It's been a while since my last post but i'm back with another puzzling file, i hope you guys want to help.

So short story short, there's this guy wich is making some very criptic horror games, and there's a community of people trying to solve them (there's a discord and a reddit if you want either of those feel free to ask in the thread), now going back to the games.
For the info about the game packaging structure there's a gdoc with generic info we have collected.
Now about the dat files: they just seem to be a bunch of files concated toghether but we never managed to extract any of the images, we've been successful with the wav audio files though. As mentioned in the gdoc we have used wavextract and x-ripper for that
A pattern that makes the files similar is that they all start with the game strings at the beginning, i suspect some kind of bytecode is present because i was once able to find some game numeric pins there.
If you want to help here's a collection of all the dat files we have found and here for the wav extract build i have made
It would be amazing if we could come up with a BMS script file.