Would it be possible to create a script to unpack/repack the mipmaps?
So as far as I can tell, textures are split into 3 files.
All textures I've looked @ use DXT1 compression /No Alpha
1.) .uasset - basic uasset created for textures in UE4 games, but without the actual textures.
2.) .ubulk - Main Texture FIle, No header, No Footer. Can be opened as dds if you create new file & add a DXT1 header (No MipMaps) & a 4-Byte Null for the footer.
3.) .uexp - Mip Maps - Contains a Header/Footer. I can't open the MipMaps individually/Separately, However, If I add them to the Main Texture File & stipulate MipMap count in the Header, then I can open them in Photoshop without issue. My problem is that I have no way of then placing them back into the .uexp file. If I simply separate them from the main texture dds and paste into the .uexp file (Where it should go) the game reads them as corrupted and crashes.
Any help or guidance with this would be greatly appreciated. Here's some files for you to look @:
If there's more info u need please let me know.