I found the unarchived file on the internet, but don't know how to extract it myself. I would also like information on the extracted CLDB file, I assume it's
a true-text database (possibly YAML, JSON, XML) of information pertaining to unity archive formats. I want to see the contents of this file to grow my
knowledge of the unity's formats.
EDIT: Just got information that the CLDB file is generated by the deserializer's assembly code. Possibly comparable to something like the PDB format:
https://www.wintellect.com/pdb-files-wh ... must-know/
Presumably, the CLDB file holds addresses to values that need to be deserialized through code.
This zip includes both the TPK archive, and the extracted CLDB file:
https://mega.nz/#!L0cxhJ5C!hbeCmdmTcc5G ... J5fnKoJjdE
Please and thank you!