I have spoken to Luigi about this, and He feels that i did not explain myself before in my original post.
I currently have the game and the DLC for Destiny - Dark Below/Rise of Iron/House of Wolves/Taken King. However, all the files are on the PS4. I have no idea how to get to these data files and that is what i am asking, at the moment, if there is anyway possible to get them. And anyone able to help with grabbing the data files (no doubt pkg files) so i can attempt to then extract them.
So to re-iterate what help i am looking for is, if there is anyone here that has managed to get any downloadable DLC content that goes direct to the PS4 (maybe a data-miner) that can help me/point me in the right direction in finding the pkg files (or whatever they are) from the actual PS4! So that i can then extract the music from them

I hope i have explained myself better this time..
Thanks for your time, and Merry Christmas!