconds
coverage file 0 24% 54768 220376 . offset 0001016c
coverage file 1 49% 163978063 333548138 . offset 09c63457
" process other files from index, only first ones before error.
flags "-." "-e" dont help too.
Also all .tga files there are .png too, but have odd 8 bytes at the beginning before real PNG signature. So if you remove it, it will be normal png: