Hi aluigi thanks a lot , it worked with offzip, but It extracts without preserving name and roots so it's a little bit messy... I don't know name of the game but I added the homepage in the first post.
Since it's a gamebryo game supported, I'm interested on models and ani, but without names and the folder's root it's quite impossible... I would really appreciate if you could make a bms script for this game =)
p.s: another problem is that it extract only 16 byte for file, so every texture and model is splitted in several parts and I can't open them in Nifskope
The archive doesn't contain filenames. What you get with offzip is 100% of the files which means that there is nothing else available, you can see that by checking the 5th field displayed by offzip -a during the extraction, it's 0 which means that there is no "space" between the compressed files
The main problem is that it's like offzip splited original files in many parts of 16 kb ( Texture and Models), parts that can't be loaded!
sorry I'm a nub in this things xD and I don't understand if the fact of having Head and Tail Obfuscated means that it's impossible to have a .bms script; because if it's possible but it would need hard work and time I could reward you for your time.
Basically the list of offset, compressed size and uncompressed size of each chunk is available at offset 0x6887A9 and the filenames at offset 0x6927ed, but the header is obfuscated in some way just like the tail that contains information about the number of chunks for each file. Long story short... use offzip
Last post since i've seen a lot of people interested in this topic and don't want people lose time.
Offzip extract textures and Nif files, those nif files contain only MODEL, no animation. .kf files that normally contain animation are not well extracted ( got a lot of .dat files )