Hey guys, i need some help extracting texture's from Madagascar and if anyone could tell me how to unpack and repack the textures in png or bmp format , that would be great . the type of file is a .stream
Download the .stream i'm on about : http://download1509.mediafireuserdownload.com/9xavvk73tspg/nljg14zoiosub9v/banquet.stream
i tried using this but this bms code only extracts one texture and it extract's it in txd format
Get Q ASIZE 0 ; Math offset = 1 For T = 0 < Q ; Math OFFSET += 1 ; GoTo OFFSET 0 findloc OFFSET string "\x72\x77\x49\x44\x5F\x54\x45\x58\x44\x49\x43\x54\x49\x4F\x4E\x41\x52\x59" 0 0 ; If OFFSET = 0 ; Math T = Q ; Math T += 1 ; ELSE ; GoTo OFFSET 0 ; SavePos start 0 ; GoTo 0x14 0 SEEK_CUR ; SavePos start 0 ; Get namelength Long 0 ; GoTo start 0 ; GoTo namelength 0 SEEK_CUR ; GoTo 0x10 0 SEEK_CUR ; Get size Long 0 ; SavePos start 0 ; Math x = T ; string x += .TXD ; Log x start size 0 ; EndIF ; Next T ;
if rwType == 1814 get headerSize long memory_file savepos headerStart memory_file get nameSize long memory_file get rwName string memory_file string fName + rwName strlen fNameLen rwName math nameSize - fNameLen math nameSize - 1 goto nameSize memory_file SEEK_CUR goto 16 memory_file SEEK_CUR get rwID_Size long memory_file get rwID string memory_file