It would be appreciate someone could decrypt it.
I think comparing BGM or ED6_LOGO might be help. And here is information.
"Hi, I checked the encrypted files, and I think they can be decrypted. The encrypting algorithm is actually quite simple. It reads 8 bytes from the original file, does some kind of binary operation on this field then writes it to the output.
For example, in the encoded file, 8 bytes of 0x0 always becomes 0xE25610A8CF5E9B4D, 0x2F5F5F5F5F5F5F5F2E5F5F5F00000000 (see the end of the dir file) always becomes 0x7C6E8C987BCD24611586F8FB36AB0249.
The problem is of course figuring out what happens with these 8 bytes. While the algorith looks simple, I'm not a cryptography expert, so it might be faster to search for somebody who knows what can be done with this. I tried writing a very simple bruteforce program, but it will take about 2302,74 years to finish (checking 2^64 numbers takes time).
There is also an interesting thing, the size of ed6_dt00.dat (encrypted) is not a multiple of 8, and there is a half-encoded (?) 4 bytes at the end. You can see the lots of encoded nulls before it too.
Well, maybe you can figure out something. Good luck!