having to play the game and the game only downloads the assets when you see them in game.
What you need for this tutorial is
Nox App Player: https://www.bignox.com/
Process Hacker: http://processhacker.sourceforge.net/
Telerik Fiddler : https://www.telerik.com/download/fiddler
and the apk for the game you want to get the assets from.
We will use 放課後ガールズトライブ aka Girls Tribe After School.
Apk Download
Start up nox and get your google account all set up.
Now drag the apk onto the home screen and this will pop up.

click open apk folder
now click on the game and choose install.
Now we need to start up fiddler and go to tools options and set it like this.

Also make sure the check mark under Connections for Allow remote computers to connect is set.
Now you can download the certificate from

Copy the certificate you downloaded to Nox_share\Other folder.
use ex file explorer to copy the certificate to /sdcard
Now go into settings -> Security -> Install from sd card

Click FiddlerRoot.cer and just give it a name and click ok

Now we can point nox to our fiddler proxy.
Go to Settings - > Wifi - Click and hold on the wifi connection and choose modify network

Make sure your computer can be accessed from the internet on port 8888 (Normally called port forwarding)
and set the proxy like this (Get it from http://whatismyip.com )

Now if you launch the game you will see url's start to show up in fiddler.
the first 3 are

http://res.jp.girls-tribe.com/Resource/ ... c.csv?key=
We are interested in the 3rd one.
if we paste this in a browser we get a nice csv list of all files.
example entry
With this we can generate the download link for our computer to grab the file.
http://res.jp.girls-tribe.com/Resource/ ... 84f22cff5b
so the download format is
release_1.0.7/Android_Compressed/AssetBundle/Character, - path
ch_nadeko_maid_00_body, - file
a3a6ae8682cac7113ff236f479d4df84f22cff5b, - key
so we do
http://res.jp.girls-tribe.com/Resource/ + path + file + ?key= + key
you can get the ios version of the files also with this csv file.
http://res.jp.girls-tribe.com/Resource/ ... c.csv?key=
For some games you might not see url's in fiddler (some games use tunnels)
for those games just see where the tunnel is connecting to example might be
tunneling to res.jp.girls-tribe.com:443
just open up Process Hacker (as admin) While the game is paused downloading files
and right click noxvmhandle.exe and go to properties
click on the memory tab and choose strings

after it comes back with all the strings choose filter
and put in girls-tribe.com
and it will show you the games links even if they were hidden.