I too would be interested in this - it's a bit beyond me though, seems to have encryption throughout the archive footer and files directory.
You can go here to get a free Beta key for the game...
https://quake.bethesda.net/en/signupThis directs you how to download the game - it has a number of PAK files in the client\preload\paks directory - most are 25-200MB in size, and 1 at nearly 16GB in size.
This is the general archive structure...
Code: Select all
// for each file
X - File Data
// for each file
X - Unknown (Encrypted)
1 - null
2 - Unknown (4)
4 - Unknown (4)
2 - Header (PK)
2 - Version? ((bytes)5,6)
4 - null
4 - Unknown
4 - Directory Length
8 - Directory Offset
X - Unknown
40 - Encrypted Footer Info
I suspect somewhere in the 40-byte Encrypted Footer it will contain a pointer to the "PK" field in the ARCHIVE FOOTER, after which you can find the offset and length of the DIRECTORY.
The entries in the DIRECTORY are of varying length, but are similar sized (ie. all in the range of say 80-120 bytes in length), so I suspect the encrypted part probably stores filenames and directory paths, and hopefully some length and offset information for each file.
The file data doesn't appear to be encrypted, and I don't think it's compressed either. Certainly, when downloading the data from the website at the top, it only downloaded about 10-11GB for the install, but it takes up about 17GB on my PC, so I'm pretty certain the PAK files are not compressed on my PC (but were obviously compressed when downloading from the website)
Would anyone with encryption expertise care to take a look at this?
Thanks, much appreciated.