I've been trying to figure out how to extract these files for a while, it doesn't seem as simple as some other formats. Inside there's headers for:
0x1C lists the total number of models inside, and at the bottom of the file, it lists the names of the models, such as N0074_KEAL_ARIA_SEV120_LEAF_0.
The textures can be ripped and viewed using tools for BBS, but there's nothing to unpack and repack the whole archive.
I want to be able to unpack these, add new ones in, and repack. Viewing them would be nice as well

Here's 3 samples for anyone to look at:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/v4cd2 ... mz/fep.zip
p_eht100 is Squall's effects from Dissidia 012
p_sev120 is Aerith's effects from Dissidia 012
b11ex00.fep is from Kingdom Hearts Birth by sleep.
Thank you