Hi ~ aluigi.The structure of the NXPK and the AWB file seem to be very close, and their file directories are in the head of the NPK file, and they don't know if this is available, can you look at it?Thank you ~ Game client: https://share.weiyun.com/ef0bca3454e9acdb51040758653ab695 I use the NPK file for filecutted BMS:
aluigi wrote:Script 0.3.5 It's the same format of the AWB used in another game so now I check the version field inside the archive instead of the extension.
I made a mistake using Script 0.3.5, and is the format of NXPK not available in the file name?
aluigi wrote:I don't know, here it works perfectly with the res.npk you provided. You didn't provide the other files so I can't comment about them.
Wow, I'm sorry, it's my fault, the script is incomplete, and now it's working. Is there any way to get the filename of the header like AWB and this NXPK?I saw a file directory, But you said earlier that it's kind of confusing encryption
aluigi wrote:I don't remember where I said that but if you have only the npk file and no npk.* then there are no filenames.
Hi ~ aluigi. On the NXPK file, can a separate extract of a type of document? Because in the case of no name directory, the extracted model file and other format file suffixes are DAT, which is difficult to identify, if it can distinguish, it will be excellent.
The dat extension is used when there is no recognized file format. All the normal files like png, dds, bmp and so on get the correct extension, so when you see "dat" it means "I have no idea what's this file"