Would like to add a few words upon finding this. It works like a charm. Had an outdated quickbms, worked flawlessly when updated. Sound TLFILE of Zestiria.
Everything other folder has .dat, save for two
Sound folders are SPIS14 (SFX? Voice?) and SPIS22 (BGM) 107 files. BGM is .NSBF format. SPIS14 also is NSBF, but is not playable via vgmstream.
Easy use would be foobar + vgmstream, combined with cmd ren *.nbs *nbsf
Will probably return with results from main TLFile later, since finding information is sparse, hope it'll help whoever runs across it.
Hi guys!!! Im new in this comunity!! Well, I want tell us that I´m spanish, and Im sorry if my english is not very good.
OK, this post is for ask help of this community for can decrypt the audio files of this game for I can do a modd to dubbing the game into spanish.
In this game exist 2 folders: PK0 and PK1. PK0 is the folder to japanese language, PK1 is to english language (or this I think). Into de PK0 are the files (FILEHEADER.TOFHDB (10.270kb) and TLFILE.TLDAT (3,5gb.) ) I have succes of decrypt the "TLFILE.TLDAT" and I obtained a lot of folders from the extraction of the PK0 folder, and between all of them only 2 folders have files that have a weight than I think if possible are the audio files of the internal sequences the game, BUT all files are in .DAT files, and I need encounter the way to extract this audio to change the language to spanish and return this audio file back to .DAT
aluigi wrote:I will check quickbms if it's something that can be fixed there but reimporting using memory files is a sort of "hack" in quickbms.
Thanks Aluigi...
i'm trying to reimport on Tales of Zestiria PS3 - NPEB02235, your script can extract all files, but when i try reimport the quickbms give me that error. maybe in near future can be possible to reimport ?
Reimport mode works: - perfectly with normal files - so-so or very well with chunked files written directly to disk (log/append/log/append) - probably not with chunked files built in memory and then written to disk (log mem/append/log mem/append/log)
The mode that I adopt for all my scripts for archived with chunked files is the last one. There is not a fix for it, quickbms already implements an experimental method to try to work with these chunked memory files but it can't make miracles. Sorry.