How to edit LocalizationPackage_English.ac2, LocalizationPackage_English_Subtitles.ac2 etc files?
makc_ar wrote:Thanks! But this tool only export text. Someone tool export\import?
Спасибо, но утилита только извлекает текст, а как его запаковать?
Delutto wrote:Forgelib is only a unfinished dumper, texts are in incorrect order and are missing about 1000 lines of texts.
Delutto wrote:- .forge export/import done.
- lzo files decompress/compress done.
- LocalizationPackage extract done. Repack is a work in progress.Delutto wrote:Forgelib is only a unfinished dumper, texts are in incorrect order and are missing about 1000 lines of texts.
I was wrong, I was talking about LocalizationPackage_English_Subtitles and misunderstood with LocalizationPackage_English. ForgeLib extract correctly.
tabo8226 wrote:so, you have tool to localize assassins creed 2 yes? Can I have link for it?
KhavitZ wrote:just a question, Delutto. will your tool be compatible with black flag ?
stevenking10 wrote:when will share your tool?