I managed to rip (sound.big, soundlocal.big) from prince of persia warrior within & the two thrones
and (dataps3_streamedsounds.forge) from prince of persia 2008 by using [DecUbiSnd] you can download the
latest version from here https://bitbucket.org/Zenchreal/decubisnd/downloads/ ... But now I need help to extract
''Sound.bf'' from the PS3 Game, please help me, I need this so bad

When i open it in HxD the header is [ GEAR BigFile ] but the script in quickbms.com didn't work
If there's a program that can extract it then please tell me.. or If anyone knows how to write a script for it, I'll appreciate it very much
The file size is 841 MB, I'll upload it if anyone wants to test it <3