admin I cannot run FMOD tools on my pc, I need admin help to encrypt this fsb using old password : kri_tika_5050_
link : ... E.fsb?dl=0I download FMOD tools from this topic :
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4004decfsb.exe => To decode encrypted FSB (cannot run this tools on window 7 and window 10)
fsb_aud_extr.exe =>Tool created by id-daemon to convert the fsb to wav, is great for CELT and ogg vorbis audios (cannot run this tools on window 7 and window 10)
fsb5_split.exe => Searchs for multiples FSB inside a big file (ex: Unity. resource files) and extracts them (not decode) (cannot run this tools on window 7 and window 10)
fsbankexcl.exe ==>The tool from FMOd to convert FSB and wav to other formats or reduce/increase bitrates (cannot run this tools on window 7 and window 10)
fsbext.exe ==>Tool created by Aluigi to extract FSB's, it created list, save the structures, and two types of encryption (can run it but I only know how to extract FSB files and dunno how to encrypt the new fsb file I already convert)
FsbExtractor.exe =>Aeazy FSB extractor, Gui mode, with this tool you can see if some MP3 inside FSB have loops, like the game OCTODAD (can run it and really easy to understand how this tools works)
guessfsb.exe =>Guess what

(cannot run it)
tw2unfsb.exe =>To convert the CELT audio from The Witcher 2 (cannot run it)