Could anyone help me how to generate .UPKpkginfo? I created a new font with new size (smaller original file and this game used Unreal Engine 2.5), when I repack UPK without generate .UPKpkginfo, game crash and have a warning:
Sorry! I mean is how to repack with new font!
Original file have size: 198101 New file have size: 181857
I don't think that someone can do something but what happens to the game if you take the original file, modify a couple of bytes without chaning its size and repack it?
in some UE3 games is CRC check in executables ! I have seen this in many game. Also some games have check of size in txt files call Cooked.txt(not sure about exact name now)
Okey, I have this same problem and I want edit Mesh and pack it. So how to generate with right tool a UPKinfo?
The only good answer is get License version of Unreal Engine 3 (UDK), to unpack-edit-pack UPK in the game engine. But it is not possible right now. Nobody from Epic sell license.
To edit some content in unpacked cooked folder, you must edit that information in txt files, because Repacker.exe read this information, before packing it. Name table Import Table Export table
For Example, If I delete SkieletalMesh and I put in this place another skieletalMesh (which I made before) I must replace information in three Tables, from my tables (which I made before) to main tables.
But what's about UPKpkginfo? Oh yea, I forgot this one is important too, because in repacking UPKpacker.exe read UPKpkginfo at first, then next three tables.
But there's a one problem... Some text have unknown sings, and it can't be fully read in this UPKpkginfo via notepad.
My first idea is open via Hex Editor and edit/save, but this is hard way.