Uncharted4.exe - character tool. Outputs all textures to one folder.
Uncharted4_m.exe - all assets tool. Outputs textures to folder structure.
Usage: drop .PAK file onto the tool.
For texture dictionary packages it will export textures as DDS. Some of them will be in DX10 format.
For model packages it will export skeletons and/or models in SMD and ASCII.
Most models have multiple UV sets (only exported to ASCII).
Textures for a character may be spread across many different levels. To help get them all, used textures list is created when extracting model.
Skeletons are usually in separate packages. You need to copy-paste skeleton to the model file as it was done before in my Uncharted 1-2-3 tools.
You can also export specific textures by running: Uncharted4.exe <PAK> <filter>
For example: Uncharted4.exe world-city-dict.pak drake
Will only export textures with "drake" in their name.
https://luxox18.deviantart.com/art/Unch ... -715839414